Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 395 Chapter 395 Her Legend

Now he looks much calmer than before, and he has gradually lost the appearance that he acted on his own when we first met, and he basically didn't think too much before acting.

This is obviously affected by a series of effects that have happened to him during this month.

Although becoming one of the managers of the territory looks very prestigious, in fact it requires a lot of effort and there are also many difficulties that you will encounter.

Fortunately, he achieved the goal he had set, and also met Su You's request, and successfully became the 'magistrate' of the territory.

"Do you still remember the stone gate that you and Lyle found? The fifth floor of this tower is this stone gate, but now I built this tower. In the future, this tower will be a place where you can train everyone's actual combat experience, so you must We must protect Shimen."

"I said this to let you know the real situation of this tower, so that it will be convenient for you to arrange personnel. As long as you think that the people you arrange can guard this place well, then there is no problem."

Su You briefly explained the importance of this tower to Lake, and then expressed her trust in Lake's arrangement.

"Yes, I understand." Lake has always known that the lord trusts him very much, and also provided him with a lot of help in the process of growing up. Otherwise, he would never have learned so much in just one month. , know so much.

Su You's explanation about this tower also successfully made Lake pay special attention to this monster spawning tower.

After all, as one of the parties involved in cleaning up the monster spawner, he knows the threat of the monster spawner best. If such a building is placed in the territory and can be used well, it is definitely a good way to improve the actual combat experience place.

But if the safety issue is not handled well, it will also cause a lot of damage to the territory.

Moreover, Lake could also guess that the construction of this ghost stone door was not simple. If it was destroyed casually, it would definitely be his responsibility.

After explaining the situation to Lake, Su You left here, going to find the people of Tianhong Caravan.

When seeing Bai Qiu for the third time, Su You could clearly find that his energy and energy were completely different from before.

This is a kind of self-confidence exuding from the inside out, which is completely different from the previous state of being proud just because he is a member of the Tianhong Caravan.

Just by looking at his current appearance, one can guess that Bai Qiu's position in the Tianhong Caravan is probably not what it used to be.

"Hi Lord Su, but I haven't seen you for half a month. I never thought that the Sunset Territory has developed so fast." Bai Qiu put away the floating thoughts in his heart, and the expression and attitude on his face unconsciously turned into a faint respectful state. .

Su You noticed something, but she didn't care. It was just a business relationship anyway, and she didn't plan to have a deep friendship with the Tianhong Caravan, so she didn't care about their people.

"Thank you, I don't know if Captain Bai's trip is for herbal medicine?" Since there is no necessary deep friendship, and even the other party relied on the information she provided to get to where she is today, she is not going to make any detours. , not only a waste of time, but also unnecessary.

As for whether Bai Qiu would understand, Su You felt that since he could come this far and appear in front of her, it meant that he was a smart person.

Sure enough, after hearing that Su You didn't intend to be too polite, Bai Qiu stopped talking nonsense.

"Lord Su is smart, it's because of the herbs." Bai Qiu opened the two boxes beside him, which were full of herbs.

Because Su You paid for these and entrusted them to buy them, she has the authority to pick them up, and she can also see the amount of herbs in the box at a glance.

[Cold Wind Grass *500 can be picked up]

【You can pick up Meditation Bamboo*100】

[Can pick up bird fruit*1000]

[Purple Leaf Red Lotus*50 can be picked up]


From dozens to hundreds or even thousands, these two seemingly small boxes contained more than 1 herbs, and there were as many as [-] types of herbs!
Although Su You didn't know what agreement the Tianhong Caravan reached with Cold Wind Valley, and what their final herbal medicine transaction price was, she could still tell that the herbal medicines in these two boxes must be worth more than two hundred gold coins.

Moreover, Su You's memory is not bad. She remembered that she only wrote a list of more than a dozen kinds of herbs at that time, and there are obviously too many here.

If it is based on the price she once traded to Cold Wind Valley, the value of the herbs in these two boxes can be at least five hundred gold coins!
"This is it?" If it was only a little more, Su You would have accepted it, but it was obviously double the amount. As the saying goes, if Bai Qiu didn't make it clear, Su You would definitely accept it. will be free.

Some advantages are not so easy to take advantage of.

"Lord Su, don't worry. These extra herbs were given to us by the elders in the valley after we reached a cooperation with Cold Wind Valley. Our captain said that we can achieve this cooperation thanks to you, so let me send these things over. Yes." Bai Qiu didn't lie, everything he said was true, but he hid part of the content.

These extra parts were indeed given by Cold Wind Valley, but they are reciprocal. Since it is a gift to celebrate the cooperation, it is definitely impossible for Cold Wind Valley to unilaterally send the herbs, and the Tianhong caravan must have sent gifts there.

So these herbs appear to be gifts, but in fact they are just a barter transaction.

It's just that the Tianhong caravan probably has a big business and doesn't like this little herbal medicine, so they simply sent it here as a favor to Su You.

"Okay, I got it, thank you captain for me." The words have already reached this point, there is no need to push back and forth, so Su You directly asked people to send all the two boxes of herbs to the medical center .

However, Su You didn't want to owe a favor, so she took out three lucky charms.

Bai Qiu recognized this thing, after all, he was there when the underwater maze appeared.

And since those people came back from following Su You into the underwater maze, they have often shared with others what they saw and heard in the maze, including the maze, the chain formation, the splendid palace, and the black dragon. , and Su You.

Su You didn't know yet, although she had never met anyone else in the Tianhong Caravan, there was already a legend in the caravan that belonged to her, especially when the news spread from one person to another, it would always deviate The very first truth.

In short, Bai Qiu firmly believed in the effect of the lucky rune, so he immediately proposed to buy it.

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