Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 536 536 Beast Tide 61


A batch of buildings were upgraded, and the materials Suyou had just exchanged for them were instantly reduced by one-third.

She estimated that the remaining materials could not only upgrade all the buildings again, but also leave another fifth. The remaining part would be used to decorate the territory.

The last time the territory was renovated was more than a month ago. Although the current appearance of the territory is not that ugly, it is definitely not any better.

After all, in the past month, the number of buildings in the territory has been increased and decreased, and various layouts have been changed again and again. These new additions and replaced building parts have their own styles, and they look very strange when paired together. These all need to be repaired. The place.

After doing all this, Su You was ready to visit Lin Chen and Lin Mu.

The two sisters had already returned to their respective places after those people came to the territory, but they still felt a little uneasy these days.

There are two reasons for their uneasiness. One is because the beast tide makes them feel that they have implicated the entire territory, and the other reason is because Jing Que has not returned for a long time.

From their perspective, Jing Que was disguised as them and then 'captured'. Although Su You also told them that Jing Que left with those people voluntarily in order to reassure them, although they believed it, Jing Que didn't return for a long time, and their inner worries came to mind again.

She didn't tell anyone about Jing Que's identity. Except for Duoya and Vivian, who she guessed, no one else knew Jing Que's story. Naturally, it was impossible for them to know the reason why Jing Que left with those people.

It was even more impossible for Su You to tell what happened to Jing Que. After all, it was a private matter, and things about the assassin organization could not be discussed. The more people who knew about it, the more dangerous it would be.

But if they didn't say this, the sisters wouldn't know the truth, and naturally they wouldn't think that Jing Que left with the person behind the scenes for her own sake.

So Su You directly showed Lin Chen and Lin Mu the note sent back by Jing Que.

"This is the note that Jing Que asked the carrier pigeon to send back yesterday." Su You showed the note to the two people and continued: "I can't say anything about Jing Que's situation, but she is not as fragile as she thought. My experiences have something in common with you."

At this point, Su You stopped. The two sisters were both smart people and didn't ask any more questions. However, they didn't have anything to ask. They just needed to know that Jing Que was fine.

"Lord, you are worried. We two understand what you mean." Lin Mu was so smart. She knew that Su You had noticed the worries they had been having these past few days, so she made such a special trip.

"The source of pollution has been cleaned up, and the beast tide will end soon. After the beast tide is over, many people will come to the territory. You two also need to be prepared. I hope you can open the eyes of those who come to the territory. Yeah." Su You's words sounded like a joke, but they also had some real meaning.

It is a skill from another continent. Now that it is on this continent, not only is it unique, it is also absolutely unique.

What's more, the Lin family itself has been a time-honored wine-making brand for generations, one of the best, so it is inevitable that the wine made by Lin Chen will become famous on this continent, but it will only take time.

In comparison, Lin Mu's skills are not that outstanding, but this is only compared to the wine-making skills. There are many people on the mainland who love drinking, and not many people are interested in admiring and cultivating flowers. Some people don't have this leisurely elegance.But Lin Mu didn't know who influenced him. Recently, he especially likes to find various types of flowers and plants to cultivate together, or he likes to study some strange flowers and plants...

Although this path seemed a bit off to the gardener, the result was still pretty good.

The anesthetic flower from before is the best example.

Su You's words did distract the two of them... Now that they knew that Jing Que was fine, they wouldn't be particularly worried, not to mention there were more important things to do now...

"It just so happens that I have been researching tea wine in the past few days. This tea is only grown in Yousen. It has a light and elegant fragrance, which can suppress the strong smell of wine..." Lin Chen's current research direction on wine is Towards a taste that is acceptable to most people.

After all, people who don’t like to drink, or who don’t drink often, must still account for the majority, but if you want to expand the audience of wine, you must create a taste that is acceptable to more people.

If you just keep increasing the types of traditional wine without improving it, although the business will definitely not be bad, it will be more difficult to get better.

Lin Chen has actually tried to brew many new flavors of wine. Although these wines are simply equivalent to "dark cuisine" for old wine drinkers, there are more and more people in the tavern without any major changes in the flow of people in the territory. The guests can also prove that Lin Chen's approach is actually correct.

"The business of the tavern has indeed been getting better and better in the past few days, which has a lot to do with your efforts." Su You smiled, then briefly chatted with the two sisters before preparing to leave.

After leaving, she went to Feiya's residence to check and found that no one was there. Feiya had not joined the territory and Suyou couldn't locate her location, so she gave up temporarily.

Ning Shi worked a lot on the dungeon today and must be very tired today, so Su You didn't want to disturb her.

The three people they wanted to recruit were unable to do so due to various issues. Su You sighed and then turned to chat with his family.

Although they said they were chatting, they were actually asking Dolly Canglan and the others to find out if anything had happened in the territory these days. Although Su You also took time to manage the territory every day, due to the beast tide and the dungeon, she The management of the territory is not as comprehensive as before.

Fortunately, Su You had made all the arrangements for the territory before the beast wave, so even if she didn't spend too much time in the past few days, nothing major would happen.

There will definitely be small things, but these are insignificant and are usually solved as soon as they arise.

Since nothing happened, Su You returned to his city lord's mansion to rest.

After this rest, a whole night passed quietly... and the time came directly to the second day.

According to the rules of the first wave of beasts, the leader of the beast wave should have led these beasts to attack the territory today, but the first leader had been killed by them, and not even the body was left.

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