Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 449 449 Inspiration Season 31

Anita didn't talk about it mainly because she was worried that the Elf Queen would sacrifice on her behalf, but now that the Elf Heart can be repaired, her worries no longer exist, and she can naturally tell the Elf Queen about it.

This is the idea and reason to persuade Anita.

Anita seemed to think it made sense, but after a while, she still shook her head.

Anita: "Although I am sure that I can repair the Elf Heart, this matter is not without risks, and it is not 100% successful. If it I want to wait until the Elf Heart is completely repaired. , and then go and apologize to Her Majesty the Queen."

What Anita said actually makes sense. Although the possibility of success is very high, there are always surprises in everything. She cannot guarantee that this thing will be successful. She can only wait until the treatment is completed before telling the Elf Queen. .

But Suyou didn't think so.

She frowned slightly and continued to persuade.

The reason for persuasion is simple, because she knows that the Elf Queen has memories of the past. Although she cannot change many things, it does not affect her thinking. Anita's incident may make her think of something and understand something.

So far, Suyou has discovered that there seems to be a pair of black hands guarding the elves, waiting for opportunities to act, either to continue harming Anita or to directly harm the entire elves.

First Anita was kidnapped, and then the Flower of Rebirth was damaged... what happened one after another easily made Su You think of many bad things.

But she is powerless to do this kind of thing, not only because of her lack of strength, but also because she still has many puzzles to solve, and she doesn't know how to act.

So she can help the elves, but the scope of help is extremely limited, and more things still have to be solved by themselves.

Su You had a hunch that if Anita did not tell the Elf Queen about this, something bad might happen to the Elf clan later——

There are other beings who will use the time when Anita is injured to take certain actions.

Only the Elf Tree in the entire Elf clan knew about Anita's injury, but the Elf Tree couldn't move, so it couldn't protect Anita.

There is no other elf in the Elf Queen or even the entire Elf clan who knows about this matter. This is nothing more than providing convenience for the other party's actions.

It would be fine if Su You hadn't thought of so much, but since she had already thought of it, even if it was just her random thoughts and she was overthinking, she didn't want anything to happen that she would regret later.

Anita: "...Although I don't know why you always want me to tell His Majesty this matter, but I know you are doing it for my own good, and I will tell His Majesty this matter."

Originally, Anita didn't take this matter to heart at first. She only thought that Su You cared about her and simply believed that she should not hide this matter and must tell everyone so that she could get better help.

But looking at her persistent persuasion, even though she didn't explain the reason, Anita also noticed that something was least it was definitely not as simple as she just thought.

So she relented and said she would tell the Queen about it.

Suyou was worried about the long nights and dreams, so she directly asked to see the Elf Queen again.

Anita felt more and more that something was wrong, but she did not ask, but took Su You directly to the Elf Palace...



It was already after nine o'clock in the evening when I returned to the territory from the elves.After Suyou followed Anita and told the Elf Queen about the matter, the Elf Queen's reaction was slightly excited.

But Su You can also understand. After all, the plot that she thought had changed would end up with the same ending... If it were Su You, she wouldn't be able to calm down.

Fortunately, both Suyou and Anita informed her about the Thousand-Year Stone Lotion in time, and the Elf Queen's mood calmed down.

Now that things have happened, she is even more convinced that Su You can change all this plot. She seems to have a lot of things to say to Su You, but in the end she still doesn't say them out.

Seeing her attitude, Su You became a little anxious, but it was because she couldn't say it rather than because she didn't want to say it, so it was useless for Su You to be anxious.

Fortunately, the Elf Queen gave Su You a target - after the fifth dark creature attack.

After the fifth dark creature attack is over, Su You can come to the Elf Clan again. By then, the Elf Queen will probably tell her many things.

After that, Suyou returned home loaded with large and small packages of gifts from the elves.

Because it was already very late, Su You didn't do anything else after returning to the territory. She just took a brief look at the situation in the territory and confirmed that nothing important happened in the territory on the day she left. rest.

Although she spent the whole day today eating, drinking, and playing around among the elves, it seemed quite relaxing. However, because she suddenly learned too much information, and even some of the information gave her a lot of stimulation, so at this time Suyou was very tired mentally.



The four days of digitalization are also the last day of the inspiration season.

Five days may be a long time or a short time, but it is now coming to an end.

Although today is not over yet, Su You has already started to sort out the harvest information for the inspiration season.

The first is the population of the territory. Before the start of the inspiration season, the population of the territory was more than 240 people, and the flow of people in the territory was about [-].

As of today, the population of the territory has reached more than 460 people, an increase of 90%, and the flow of people in the territory has been exaggerated to more than 700, which has tripled!
But this is not surprising. There is the blessing of halo, the blessing of inspiration season, and even the regional bounty released by Su You. If it cannot reach this traffic, there will be a problem.

This result is still very good. At least Su You's initial estimate of the number of people was around [-] to [-]. He didn't expect it to be so much higher.

In terms of territory population, although Su You has been working hard to control the population and prevent the territory from collapsing in all aspects due to the sudden increase in population, frequent rejection of territory applications will also have a negative impact on the territory.

In addition, due to the attraction of the Inspiration Season, many talented people with skills have come to the Sunset Territory. In order to enjoy the blessings of the Inspiration Season, they will be more willing to join the Territory than ordinary people.

Every day, I look at the large number of people with various intermediate and advanced skills on the application interface. There are even two master-level skill owners who also choose to join the territory. Who can not be moved by this?
Anyway, Su You was moved and took action.

Fortunately, the college expanded in a timely manner, and all building facilities and relevant personnel arrangements were in place. Therefore, even if the population of the territory increased by 90% in just three or four days, the territory was still running smoothly.

Thanks for the reward of 【It's Gu Yi】.

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