Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 491 491 Beast Tide 16

bad guy?
Who said it?
Lingbao seemed to realize that she didn't understand what she meant. He danced and babbling for a long time, and was finally carried away by Suyou who had a headache.

Returning to the city lord's mansion, Su You saw the black snake with its body coiled up and vaguely showing its 'behavedness'. Su You probably understood what Lingbao just said.

Because it was previously discovered that Lingbao showed signs of imitating Black Snake, Suyou joked that Black Snake was a 'bad guy' and asked Lingbao to have less contact with it... Now it seems that it is hard to say whether he will have less contact with it, but Hei The fact that snakes are bad guys has planted an indelible seed in Lingbao's heart.

"Why are you here?" Su You put down the Lingbao and looked at the black snake several times.

To be honest, Su You really couldn't figure out why the black snake appeared here at this time.

It can't be that Black Snake is out of kindness and wants to help her with the beast tide, right?

Anyway, Su You doesn’t really believe it.

Even if Black Snake really said he wanted to help, it would definitely not be free help. This snake is not very narrow-minded, and his kindness cannot be tolerated at all.

'Of course I'm here to see how your life is going, old friend... I didn't expect you to be quite powerful. It seems to me that the beast tide in the past two days didn't have any particularly big impact on your territory? The black snake spat out the message, and the words in his mouth were half true and half false, which made people confused.

Su You didn't want to listen to it. Since the black snake didn't say what it was here for, Su You didn't bother to talk nonsense with it. She didn't have so much time to waste now.

"No, it's just good luck. Since there's nothing important, I'll leave first. The enemies we have to deal with tonight are not easy. I also need to instruct everyone to prepare more things."

After Su You said this, she was really ready to leave, with no intention of fishing at all.

Black Snake was a little dumbfounded by her decisive action, but when he thought of this human's performance when discussing the distribution of the spoils of the natural disaster leader, Black Snake suddenly felt that it was not surprising that she would leave directly.

It regretted a little, so it immediately called out to Su You: "Don't leave. I have news about the beast tide. Do you want to hear it?" '

Suyou stopped, looked back at it, and motioned for it to continue.

As if he was worried that Su You would run away again later, Black Snake didn't hold back this time and directly stated the purpose of his trip.

'I went to see the situation next door before. The new leader next door hasn't arrived yet, but there seems to be a conflict among the beasts inside over the position of the leader. I just wanted to watch a show, but I didn't expect to see a human taking advantage of those few moments. Guys released pollution when they were fighting...'

After hearing Black Snake's explanation, Su You's previous guess was confirmed.

First of all, this time the tide of beasts is indeed man-made.

Secondly, the reason why these people were able to successfully pollute the beasts was because the beasts fought for the position of leader, which gave them an opportunity to take advantage of them.

'...Those stupid humans didn't notice me at all. They probably never dreamed that their lair would be discovered by me! 'Speaking of this, Black Snake's tone was slightly proud.

Su You, on the other hand, couldn't help but think about it after hearing these words.It is both easy and difficult to solve the man-made animal epidemic.

The simple part is that you only need to find the source of pollution and purify the source of pollution to completely quell the beast tide.

But the difficulty is that since the other party is deliberately causing damage, it is definitely impossible for you to destroy the source of pollution... If you really go to the trouble of finding a source of pollution, it may not even be true, but a trap. .

But no matter what, Su You is still willing to believe in the black snake's strength. Since it said that it found the other party's lair without being discovered, then there is a high probability that this lair is the real source of pollution and not a trap to lure her into taking the bait. .

Thinking about this, Su You couldn't help but think of what Yao Guang said before -

'God wants the enemy to fail. For us, isn't this auspicious? '

If the unexpected discovery of the black snake is regarded as God's will, then this is indeed an auspicious thing.

Those people probably never dreamed that everything they did would be discovered by a snake, and the snake told her everything.

'Hello!What are you thinking about, human being? 'Black Snake was thinking about himself and was talking happily, but when he turned around and saw that Su You seemed to be in a daze, not even listening to what he was saying, Black Snake flicked his tail and was immediately unhappy.

When it was unhappy, Lingbao was also unhappy. It remembered what Su You said about the black snake being a bad thing, and saw that the black snake was being 'violent' to its owner, so it directly exploded its fur and swooped at the black snake. Pounced.

With Black Snake's strength, he could definitely avoid it, but the problem is that Black Snake's attention just now was not on Lingbao at all, and Lingbao's speed seemed to be faster than before...

Anyway, when Su You came to her senses, she heard the black snake howling, and saw it swishing its tail continuously, trying to shake off the Lingbao who grabbed his tail and scratched it.

"..." Su You looked at this scene with a headache. In order to prevent the matter from turning into a full-scale fight, she quickly broke up the fight.

After taking some time to resolve the grudge and promising the black snake some food benefits, the matter was over.

'Tsk... He's not big, but he has a bad temper...' the black snake muttered. Although he was a little unhappy, after all, it also got benefits. In addition, it was just yelling with a loud voice, and in fact it didn't do any harm at all. It didn't suffer, not even a drop of blood fell, so it didn't have the shame to care about this matter.

"So what do you want to do here this time? Just to tell me where those people's lair is?" Because of the previous episode, Su You was too lazy to go around with the black snake.

'if not?This time, those humans don't have anything good for me to plot. Black Snake's tone was somewhat resentful, as if his good intentions were being treated like a donkey's liver and lungs.

The somewhat weird tone made Su You get goosebumps all over.

Su You couldn't tell whether Black Snake's words were true or false, but Black Snake had indeed told her the location where it was found, and Su You couldn't find the reason why Black Snake wanted to harm her for the time being, so she temporarily told Black Snake where it was found. I took what I said to heart.

"Thank you then. If you have anything you want to eat, I'll have someone bring it to you later." Although she knew where the source of the pollution was, she couldn't arrange for someone to clean it up now because of time issues. We still have to fight the beast tide tonight.

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