Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 388 Chapter 388 Although You Are Not Human

Chapter 388 388. Although you are not human
"What are you..." In the blink of an eye, the Shura field was over, and Lilith's attention was successfully transferred from the little guys and wolf cubs to the four people next to them.

It was also at this time that she realized that she was not alone here.

Lilith froze for a moment, and subconsciously recalled what she had just done in her mind, her fair face instantly turned red.

"Tsk..." Su You knew at a glance that this was the owner of her pet shop's 'social terror' attack again, so she immediately helped out: "Seeing that you get along well with them, these little guys will be handed over to you." You took care of it."

"Okay, okay...I, I will take care of them...well." Lilith's voice was not too loud, but she could clearly hear some stuttering.

Su You didn't care. After saying this, she asked Lilith if she needed help.

For example, does she need someone to help her take these little guys to the pet store, what do they eat, whether the pet store has corresponding rations, etc.

"No, it's okay. I can send them to the pet store by myself. As for the food, it is enough for now. The store has everything they eat."

Lilith had already said this, so Su You let her go.

She left, and Vivian, who came to watch the fun, was also about to leave, but she didn't forget to take a lot of melon seeds from Su You before leaving.

Duoli Duoya was also a little sleepy, and after saying hello to Su You, she also left together. When only Su You and a mink were left in the City Lord's Mansion, she realized that she seemed to have forgotten something.

"System? Is it still there?" Su You called out tentatively, making Lingbao look at the master who was talking to the air inexplicably.

As expected of an executive system, the execution system reacted very quickly. Although it was ignored by Su You, it was still a system with good quality, and it didn't make any face to Su You just because of such a trivial matter.

Though it also has no face (literally).


Su You: "?"

Su You didn't expect that what she just said casually would actually make the executive system care about it.

But this matter is indeed her fault, because she forgot that there is another system left here by herself.

In order to prevent the execution system from withdrawing the reward, Su You quickly apologized and expressed her needs.

"Sorry, I apologize, this matter was my mistake, so in order to avoid wasting time, I think we can discuss the issue of reward selection now. I want to reduce the evaluation to SS, and then receive the reward of SS evaluation. "

Su You felt that it was unrealistic to directly ask for six gold boxes and eighteen silver boxes, so she had to change her explanation.

Lowering the evaluation seems to be her disadvantage, but she doesn't care what the evaluation is, but only cares about the final reward, so as long as she can get the box, she has achieved her goal.

"How is it? This request is not difficult, right? What I want is to lower the rating, not increase it. Anyway, this is the highest rating, and I can't improve it."


One minute passed, and two minutes passed, and Su You never received a response from the execution system. If it weren't for the sound of mechanically imitated breathing lingering in her ears, Su You might have doubted whether the other party had left.

Although Su You didn't want to talk too much, but for her own reward, she still reminded her aloud: "Is it possible? I'm sleepy, if you want to take back the reward, tell me earlier, don't waste the time of both parties."

To be honest, Su You is really not worried that the execution system will withdraw the reward. If it wanted to withdraw it, it would have left with a notification.

In contrast, the execution system's slightly resentful tone just now seemed to indicate that it also had to do things according to the rules - for example, it needed to help Su You fulfill one of her needs.

As for not talking now, it may be just playing a small temper, or it may be for 'revenge' for Su You's ignoring it just now.

After all, the last time I used it, it gave me a super serious negative buff. Although I also gave him a panacea later, this is enough to show that this is a very cautious system.

Su You yawned, supporting her drowsy brain, and wheezing with her hands, woke up Lingbao who had just fallen asleep.

Su You: Wake up and go back to sleep!
Although Lingbao hates people disturbing his sleep, because it was Su You who woke him up, even if Lingbao gets angry again, he just sticks his head and rubs her hand, and then tightens his long tail. Tightly wrapped around Suyou's wrist.

While waiting for a response, Su You stared at the time in a daze - she also wanted to sleep, but in order to prevent this narrow-minded guy from doing anything else, Su You decided to bow her head.

Anyway, it's for rewards, there's no shame in bowing your head.

In a blink of an eye, 9 minutes passed, and there were still 56 seconds left before Su You's timeout. Su You counted the numbers boredly. When she counted to 56, she heard the response from the executive system——

[This request is beyond the scope of authority, has been rejected, remaining opportunities: 4. 】

Su You: ...

"It doesn't make sense. I got an SSS rating. Why can't I voluntarily lower my rating now?" Although this result was expected, Su You was still speechless after hearing it.

"Okay, it's alright if you don't lower your rating, you can send me rewards directly according to SS's rating, and I can exchange SSS rewards for SS rewards, okay?"

[This request is beyond the scope of authority, has been rejected, remaining opportunities: 3. 】

It was another expected answer, which completely aroused Su You's anger.

I don't know if it's because I'm sleepy or because I'm angry, Su You's head is a little confused.

So I didn't think about anything taboo or not, so I just opened my mouth and said a lot.

"I feel that your rewards are not good. There is only one SSS reward, and there is no standard. If you can get it, you can get it. If you can't get it, you don't get it. Then why did I work so hard to get the SSS score? You specially What is the reason for such a high evaluation?"

"Although you are not human (literally), and I don't ask you to be humane, but as an executive system, at least you have some logic?"

"Unless you tell me that the evaluation of SSS is lower than that of SS, or you can give me a permission that exceeds the evaluation reward of SS on a logical level, otherwise you can send this reward randomly, and I am too lazy to pick it. You If I’m not sleepy, I’m still sleepy.”

After saying this, Su You happened to yawn, and almost wrote the word sleepy on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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