Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 507 507 Beast Tide 32

Although she could not locate it accurately, Ning Shi did not give up. She was still trying to find a location where the dark elements were thicker.

Su You fell into thinking after hearing her words.

After a moment, Su You said: "Can you distinguish between dark matter and dark creatures? In other words, can you determine which direction must be dark matter?"

Ning Shi paused, then pointed in two directions: "This direction, and this direction. The dark elements in these two locations are relatively weak, and their activity is very low. They should not be dark creatures."

The strength of dark elements cannot be used to distinguish dark matter from dark creatures, but the activity of elements can. After all, items are 'dead' and cannot move, so the dark elements on them are naturally relatively stable.

"Then let's go in this direction first." In fact, when Su You heard Ning Shi mention dark matter, she already guessed what might be in this copy, so she proposed to look for dark matter first.

She suspected that there should be a formation in this copy, just like the formation that trapped the black dragon in the underwater maze, but she didn't know what its function was for the time being.

All formations require props to support them. This is a copy related to dark creatures, so the props required must also contain a large amount of dark elements. This kind of props can also be called dark matter.

The basis for this judgment is that Ning Shi said that she found the existence of dark elements in a circle around her. This either means that the distribution of dark creatures is very scattered, or it means that with them as the center, there are dark matter all around.

It is definitely not a coincidence that so much dark matter exists around them at the same time, so the reasonable explanation is that there is an array arranged using dark matter in this copy.

After walking for a few minutes, Ning Shi suddenly stopped and looked around.

"It's almost here. I feel that there is a very dense mass of stable dark elements nearby." This sentence is translated as 'there is a dark matter with thick dark elements nearby'.

"Can you use Holy Light for short-term illumination?" In the outside world, there can be many lighting things, but in the black realm, the only thing that can provide an obvious light source is the light element. In other words, Meck's fire cannot Any help is appreciated here.

The reason why lighting runes can also be used in the dark realm is because the raw material of lighting runes is a stone with a small amount of light elements.

But because the light element content is too small, the effect is very limited.

If you want to illuminate the dark area, the best way is to bring a light magician and let the other party use Holy Light.

Ning Shi nodded: "Yes, but there are too many dark elements around, which will increase the consumption of Holy Light Technique..." Ning Shi didn't mind using Holy Light Technique, but she was worried that if it consumed too much, she would Can't help later.

Su You waved her hand indifferently, and then took out a lot of magic potions from her backpack... These magic potions were all made by Vivian, and the raw materials were the same batch of medicinal materials brought by the Tianhong caravan before. .

"This is a magic potion. It should be very effective for you magicians. If it is not enough, I will have more." Because of the cooperation of Tianhong Caravan, as well as the existence of Cold Wind Valley and medicinal fields, the territory is indispensable. Various basic herbs.

The Sunset Territory may not have other things, but when it comes to potions, what stands out about Su You is that she is wealthy - more than half of her fifty-square backpack space is filled with potions!

Looking at the dozen bottles of potions in Su You's arms, Ning Shi fell into a brief silence. After a few seconds, she took out her magic wand.With so many magic potions as a source of confidence, Ning Shi was not too frugal when using the Holy Light Technique.

As the gems above the staff gradually emitted white-gold light, everyone found that their eyes gradually became brighter. The originally small and pitiful sight range gradually expanded, and the darkness dissipated. They also saw what was in front of them to their left. A statue with a green face and fangs.

Su You gave all the potions in her hand to Ning Shi. When Ning Shi put the potions bottle by bottle into his backpack, Su You turned around and began to study the statue——

【Image of Darkness·[-]】

HP: 100000/100000
Attack: 0
Defense: 500
Introduction: A statue carved from the dark stone produced in the abyss. When the number of statues reaches a certain number, it can form a formation that contains dark creatures.


Su You thought to himself, sure enough, there really is a formation here!
According to common sense, if you want to destroy the formation, you must destroy the props that maintain the formation. Obviously, this image of darkness is one of the props.

Ning Shi, who had just drank a potion and restored some magic, also discovered the problem with the statue.

"This seems to be a formation?" Ning Shi frowned slightly and raised his hand to cast some magic. In short, everyone found that they seemed to be wrapped in a layer of white light.

Su You recognized this. This was actually the magic shield of a light magician. In addition to enhancing the elemental defense of light and dark elements, it could also provide a small amount of light source and resist the invasion of pollution.

After using up the magic shield, Ning Shi approached the statue and reached out to touch it.

After a moment, her originally calm expression suddenly darkened.

"This formation is composed of twenty statues, of which there are three core statues. The role of the formation is to enhance the strength of dark creatures and their regeneration ability." As soon as these words came out, everyone present could not bear to say anything. He couldn't help but frowned.

Although they don't understand the formation, they have also heard that the more powerful the formation, the more props are used.

The most basic formation only requires five props to form, but this formation actually uses twenty props at this time!
What a terrifying formation this is?

Moreover, the effect of the formation mentioned by Ning Shi also made them feel very scary. It not only enhanced the strength of dark creatures, but also increased the regeneration ability of dark creatures. This was simply the evolution of dark creatures into monsters that can fight and milk!

For a moment, the atmosphere fell into a strange calm. No one spoke and no one knew what to say.

"What are you all doing with such sad faces? Although the formation is powerful, can't we just destroy it?" Meike didn't want to speak at first, but seeing Su You being silent for a long time, everyone else also acted like a mute. Then he couldn't help but say something.

Just after he finished speaking, Su You also said: "Mike is right, the formation is strong, but it is not without solutions, and in the formation, the props that support the formation are also divided into primary and secondary. Auxiliary props increase the stability of the formation (which can be understood as blood volume/durability), while the main props affect the strength of the formation."

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