Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 399 Chapter 399 Don't mess with theories!

Although Jin Luo's name is a bit rustic, it fits her personality very well.

If Su You were to name Jinluo, then Su You felt that the name 'Qian Duoduo' would definitely suit her, and she would definitely like it very much.

"Okay, you can go and play too. I must trust your sister Jin Zi, otherwise I wouldn't have handed over all the money in the entire territory to her." Jinluo's loyalty points and affection points have already been full, So Su You must believe it.

The previous sentence was just a subconscious complaint, but I didn't expect to hear some other things about Jin Luo from Bu Guo, which was a pleasant surprise.

"Yeah!" Bu Guo was not stupid, he knew that Su You was just joking, so he didn't care. After hearing Su You's words, he left the bank and went out to play.

The original Bu Guo was always alone, with a withdrawn and indifferent personality, and he didn't live like a teenager who should have been carefree.

But since life has improved, the territory has become more lively, there are more children, and Bugo has more playmates around him.

Although due to her past experience, her mental age is much higher than that of her peers, but playing with these children more often has made her a lot more cheerful.

The situation that once saw everyone as a liar and a bad person, and wished to keep everyone at arm's length gradually disappeared.

Otherwise, she wouldn't just get along with Jin Luo for a few days, and the relationship would be that good.

In addition to sharing common interests and hobbies, the biggest reason is the change of Bouguo's personality.



Soon, the day was about to pass, and Su You waited for a long time in the territory but did not wait for the black snake who was supposed to come to 'pay off the debt'.

Just when Su You was thinking about whether the Black Snake was going to 'not repay the debt', or if there was indeed some important matter that could not come over today, a black figure came across the night.

'Damn it, that black bear is so hard to deal with! 'As soon as he entered the door, the black snake cursed.

While Su You was silently thinking about how the black snake learned the national curse, Ling Bao raised his paw and rubbed his eyes, and imitated a sentence.

'Hmm? 'Oh shit?
Su You's first reaction immediately was——

Lingbao, don't talk nonsense like other creatures!

The second reaction is——

It's over, my cute and cute guardian beast will be taught to be broken by the ruffian snake outside!
But having said that, the image is different, even if the words are the same, the feeling is different.

Although the Black Snake's swearing seems a bit weird to Su You, but inexplicably it fits well in the weirdness.

But Lingbao is different. Looking at it's cute and dumb look, it is like a parrot imitating two words. It may not know what it means, but it just wants to learn to say the last sentence. , which cannot be offended at all.

Before Hei She uttered other wild words, Su You didn't know where her courage came from. She got up and directly picked up the black snake with short arms and walked out of the bedroom. While walking, she did not forget to explain to Lingbao: "You rest first. , I'll be right back."

blacksnake:'? ? ? 'What doesn't feel right?

Seeing the back of Su You and Hei Snake leaving, Lingbao tilted his head in doubt, and then repeated what he just said.

Fortunately, Su You wasn't here, otherwise if she knew that her Guardian Beast was really bad at learning, she would definitely not be able to help but stab Hei Snake. ...

Outside the room, Black Snake kept his promise and took out all his treasures.

It can only be said that it is indeed a treasure treasured by a leader-level creature. Although it is not as good as the black dragon's treasure cave, it is already considered very good.

Su You couldn't see anything below blue quality at all here, and there were not even a few things of blue quality, most of them were purple.

For example, all kinds of gems, such as herbs with excellent healing effects, such as herbs that can enhance strength, such as a few treasure maps, a few blueprints for equipment weapons and machinery, a few rare and rare top-level ores, etc.

After reading these things, Su You couldn't help thinking of a question, because there was nothing taboo about this question, so she asked it directly.

"Where did you get these things? These blueprints and treasure maps don't look like things you would collect, do they?" The black snake is not a human being. Although it also wants treasures and treasures, it definitely doesn't A treasure map may be required.

Because it is the guardian of this area and cannot leave this place, the treasure map, which may have its final target anywhere in the continent, is of no use to it.

So, where did these things come from?

Regarding Su You's question, Black Snake did not hide it, and just said it openly.

'Of course it was taken from you humans. '

Su You: "..." It seems reasonable.

Black Snake said again: "There are not many humans like you. When those people see me, they will either run away, or they will call a large group of humans to try to kill me after they go back... hmph..."

There was a hint of displeasure in Hei Snake's tone.

Thinking about it, the Black Snake doesn't seem to be actively attacking humans, it only steals some food at most, and anyone who is disturbed by a group of people for no reason will definitely be unhappy, especially those people who still want to kill it purpose.

It is a cold-blooded snake, so we can't expect it to be kind enough to let those people go.

So there is no need to say more about the fate of those people, and Su You will not have any sympathy for those people, because the world itself is dominated by the weak and the strong. Whether it is human beings or other creatures, everyone always has to pay the price for their actions.

"Then these things should be useless to you, right?" Su You pointed to those treasure maps, gems, blueprints and so on.

These were snatched by the black snake from the humans who wanted to kill it.

Anyway, people were gone, and it was a waste to keep things. Although the black snake didn't need these things, it didn't like other creatures to take away its spoils, so it also brought these things back to its secret den.

And after the stone milk flower incident before, Black Snake couldn't help but be thankful that he had collected a lot of human things, otherwise it really didn't have any treasures to sell.

After all, it is not a human being, and the treasure it sees may be nothing in the eyes of human beings. Likewise, the treasures of human beings are garbage that occupies space in its eyes.

Now that there is an opportunity to clean up these garbage, Black Snake will naturally not be unwilling.

'Since I brought it here, it is for you. If you like it, you can take it all away... By the way, get me some more food. After finally killing that black bear, I have to celebrate, human beings Wait, I'm going out to get something. '

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