Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 510 510 Beast Tide 35

But if you live...

Apart from anything else, visual pollution definitely exists. If there was such a thing as "sanity" in this world, I would go crazy on the spot.

But things seemed to be developing in a direction that Su You didn't want, because the statue was really 'alive'.

It started to move, and its seven twisted arms covered with scars stuck out from the low wall with claws and teeth. After a moment, it seemed to 'stand up'.

The entire body of the statue has grown a lot higher, and the originally ferocious face has become even more trembling after being able to move. From time to time, there is a sound that sounds like some kind of bone friction, which makes the person who hears it even more nervous. Goosebumps.

Seeing this disgusting scene, everyone subconsciously closed their eyes.

If it were just sound pollution, Gong Yu, as a bard, could solve it by bringing his own BGM.

But what can they do about visual pollution?
Is it possible that they can still close their eyes and not see?

Then how about beating this monster?

So everyone was caught in a tangle at this time...

Open your eyes, but the appearance of this statue is truly unsightly... even disgusting.

But if you close your eyes, this is obviously even more unreasonable.

Just when everyone was struggling, Su You took a very simple and crude way to solve the problem - and this way was to put a sack on the statue.

Su You made the sack on the spot using materials from his backpack. As for why he thought of putting a sack on it, it has to do with the current situation of the statue.

Although it can move, only its upper body can move. However, its lower body, or the base of the statue, seems to be embedded in the black field, so it can move, but cannot move.

Although its upper body has seven hands, the bones of these seven hands are twisted. To put it simply, they have the shape of hands, but they cannot use their arms as flexibly as humans.

Perhaps it was very strong and could wave its hands with brute force and use them as weapons to attack, but it was unable to remove the sack from its head.

As a result, the statue that made everyone look disgusting at the first moment turned into a sack man. As long as the terrifying face could not be seen, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and the movements of their hands were much normal.

And because the look of the sack over the head is somewhat weird, not only does it not show the fear as before, but it actually feels very funny.

Especially when the statue was showing its teeth and claws, but could not touch the sack on its head for a long time, and instead made the sack cover deeper, there was a faint laugh from the crowd.

"Pfft...ahem...I know I shouldn't laugh, but..."

"Don't tell me, actually I want to laugh too..."

"I didn't expect that a sack could solve this problem. Lord Su is so awesome!"


Although everyone was chatting, the movements of their hands still remained. Even without the visual pollution, their attack speed was faster than before.

The pressure on the dark creatures that originally caused them some pressure suddenly dropped after Suyou discovered their refresh mechanism.The dark creatures that are randomly refreshed to prevent them from attacking the statue are refreshed every 3 minutes. However, if all the dark creatures that are refreshed in the previous wave are killed, the refresh time will be invalid and the next wave will be refreshed immediately. .

Therefore, they can leave one unkilled every time and delay the time for the dark creatures to refresh. After all, it takes them less than 3 minutes to kill these dark creatures, so they can use the remaining time to attack the statues.

As a result, they have more time to attack the statue, and the statue's health decreases faster and faster.

A slight drawback is that the melee team cannot participate in the battle to attack the statue.

After all, the statue has basically entered 'violent mode' now. Because it cannot be seen, its seven twisted arms are waving around. Although it looks funny, the damage is not low at all.

The long-range attack is okay, no matter how long the arm is, it can't attack someone several meters away.

But there was nothing they could do in close combat. No matter how far they stood, they could still get hit. If they were further away, they would not be able to attack the statue.

And because this statue has many hands, one attack can take seven attacks from other monsters. Even if the attack power is not high, the attack frequency is enough to make up for this shortcoming.

After this series of punches, no matter how thick-skinned the warrior was, half of his health would be lost, and this was just one attack. If it happened again, the man would die on the spot.

The reason why the melee team is not involved in the battle of the statue is to avoid accidents and to reduce the pressure on treatment.

After all, this time they came to 'steal' while the beast tide was in progress. It was impossible for Su You to bring all the strongest combat power with him, otherwise there was a high chance that he would be counterattacked.

Therefore, Youai Chanyue and Vivian were all left in the territory. The only old acquaintances Su You brought out were Duo Ya, Meike, and Lyle.

Without Vivian, a professional wet nurse, all treatments can only be done by drinking potions, relying on the post-war doctor's treatment, and relying on the light magic of Ning Shi, a light magician... With Ning Shi here, this is actually the case. One of the reasons why Suyou didn't take Vivian with her.

And although Vivian didn't come, Suyou's package was filled with potions she made.

It's just a three-star difficulty dungeon. There are two magicians, one is a high-level fire magician with the highest combat power, and the other is a light magician who specializes in restraining dark elements. It is not difficult to pass the level.


About half an hour later, the statue crashed to the ground.

At the same time, Su You also received a dungeon prompt——

[The first core statue supporting the formation has been destroyed, and the strength of the formation has been weakened, but at the same time, dark creatures will work harder to protect other statues...]

[The progress of the dungeon has been updated. You can continue from here the next time you enter the dungeon. 】

The first information is easier to understand. Su You guessed that it would be more difficult to destroy the other two core statues later.

Although the strength of the formation has been weakened, if the number of dark creatures coming to prevent them from destroying the statue increases, the difficulty will naturally increase.

As for the second piece of information, Su You is familiar with it. She has experienced it before. Some dungeons will set up 'archives' at certain nodes. As long as the task of this node is completed, the dungeon progress can be updated the next time you enter the dungeon. Continue directly from this node.

If a copy does not have a copy progress statement, it means that after exiting the copy, everything in the copy will be refreshed, and the next time you enter the copy, you will need to start over.

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