Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 521 521 Beast Tide 46

"Are you... trying to cut through the ice?" Looking at her movements, the others clearly guessed what Su You was going to do.

Su You nodded and made a few more pickaxes on the spot.

"You guys stand on the shore and chip away at the ice. Don't step on the ice with your feet." Chipping at the ice is actually not dangerous, but Su You is afraid that the ice, which is as solid as a steel plate, will collapse due to a few chisels. Broken.

The ice was very thick and gray, making it impossible to see what was underneath. If the person fell accidentally, his life or death would really be uncertain.

The few people who were assigned to pickaxes obediently stood back on the shore, and the others also retreated. In order to prevent accidents, Su You even tied a rope around the waists of the people who were cutting the ice, and the rope was At the other end are several substantial stone statues built by Su You.

Everything was ready, and a few people picked up their pickaxes and started working. Originally, they were already prepared to cut through the ice. Unexpectedly, before they could spare a few minutes, everyone just listened. There was a bang, and a big hole appeared in the ice!
And just when everyone was concentrating on observing whether it was lake water or some other situation under the ice, a person suddenly fell hard to the ground. It happened suddenly, and his whole head was buzzing from the fall. .

"Help! Something is grabbing my foot and I'm going to fall in!" With the cry for help, the others stopped looking at the hole and hurriedly started to save people.

Fortunately, the person whose feet were pulled was one of the people chipping away at the ice, and he had a rope on him, so the thing seemed to find that it couldn't drag him and left angrily.

"Something definitely caught me just now!" Because the thing had disappeared, the victim could not find anything to prove whether what he had just experienced was true or false.

But everyone felt that no one would joke at this time, so they didn't doubt him... But now that they believed it, they couldn't help but feel a little creepy in their hearts, and everyone took a few steps back. .

"Let's not look at the hole for now. Everyone, please step back." Although Su You also wanted to know what was going on under the ice, at a glance he could only see a dark patch. If he looked carefully, the... She could get close, but what just happened was really dangerous, so she must let everyone come back first and then make a decision.

After returning to a safe place, the person whose feet had been pulled also made a discovery.

"Look, there is a black stain on my shoes... No! Why are the soles of my shoes completely black?!" The speaker was also decisive. After discovering the problem, he took off his shoes and everyone took a look. Sure enough, it was supposed to be The light-colored shoes turned pitch black.

Even if they stain the soles of their shoes when they go out, there is absolutely no chance that they will be this pure black color, as if they were soaked in ink.

Others couldn't see anything, but Ning Shi noticed at a glance that the soles of the shoes were stained with rich dark elements.

"Don't wear these shoes. Wearing things contaminated by dark elements is not good for your health." Ning Shi said, and then looked at Su You beside him.

Suyou also nodded, and then gave the man a new pair.

The man had originally thought about not giving up the shoes, but it was difficult to walk without them, but life was important after all. But now he had new shoes, especially after hearing Ning Shi's words, he quickly threw away the old shoes. Replaced with new one.

The old pair of shoes were also burned by Meck after reading them.

Ning Shi took advantage of this time to prepare to see what was going on under the ice...

Although he didn't know what exactly happened just now, and even the victim himself didn't notice what was catching him, Ning Shi could think that since the soles of his shoes had dark elements, there was a high probability that he was going to catch him just now. It's a dark creature.So are there many dark creatures hiding under the ice?
She approached the lake with this doubt in her mind. When Su You saw this, she felt there was some danger and wanted to stop her. But when she thought of Ning Shi's identity and her character, she not only didn't say anything in the end, she also took two steps closer.

However, she didn't have the courage to stand directly on the shore when Ning Shi. Su You was at least two or three meters away from the big hole in the lake.

Looking down from this distance, she could still only see a patch of black, but she could vaguely feel that this patch of black seemed to be... crawling?
Su You was startled by this idea, and then she got goosebumps all over her body.

Ning Shi also found the information he wanted at this time. He stood up and turned around, just in time to see Su You's unhappy face.

"Lord Su, didn't you..." Ning Shi just wanted to care, and then saw where Su You's eyes were focused. He paused, and then took two steps closer: "Lord Su, did you notice it too?"

Su You frowned: "Is the entire lake really a source of pollution?"

Ning Shi nodded silently.

Su You sighed on her face, but actually she had scolded the person behind the scenes countless times in her heart.

This layer of ice is actually just a means to cover the source of pollution. It can also be understood as a protective barrier like a turtle shell. This can also explain why 'ice' does not melt when exposed to fire, because this is indeed not ordinary 'ice' .

And under this barrier is the source of this copy - the source of forest pollution.

The pitch black things Su You just saw were actually just part of the source of pollution. It felt like seeing countless 'mountains' in the underwater maze... but that was just a part of the black dragon's body.

Such a huge pollution source is so large that a lake with a diameter of [-] meters is needed to cover it up. It is completely unimaginable what impact such a large pollution source will have on this area if it is directly exposed to the forest.

"Ning Shi, you are a light magician. You have the most say in dealing with this kind of thing. Do you have any good suggestions?" Su You really didn't have any good ideas now.

She initially thought that dead trees were the source of pollution, but she never expected that the real source of pollution was so huge.

Originally, there were two ways to deal with the pollution source. One was to directly find a light magician to purify it. However, with such a large area of ​​pollution source, even ten more people, let alone Ning Shi, could not handle it.

What's more, although the source of pollution is a 'dead thing', it will still resist.

The dark creatures bred around it are not much worse than the dark creatures bred by the formation. In other words, during the purification process, there will definitely be dark creatures to stop them.

This will double the already huge workload again!
Moreover, in addition to creating pollution, the pollution source also functions as a monster spawner, which can continuously produce dark creatures.

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