Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 447 447 Inspiration Season 29

Elves are also foodies, so after satisfying their own energy needs, they will occasionally try human food.

In this way, Anita took Su You to the 'restaurant' in the palace.

It is said to be a restaurant, but it is actually more like an open-air garden. In the center of the garden, tables and chairs entwined with delicate flowers and plants are placed, completely integrating with the surrounding scenery, making the entire environment as beautiful as a dream.

Being able to stay and dine in such a place is definitely a blessing.

In addition to the Elf Queen and Anita, there were also six elders of the Elf clan who appeared on this occasion.

In addition to Elder Tong Sheng, whom he had already met, the other five elders were also very polite to Su You.

The elders of the elves have no order of status, only responsibilities. For example, Elder Tongsheng is responsible for the safety of the elves and maintaining the order of the elves. Likewise, she is also the strongest among the six elders.

Moreover, she is also the most powerful elf among the entire elves, except for the Elf Queen. She went out to look for Anita because she was the most powerful and because she was calm and not prone to other accidents.

The Elf Queen is the 'Dinghai Shenzhen' and will never leave the Elf clan unless necessary.

After everyone and the elves arrived, other elves around them served them food.

Su You could clearly find that the food in front of everyone was different, but she had the most variety of food in front of her.

It seemed that the elders and the others had their own preferences, so they ate according to their preferences. However, they didn't know Suyou's preferences, so they simply had one portion of each of the best food they could make.

I don't know if the elves also follow the rule of eating without talking or sleeping. In short, no one spoke during the meal. They didn't talk, and Suyou was happy and relaxed, concentrating on tasting the food.

There were more than a dozen plates in front of her, but because the portions of each item were small, Su You could still finish them all.

After she finished eating, a pretty elf walked up to her and asked her with a smile if she wanted to continue serving food. If so, which food did she prefer? If not, they also prepared fruits and after-dinner food. Drinks.

Suyou followed her own ideas and ordered fruits and drinks. After eating the meal, she could be said to be satisfied, and the negative emotions in her heart also dissipated.

After it was over, the six elders took turns saying hello to Su You, and then left one by one.

After the Elf Queen said a few words, she also left. Only Suyou and Anita were left.

In the following time, Anita took her to visit the Elf Clan. Except for the inaccessibility of the holy land where the Elf Tree is located, Su You could say that she had seen enough of the Elf Clan today.

During this period, she also bought a lot of things from the elves, including but not limited to seeds of various plants and various special materials... Suyou even saw a rebirth flower when passing by the elves' medicine garden. flower!
When she met the Flower of Rebirth, Anita didn't even wait for Su You to speak. She communicated a few words with the elf who was responsible for taking care of the medicine garden, and then took the delicate red flower that once emptied Su You's wallet. Delivered to her. 【Flaw·Flower of Rebirth】

Quality: Red
Category: Material

Introduction: A slightly defective flower of rebirth, although its effect is not as good as that of a complete flower of rebirth and cannot achieve the effect of 'bringing the dead back to life', it can still completely cure all living creatures that are not dying, causing them to gradually recover and become endangered. Dead creatures cannot be completely cured, but their lives can be preserved, which could be as short as a month or as long as several years.


"Originally, I wanted to give you a complete flower, but the previous flowers of rebirth stored in the territory have been exhausted, and the quality of the new batch has declined due to some accidents... When the next batch of flowers of rebirth grows, I will wait for you. The next time I come to the elves, I will definitely give you the most beautiful one." Anita said it very sincerely, and the gratitude emanating from her heart made her sincerely regret that she could not give Su You a complete flower. flower.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Anita did this just to thank Suyou for bringing out the Thousand-Year Stone Lotion. After all, the two items are of red quality, have similar functions, have the same classification, and are almost equal in value. They can also be used as 'chips' for mutual exchange. It's appropriate.

But in fact, Anita had already thought about giving Suyou a flower of rebirth today. As for the Thousand-Year Stone Lotion, she didn't know about it in advance. It was just a mistake. The two things happened at the same time. .

However, Suyou's focus was not on the Flower of Rebirth. Her attention on the Flower of Rebirth shifted to another thing after hearing a certain sentence from Anita.

"As far as I know, the flower of rebirth has extremely strong medicinal properties and the plant has a domineering personality. Ordinary accidents cannot have any impact on its growth." In other words, the 'accident' in Anita's mouth is definitely not what she said. It's so simple to say.

Anita saw that she seemed to be interested in this matter, so she didn't hide it and just talked about the accident in general.

"It seems that not long after I came back, some elves discovered that the pollution in the outside world suddenly intensified. Outside the illusion, a lot of dark creatures were attracted by the pollution... Although the pollution and dark creatures were finally resolved, it took less than two days. , the pollution reappeared." After cleaning it back and forth three or four times, this batch of strange contamination has not reappeared.

But they don’t know if it was because there was too much pollution this time, or if the pollution also caused mutations. In short, they later discovered that the flower of rebirth, which was growing extremely well and could be harvested soon, suffered heavy losses due to pollution.

Although many efforts were made to rescue it later, and even this incident alarmed the Elf Tree, the flower of rebirth that was rescued still became the defective product it is now.

Logically speaking, the location of the elves does not actually exist on the Sunset Continent, but is a fantasy world built on the Sunset Continent. It can almost be said to be independent of the Sunset Continent.

Therefore, even if there are any special circumstances in the outside world, it should not affect the fantasy realm, but the facts are here, and this is how things happened.

Suyou felt something was wrong, but just when she was about to ask something, Anita suddenly turned pale. She didn't even bother to talk to Suyou, and hurried to a corner where no elves could see her.

"Are you okay? Is it because of...that?" Su You quickly followed up, caring and understanding the situation at the same time.

Because he knew Anita's true condition, Su You could probably guess the reason for her weakness.

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