Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 524 524 Beast Tide 49

Chapter 524 524. Beast Tide 49
To be honest, Su You was actually prepared to find out the information.

Although it cannot be regarded as an iron rule that the bigger the body, the stronger the strength, this is the case in most cases.

Because it exceeds the normal body size, especially the body shape in front of you, the more energy is consumed to maintain this body shape. Since it can withstand the consumption, it proves that it has so much energy. The more energy it has, the stronger it will naturally be.

But Su You never expected that not only did she see the information, but the content revealed in the information also made Su You wonder if she had seen it wrong, or if she had chosen the wrong person to use the skill on...

Of course, she was even more suspicious that there was a bug in the system!

[Boss Split Pollution Monster]

HP: 1/1
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Introduction: A giant dark creature bred from a polluted core. After killing it, the polluted core will be exposed.

【? ? 】: Unlocked, unlocked and displayed after one use.


As far as this data is concerned, all the values ​​that can be seen are '1'. This is no longer a question of strength. Even the newly born cubs, whether they are human cubs or cubs of other races, their values ​​are not the same. Probably all '1's!
And this is a boss monster!
Su You tried to check a few more times, but the results were the same, so she naturally ruled out the possibility of a bug. At present, the only possibility is that this leader has other powerful features.

But from the analysis of the information that can be seen so far, the only thing that may be problematic is the skill that has not been unlocked.

Su You is now a little afraid of this unknown skill.

The last time I saw this skill was just five days ago, when I was fighting the dark bear, it also had an unlocked skill. However, the dark bear itself had many mechanisms, and you could avoid unlocking the skill by analyzing the mechanism.

But something is obviously wrong with this situation. This split pollution monster has no attributes and only one unlocked skill. It is impossible for a three-star dungeon to have a boss that is more brittle than a piece of paper, so this skill will definitely be triggered.

And this can also explain why the system hides this skill so that it can trigger the skill for the first time.

After analyzing so much, Su You can actually guess how this skill is triggered and what its content is...

Since they will definitely trigger, then the triggering conditions of this skill must inevitably occur, combined with the hints on the information panel of the Split Pollution Monster... which is its name...

"Everyone, be careful. This monster may split after it dies." Although this was just a conjecture, Su You felt that his conjecture was probably correct.

Apart from death, Su You can't think of any other simpler and easier conditions that will inevitably trigger it.

The word "split" in its name may be just a name, but Su You still prefers it to be a reminder.

The way most creatures are named is related to their own race or characteristics. 'Pollution Monster' is its race, so 'Split' is probably its characteristic.

As for whether this guess is correct, you only need to try it later to find out.

"Everyone, please check the equipment and potions on your body. If there is no problem, we will start." After the preparations, the rest of the people stood up according to Su You's arrangement, and then the battle officially started with an arrow from Duoya. .
The damage of 99999 (crit!) is close to [-]. This is not because Duoya is powerful enough to hit [-] with one attack, otherwise they would not have fought so hard before.

This is only because the attributes of the Split Pollution Monster are much lower than Duoya's attributes, so it causes mandatory beheading damage. This beheading damage is meaningless and has nothing to do with the personal value panel.

But this is not important. The most important thing now is obviously the situation of the monster itself.

After receiving the fatal injury, the Split Pollution Monster shuddered, and its jelly-like body also swayed. Then, in full view of everyone, the giant slime in front of him suddenly deflated like a deflated balloon. …

Then, the two identical black guys gradually expanded again... Although they seemed to be smaller than before, they were still too big to see the full shape clearly.

The emergence of Split Pollution Monster 2.0 obviously made everyone a little confused.

"Don't attack yet!" Because we had already discussed the situation of this monster with everyone before, no one acted rashly.

However, just because they don't attack doesn't mean that Split Pollution Monster 2.0 won't attack anymore. After all, they were beaten!
As a result, these two giant balls of jelly like meat mountains jumped and moved in their direction...

However, perhaps because of their large size, their movement speed is very slow. To say that it is the speed of a turtle is an insult to the turtle, so everyone looked at the distance of tens of meters between the two sides, and then looked at the two of them. Speed ​​is not that scary.

[Boss Split Pollution Monster]

HP: 2/2
Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Introduction: The giant dark creatures bred from the polluted core have extremely powerful vitality. Every time they die, a new dark creature will be split. After killing them all, the polluted core will be exposed.

[Split (Deathrattle Skill)]: Split itself into the same shape, and the attributes will be doubled each time it is split.


really!Just as Su You thought, the skill of this splitting pollution monster is splitting!
And this is a rare deathrattle skill that will definitely be triggered!
The so-called 'deathrattle' can be understood as 'last words'. Deathrattle skills refer to skills that are triggered after death.

Under normal circumstances, if they want to destroy any enemy, they must accomplish this goal by killing the enemy. This is also the most rogue point of the deathrattle skill. Because it is triggered by death, it will definitely trigger. If you don’t want to trigger this Skill, unless you give up killing it.

But this is impossible in most cases. The owners of deathrattle skills are enemies who must be killed.

Some deathrattle skills are okay, and the skill mechanism can be circumvented in various ways, but the deathrattle skill of the split pollution monster in front of you can be said to be a rogue to the extreme.

Splits after death, and attributes will be doubled...

Don't look at the fact that the pollution monster only had one attribute point when split at the beginning. Even if it is split into two now, it only has two attributes. But if it is divided again, it will be 4, then 8, 16, 32...

When the number of splits reaches the tenth time, all attributes directly exceed four digits.

(End of this chapter)

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