Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 539 539 Beast Tide 64

"If you really don't want to, forget it."

Su You:! ! !
This was Su You's second big shock after entering the restaurant.

Forget it?

That's all? ?
Is this really Meck?I'm afraid it's not possessed by some dark creature!

Hearing this, Su You couldn't help but feel lucky that she hadn't eaten the melon seeds just now, otherwise they would have dropped all over the floor at this time. This would be such a waste.

Meck: "Although you are unwilling to join the territory, I hope you can stay in this territory before it disappoints you."

Suyou:...That's it?

Well, she thought too much.

It turns out that when Fiya said 'I don't have this idea now', she meant that she didn't have the idea of ​​joining the territory, not what she thought.

But it’s normal to think like this. After all, Meike and Feiya have only known each other for less than half a month, and they have met no more than ten times, so the time they have been together is even shorter. Even if Meike’s emotional intelligence is low, it is impossible for him to Confessing love so quickly.

To put it bluntly, Su You still wanted to eat the melon, and subconsciously took it first, which led to the misunderstanding.

As for why Meike asked Feiya to stay... Su You wouldn't think that this guy was suddenly kind enough to help retain people in the territory. It was probably because he wanted to get the advantage first.

As long as Feiya can stay in the Sunset Territory, everything is promising, and there will be plenty of time and opportunities. But if she leaves, Meike really won't have a suitable excuse to follow her, not to mention that he and Su You still have a one-year agreement. .

Although Meck values ​​Fiya, he is not someone who breaks his promises. This is a person's moral bottom line.

After figuring out what happened, Su You calmly grabbed a handful of melon seeds, ready to make up for the regret of not eating melon seeds just now.

Before the sound of 'click click' sounded, Su You had already heard Feiya's answer——

Feiya: "I love the environment and atmosphere of Sunset Territory very much, and I will never leave it in a short time."

Feiya definitely hopes to live in a territory for a long time, but she is also worried that people from her family will come and cause trouble, so she will not join any territory easily.

Because joining a territory proves that she has regarded this place as home. From an emotional perspective, it is obvious which one will be more reluctant to leave a temporary territory or leaving home.

But in fact, she could have asked Su You to help solve this matter.

After all, Su You had told her many times before that if she had any concerns, the territory would help resolve them.

What's more, there is now Meike who wants to max out her favor. As long as she opens her mouth, it is really easy to solve the family's affairs, or even the entire family.

But Feiya doesn't want to do this. She doesn't want to trouble others or affect others...

Don't say that Suyou and Meike volunteered to help. Feiya's upbringing environment made her clearly understand that no help is absolutely selfless.

Just like the resources that the family once gave to their main lineage, these are also for them to become dragon masters, so as to better feed back the benefits to the family.

Even if what she asked for didn't affect her, it wouldn't do her any harm, but Fiya didn't like this.

'Click, click...' Meck originally wanted to say something else, but after hearing such a familiar voice, he subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and he saw the person he expected.

Feiya's reaction was slightly slower than that of Meike, but she also discovered Suyou's presence the next second.

"Hello, Lord Su."

"Why are you here?"

Two sentences with completely different meanings and different tones. Even if you don't listen to the voice and just read the words, you can guess who said them.

Su You didn't feel embarrassed at all about being caught 'eavesdropping'. Instead, she stood up naturally and handed what she was holding to Meike.

"I'm bringing you a recipe. By the way, I want to tell you that the animal meat in the warehouse must be cooked as soon as possible and then put into the cold storage." This recipe book was what Su You just took out from her backpack. An excuse to come here.

But in fact, it can't be completely regarded as an excuse, because the matter Su You said really requires Meike to handle it immediately. Just like Lake is responsible for the security of the territory and the management of the territorial soldiers, Meike is now mainly responsible for the territory. Food issues.

If it were before, Meck would definitely not have any reaction, because although this kind of thing is tedious, it is not difficult, and it is still something he likes.

But it's different now. Compared with Feiya, Mike still hopes that Suyou won't appear here.

Perhaps because the resentment in Meike's eyes was too obvious, Su You felt a little guilty in her heart... No, she didn't feel guilty.

"What, does Magician Meike have any objections to my arrangements? If you have any objections, you can also tell me." Su You pretended to listen carefully to the advice, which was quite a pretense. True, but Meck knew she was talking nonsense as soon as he heard it.

Can she still listen to his opinion?

The sun has risen from the west instead?

Meck resisted the urge to gnash his teeth and said calmly: "...The lord has misunderstood, and I have no objection." My opinion is that you should leave immediately!

Feiya didn't feel anything was wrong at first, until she saw the inexplicable expressions of the two people, and then she felt strange.

She could clearly feel that the relationship between the two people was a bit strange. Logically speaking, although Meike was a senior magician with a distinguished status, Suyou was the lord after all, and Meike had to respect the authority of the lord no matter what.

But Maker didn't.

The same is true for Su You. Although she is a lord, her status as a magician destined her to have an extraordinary status. Most of the lords of the territory welcome the arrival of the magician, and even in order to keep the magician, He would also lower his stance. Even after the magician had joined the territory, the lord would respect the magician very much.

But she obviously couldn't see the word 'respect' from Su You.

However, although this mode of getting along was a bit strange, it actually made Feiya feel relaxed.

Because whether she is a lord or a magician, the gap between these two identities is too big for her. This kind of way of getting along with ordinary friends is what Fiya likes the most. After all, apart from the shell of a noble daughter, she Besides, he is just an ordinary person...

Although Su You and Meike talked happily back and forth, they did not forget that there was another person next to them, especially Meike. After realizing that they could not speak to each other, or that they could not speak to each other, they turned around and spoke to each other in a soft tone. Phia spoke.

"Didn't you say you have something to do later? I just have to leave for the warehouse, so I'll take you out."

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