Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 513 513 Beast Tide 38

Comparing the appearance of the first two, which is as invisible as the face of an ancient god, the last core statue seems very ordinary, because its appearance is that of a normal monster, with normal and complete limbs, and some that are not distorted or incomplete. facial features.

However, everyone did not despise this statue because of its ordinary appearance. They even felt that this statue was more difficult to handle than the previous statues.

The explanation for this reason is also very simple, because although the first two statues are difficult, they are not high. If they really want to say that there is any difficulty, it must be that they cannot look directly at the statues.

But this statue is different. It looks normal, so in order to make up for the difficulty, its strength must not be low!
Although this way of understanding is a bit strange, it is correct from a certain perspective... Anyway, the conclusion is correct.

Su You didn't know that without saying a word, these people had already generated so many ideas based on the current situation and previous events. She was now carefully observing the small piece at the foot of the statue that looked like it was Traces of cracks.

"Ning Shi, can you see a small crack on the ground on the left side of the statue's base?" Su You found Ning Shi and pointed in a direction and asked.

Ning Shi didn't notice the gap at first, which was smaller than the size of a finger, but when Su You said this, she took a closer look and saw it.

Since both people saw it, it means that this is not an illusion, nor is Su You's misunderstanding.

"The gap in the black domain..." Ning Shi muttered to himself, and then a bad premonition surged in his heart.

Seeing the change in her expression, Su You knew that she should also know about that matter, and she also associated it with the crack——

It is said that in order not to affect other ordinary people and other races, the ancient wars were fought in a field similar to the Black Domain, but higher level than the Black Domain.

Those guys in the chaos are the top figures of each race. In a one-on-one battle, it is obviously impossible to win or lose. So in theory, as long as they want to fight, they can win. If they don't give up, the ancient war will never end.

But the result is known, and the ancient war finally ended, but the reason for the end was not that one side won the victory, but that the entire army was annihilated.

The source of the annihilation of the entire army was that a small crack appeared in that field because it could not withstand the impact of such powerful energy.

For many things, once there are cracks, it is not only impossible to repair them, but they will also get worse.

The ancient records of what happened next are not clear, but Su You knew that those at the top of the pyramid had cracks in their realms, which caused energy to leak out.

The energy from their battles spilled out to the outside world, causing an indelible impact on the outside world.

After that, the cracks in the field got bigger and bigger. Finally, the field exploded like a balloon stuck by a needle, and those who participated in the chaos also died in the explosion.

That's right.

They were not killed by the opponent, but by the fields exploded by the energy of themselves and other opponents.

This ancient book is a incomplete record book that Su You found from a ruins with pseudo-five-star difficulty in the late stages of the game. It is unknown whether the things recorded on it are true or false, but Su You later saw other players posting the same thing on the forum. Ancient books.Because it is a incomplete ancient book, the complete content cannot be seen, but different players seem to have obtained different ancient books, so they gathered everyone's strength to complete the ancient book.

The ancient book has a total of ten parts, of which the sixth and ninth parts have not been published until Su You quit the game. Therefore, no one knows the complete content of this ancient book until the end. .

But this was all in the past. When Su You thinks about this now, she is mainly worried that history will repeat itself.

The Black Domain is also a domain. If there are cracks in the Black Domain, then as long as there are conditions to trigger this incident, the consequences will definitely be the same as the results of the ancient chaos.

"Actually, the cracks in the field can be repaired." Ning Shi was silent for a long time before he said this.

Su You looked at her and asked her if she had a way to fix it.

"I have seen others repair the field, which requires corresponding materials and elemental energy." Ning Shi did not explain too much who this 'other person' was, but Su You would not ask further. She only cared about the gaps now.

"The corresponding material? Can the dark stone be used?" Su You thought of the things in his backpack, and seemed to have a reaction: "Is there a possibility that this field is supported by the formation? Because the formation is damaged, so There are also cracks in the field?"

If this was the case, was their initial act of destroying the formation still wrong?
No, it must not be so.

The formation must be destroyed. After all, Su You has not found the pollution source so far, but this copy is clearly related to the forest pollution source. In other words, the pollution source should be something that will only appear after the formation is resolved.

In any case, the formation must be broken, otherwise they will not be able to see the source of the pollution and cannot deal with it, and the consequences will not be much better than a field explosion.

After all, the end result is the spread of pollution.

Ning Shi was slightly stunned when he heard the word dark stone, and then his eyes lit up: "Yes, if it is true as Lord Su said, the domain is supported by formations, and the formations are carved by dark stone Supported by the statue, then the Dark Stone is actually the material to repair the Black Domain."


Su You didn't believe that the system would give an unanswerable and unsolvable problem. Since there were cracks, it would definitely give a corresponding solution.

"This is the Dark Stone. There are fourteen stones in total. If it's not enough, we can get a few more statues." Based on the fact that one ordinary statue dropped one and the core statue dropped three, they destroyed eight ordinary statues and The two core statues add up to exactly fourteen dark stones.

Since the dark stone is a repair material, what are the uses of the piece of paper and the glass fragment obtained before?
Su You thought this, and then when taking the Dark Stone, he also took out two other things.

"These seem to be two drawings that can be studied, but I don't know what these drawings are used for. There is also this glass-like thing, which looks like a fragment of something, but there should be a piece missing." According to Su Yuzu's guess was that she thought the drawings were related to formations.

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