Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 588 Chapter 588 Bloody Story

To sum it up in one sentence: the sacrificial ceremony is very important to the mermaid tribe, and they will spend a lot of manpower and material resources to prepare for the sacrificial ceremony.

Because they have invested a lot of manpower, even if they will strengthen their defenses, there will always be more places where they are not prepared.

"Then they probably want to take action during the sacrificial ceremony." Su You concluded directly.

This is actually an obvious conclusion that can be reached without even further elaboration.

"If possible, I want to see the Mermaid King and tell this..." In Su You's view, the reason for telling Luya is because she is the first mermaid he has met in the mermaid tribe, and she is also the only one he can trust at the moment.

In addition, she is still the child of the Mermaid King, and Su You also needs her introduction to meet the Mermaid King, so she must tell Luya about this.

But in fact, it is not Luya who can really solve this problem. No matter how favored she is, she is just a princess and has no actual power to influence the direction of the entire mermaid clan.

The only person with this power is the Mermaid King, or even worse, the Mermaid Elder... But according to the priority level, the Mermaid King must be the first.

But Suyou's attempt to tell the Mermaid King about this was strongly blocked by Luya.

"No! No, you can't tell my father about this..." Luya shook her head and looked at Su You seriously: "Youyi, believe me, it's useless to tell my father about this... He has already He is no longer the wise and powerful mermaid king he once was."

Su You: "..."

Lu Ya's words immediately shut down Su You's brain.

But Luya is a mermaid princess, and she definitely hopes that the entire mermaid clan will be well... Of course, this does not mean that the Mermaid King does not wish the entire mermaid clan well, but compared to the Mermaid King, Su You will definitely be more willing to trust Luya's judgment. .

She felt that she couldn't tell the Mermaid King about this matter, so there must be some reason.

"Can you tell me why? Luya, you should also know that you can only tell your father about this kind of thing, so that you can have more room for maneuver... He is the most convenient person to make all arrangements." Su You asked. , stared at Luya, and then watched a wry smile appear on her face.

"My father... has changed since his mother left. Now he is just a dim-witted person who is easily influenced by people with ulterior motives..." After Luya finished speaking, she took a deep breath, and then He slowly told this story.

The story is very long, involves things that happened more than a year ago, and is also very cliche.

The Mermaid King and the former Mermaid Queen are a loving couple. Luya and her siblings share the same father and mother, so their relationship is naturally better.

Just more than ten years ago, the fishmen suddenly attacked the mermaid tribe while the mermaid king was out patrolling the sea.

The loss to the mermaid clan was not particularly serious, but the price was the queen's initiative to explode her own energy.

After this incident, the queen became physically weak due to overdraft, and finally lost her vitality and died completely. The Mermaid King also entered a long period of depression because of this incident.

Until about a year ago, the Mermaid King brought back a female mermaid named 'Sang Ruo' when he went out. When all the mermaids saw San Ruo, they felt that her appearance was very similar to that of the previous queen, so they had empathy for the Mermaid King. What happened to San Ruo was not unexpected. Even Luya and the other princes and princesses accepted San Ruo's existence.And this Sang Ruo is Mrs. Sang.

Within a month of being brought to the palace, Mrs. Sang caused many things. First, she accidentally broke into the late queen's residence, which was sealed as a forbidden area, and then she accused the second prince of cheating on her... Of course, this matter was later investigated. It was clear that it was a misunderstanding, but the second prince still left the mermaid tribe. He did not come back until a week ago for the sacrificial ceremony.

This is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that Mrs. Sang actually asked the Mermaid King to allow her to bring her and her ex-husband's child into the palace...

It was also at this time that everyone realized that Mrs. Sang actually had a husband before.

This is not to say that the mermaid tribe does not allow divorce. The mermaid tribe is very free in love. Breaking up and reuniting are private matters. As long as you are willing, not even the mermaid king can interfere.

However, the marriages of the mermaid clan are generally determined by the Poseidon, and there is rarely any discord. For more than [-]% of the mermaids, as long as they identify each other, they will be their soul mates for life.

Unless someone passed away like the first queen, it would be possible to find another one, but even this situation was very rare.

But Mrs. Sang is different. Her husband is still alive.

In this regard, Mrs. Sang said that her previous husband was violent and often beat their mother and daughter. The reason why the Mermaid King met Mrs. Sang was because he saw a male mermaid bullying the female mermaid when he returned to the palace, so he was very natural. He helped her, and naturally learned everything and fell in love with Mrs. Sang. In the end, she naturally brought Mrs. Sang back.

Everyone has been brought back, and naturally no one will say anything. After all, this is the Mermaid King, and no one will make the most noble person unhappy because of an insignificant person.

After that, Sona came to the palace and was arranged to be with Luya... Only now did Su You know that the mermaid named Sona actually had this identity.

No wonder Luya didn't do anything against her disrespect at that time. Although she was the most favored daughter of the Mermaid King, she was once the emperor and a courtier, and now the queen is Mrs. Sang. She has more opportunities to blow her pillow than Luya.

But having said that, Su You didn't seem to see Sona today?

Already knowing so many things, Su You didn't shy away from asking the question directly.

"She was sent out of the palace by me this morning... It's not in vain that I went to make a scene last night." Originally this was a happy thing, the annoying person finally disappeared from her side, but because today she has another After hearing some bad news from Su You, Luya's good mood yesterday only lasted for half a day.

Although I don’t know exactly what caused the trouble, I know from looking at Luya that she definitely didn’t suffer.

However, when she thought that Sona left in the morning and Alan was punished in the morning, Su You could roughly guess that it had something to do with Alan.

It seems that although this little dolphin is naughty, it is also really obedient and loyal.

Back to business, Luya looked serious: "That's pretty much the story. Since Mrs. Sang came, my father's mental state has been better than when his mother left, but his willpower seems to be very low..." To put it nicely, it means that his willpower is low. The worst thing to say is that he is addicted to women.

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