Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 515 515 Beast Tide 40

Chapter 515 515. Beast Tide 40
They repaired two places in total, and each of the two places consumed three dark stones. In other words, Su You had enough dark stones in his hand to repair it again.

This is obviously the best result.

In the process of repairing the formation, Su You understood why there were two formation drawings. This was because the formation props at the locations of the two core statues had to be arranged at the same time, and the time gap should not be too large, otherwise the arrangement would fail.

This obviously cannot be done by one person. It requires at least two people, so there are two formation drawings.

After the formation was repaired, they returned to the location of the third core statue.

As expected, the crack disappeared.

Without the cracks, there is no scruple. Although the third core statue looks scary, the invisible and irresistible pressure has disappeared.

Moreover, Su You also checked the attributes of Statue Twenty, which were no different from before they left. All attributes had not been enhanced, which showed that repairing the formation would indeed not affect them.

"This statue is more powerful than the previous two. It has hands and feet. In close combat, you must pay attention to avoid attacks. If you really can't avoid it, you must pay attention to exchange for injury resistance. If you don't have enough potion, come to me now to get it. Don't be reluctant to use the potion. …”

"For long-range fire, it is better to focus on the statue and try to avoid overflow of damage... Prioritize attacking the dark creatures close to the melee group..."

Su You has said these things many times, and no one is impatient.

Especially the melee combatants who were highlighted. Even though they had checked before and knew that they had a lot of potions on them, they still checked again after listening to Su You's words.

After all, this is a matter related to their lives. They don't care about their own lives. Do they still expect others to save them?
After some preparations, Su You built the last low wall, and the bard also put the buff status on everyone. At this time, the battle officially began.

Like the previous two statues, the statue in the first half of the blood tube stood and was beaten. When the health bar reached halfway, this statue jumped up like flying.

It was only now that everyone saw that there was a small wing on the back of this statue.

These wings reminded some people who had participated in a previous operation of a certain octopus, but the difference was that the size of the big octopus was obviously not proportional to the wings, so it failed to fly.

But the statue is much smaller than the octopus, and the wings look stronger and stronger than the octopus's decorative wings.

With a sudden flight, the statue's eyes were fixed on the person closest to it. The person looked at the statue staring at him, and he was a little panicked in his heart. His apparently normal pace became very panicked at this time, and even appeared on the left and right. A situation where the feet fight against each other.

During this fight, he lost his balance and fell down.

But the statue didn't let him go just because it saw him fall. Instead, it rushed directly in front of him, raising its claws high, ready to attack.

At this moment, another person jumped in front of this person holding a shield and blocked most of the attacks with his shield. Even so, the person holding the shield still lost most of his health.

Although the others could not see the amount of blood, they started to break into cold sweats when they saw the man's suddenly pale face and the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Ning Shi put a magic shield on the nearly dead man, followed by two instant healing skills and a continuous healing skill, which brought the man's health to over [-]%.At the same time, after others reacted, they began to defend each other from injuries.

This kind of damage that someone can resist together will greatly weaken the enemy's damage. On average, each person will only lose a few layers of blood skin. This level of damage is completely insignificant.

The previously seriously injured man had been helped into the range of the defense tower.

Although the blood volume has been restored, internal and external injuries still exist, so doctors still need to treat him.

The man who was frightened and fell down also worked harder to resist the attack of the statue after he recovered. After all, he also knew that his behavior just now was somewhat embarrassing.

Although he can't go back and prevent this from happening, nor can he erase everyone's memories, he can use his own strength to make up for what just happened.


The refresh interval of the mobs in the third core statue is very short, only 1 minute, and the number of mobs will be refreshed more than before.

It usually takes them close to 1 minute to finish defeating the dark creatures, so they don't want to waste time, there is no need.

On one side was the pressure of the dark creature, on the other side was the pressure of the statue that had been strengthened at least three times. Under the double pressure, everyone was so nervous that they could hardly breathe.

But even so, their professional fighting qualities allowed them to calmly respond to the enemy without making the slightest mistake.

The only thing that can be called an accident was that when the statue's health was only 10%, it suddenly screamed, its attack speed suddenly doubled, and a pair of very painful claws flew wildly. In a moment, the health of all the warriors was reduced. It dropped crazily and once reached an endangered state.

Fortunately, these people had enough potions on them. They drank healing potions as soon as possible, and also drank a bunch of defense and health potions, barely resisting the first wave of attacks.

Ning Shi vaguely noticed something was wrong when the statue screamed, so after chanting for ten seconds, she released a group of Holy Light Shield skills.

The time when this shield was released was just after those warriors withstood the first wave of attacks.

Originally, after the first wave of fierce attacks, everyone already knew that they had no ability to resist.

But because of this skill, it not only adds shields to all those warriors at once, but importantly, because the number of people selected is less than the upper limit of the group value, the thickness of the shield is also increased.

With this shield, all subsequent seemingly vicious attacks on the statue became comical performances.

As the statue shattered, the warrior group below collapsed first. The long-range group would be more relaxed after all, so they still had some energy left. After they killed the remaining dark creatures, they sat on the ground one by one and began to rest.

After all, Su You was just the commander, and could be said to be the easiest among the thirty people, so she started to clean up the mess.

While packing her things, Su You was still a little confused because she didn't receive a prompt from the dungeon this time... Wouldn't the dungeon progress be updated after killing the third statue?
(End of this chapter)

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