Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 575 575 Looking for the Mermaid 2

Although they were back-to-back, no one was actually leaning on each other. There was still about two fingers' distance between them.

"Okay, if you can't bear it, just say it. I still have a lot of potions." Su You didn't refuse at this time. She was really tired. There was no point in showing off at this time.

"Yeah." Ning Shi didn't say much, just relaxed his body and slightly adjusted his sitting posture.

After her back was supported, Su You exhaled, and then checked the contents of her backpack again to pass the time. After counting, she opened the map to check their current location.

Because all the paths are in the sea, the map is blue to the eye. Although the color is nice, it is a bit monotonous because there is only blue here.

Su You looked at their route, thinking deeply in her heart.

The little dolphin does not travel in a straight line. According to the coordinate points recorded by Suyou on the map, it seems to be going in a circle, but it is not the same circle, but like a stick-drawn lollipop. This circle is slightly The inward arc will only get smaller and smaller in the end, and then return to the point at the center of the circle.

Su You drew the next path based on the route she had traveled so far, and roughly estimated the time. She was relieved to reach the final conclusion.

"If I guess correctly, if we follow this route, we will reach our destination in another 10 minutes at most." Su You said while looking at the time.

If we add these 10 minutes, it should take them exactly two hours to reach their destination.

In fact, this time is shorter than the time it takes to set off from the territory to the beach, but the main reason is that the space where you can move is too small, and there are only two of them, so it is more tiring.

Su You had silently arranged the construction of the ship in her heart. Ning Shi didn't know what she was thinking, but when she knew that there were only 10 minutes left for the next journey, she breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Su You still slightly underestimated the speed of the dolphin.

After about 10 minutes, the two of them could clearly feel that their traveling speed had slowed down, and at the same time, the dolphin also let out a soft moan, as if to indicate that they had arrived at their destination.

But the strange thing is that they didn't find anything special here. The sea was still the same sea, and the surroundings were all sea, without any other new things appearing.

Just when both of them began to wonder if the little dolphin had tricked them both, they suddenly felt a violent shaking. This shaking was not caused by the little dolphin, but more like shaking coming from the entire 'sea'.

But...the sea is this possible?
The two people pulled each other to prevent themselves from falling into the sea. While Ning Shi maintained his balance, he quickly used magic to scan the surroundings to see if there was any danger.

And Su You was not idle either. She opened the construction interface, selected the floating boards, and then placed a dozen floating boards around them at once.

Although these floating boards cannot allow people to stand, after all, large floating boards take more time to make, but there is obviously no time to wait now, so Su You only made a bunch of small ones, so that they can at least use the buoyancy to ensure that they will not Sinking into the sea.

"Huh? No, this is not the sea..." Under normal circumstances, buildings must be placed on solid ground. At least Su You couldn't do such a bizarre operation as placing a house on the sea.

Floating boards are different. They are tool buildings like scaffolding, so they can be placed wherever they meet the conditions.

But just now, when Su You was about to put down the No. 19 floating board, she was surprised to find that the green area that could be placed had turned into a red area that could not be placed.

In other words, the area she selected now is not the sea, otherwise she would not be able to place the floating board... But if it is not the sea, then what is it?
"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Ning Shi couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart when he heard what Su You had just said to himself.She seemed to understand the meaning of Su You's words, but she didn't seem to understand because she couldn't imagine what else this area could be if it wasn't the sea.

Just when the two were confused, the next development directly told them the answer!


The dolphin made a long syllable, as if it was calling something, and then it did the same thing as when it turned over to land before - it straightened up with a carp and threw the two people straight into the sea.

Su You and Ning Shi really didn't expect this operation, but just when they thought they were going to fall into the sea, they found that they had actually landed on the 'ground'.

Although the way they landed caused some pain to the two of them, the outcome was obviously much better than falling directly into the sea...


Where does the ground come from above this vast ocean? !

There are no islands nearby!

Ning Shi subconsciously looked down and saw a piece of hard, crustacean-like material. Then Su You's voice rang in her ears: "This is a giant turtle."

Hearing this, Ning Shi lit up the light element and looked at it carefully - yes, this indeed looked like a turtle's carapace!

"What exactly does it want to do..." Ning Shi couldn't help but whisper to himself.

Although it was on the ground now, and Ning Shi could tell from the current situation that the little dolphin did not deliberately want to harm them, its operation was still very exciting.

God knew that the moment Ning Shi, who had always been gentle and talkative, had just been thrown out, she had already begun to think about the eighth way of "if she survives, how can she teach this little dolphin a lesson?"

But from now on, it seems that all this is a misunderstanding... right?

Su You didn't have as many thoughts as Ning Shi, because she felt that the appearance of this little dolphin should be a choice for her.

Either choose to follow the little dolphin and trigger the plot related to the mermaid, or ensure absolute safety and give up this opportunity.

Since she chose the former, at least before she triggers the mermaid plot, there is a high probability that she will not be in danger... But even so, after this encounter, Su You still silently put the repaired items in her backpack Shark Pearl took it out.

【Repair 'good' shark beads】

Quality: Red
Category: Props

Introduction: This is the most precious treasure of the mermaid clan, the 'Shark Bead'. It was once damaged due to special reasons and has been repaired, but it still has flaws. Those who carry the Shark Bead can have the ability to breathe underwater. The owner of the Shark Bead can additionally command two people around him. Also has this ability.

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