Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 594 Chapter 594 Emetic

Of course, if Shana wants to pay, she can. No matter how weak Sha Ling is at this time, she is still a magician. After her energy has stabilized after treatment, she can already cast a small amount of small magic... On this continent , magicians are the least likely people to be short of money.

Su You believed that Sha Ling would be able to earn her first pot of gold in the territory in a short time.

"Sha Ling will be sent directly to the hospital. When you have time, just pick her up there." After saying this, Su You left the tavern.

After leaving the tavern, her next destination was the dark cell.

I came here because the people from the mysterious organization who came in half a month ago and wanted to catch Lin Chen and Lin Mu were still locked up here.

Of course, after half a month, the number of people in the prison has increased a lot.

Some were people who violated the rules of the territory, and some were caught through fishing with the cooperation of Lake and Qiuhe. Some people came to the territory for an unusual purpose.

The purpose of Suyou's trip was definitely not for those who violated the territorial rules. She came here this time to see how Lake and the others were interrogating the other two people.

After half a month of torture, the first batch of people who were arrested for wanting to kidnap Lin Chen and Lin Mu were already mentally depressed, and some even couldn't help but feel scared when they saw outsiders.

As for the second group of people who lurked into the territory and tried to go undercover, although they were caught later, their mental state was not much better.

"Who do you want to ask first, Lord?" Lake, who knew in advance that Su You would come to the black cell and had been waiting here, sent the list of these people.

In fact, there is nothing to choose from, because the names on these lists are not the real names of these people.

But it's not that they didn't say their real names on purpose, it's that they didn't have names of their own at all, just like Jing Que once did.

However, there is some other information on this list, which is their status and work content in this organization.

"Just him." For some special purpose, Su You's first target for interrogation was someone who had not revealed any information so far.

But after choosing the interrogation target, Su You didn't rush to ask Lake to take her to see this person. Instead, she waited where she was.

About 5 minutes later, there were footsteps outside the door, and a girl wearing a gorgeous cake dress pushed in.

"Lord, are you telling the truth? I can deal with these people as I please?" The girl walked over excitedly, her colorful clothes looking a little out of place in the dark and dark prison.

"Vivian, calm down, don't scare them." Su You said with a smile, then suppressed the smile in her eyes and stared at these people one by one: "Of course what I said is true, these are not All the obedient ones are left to you. All the new drugs you have developed during this period can be used on them, as long as they ensure that the person does not die..."

"That's great. You have to believe me. I will definitely have a sense of proportion. I will make it impossible for them to die even if they want to." Unlike Su You's half-truth and half-false acting skills, Vivian's excitement at this time was completely gone. It comes from the heart.

Because it was too real, when these people saw that the young and cute girl in front of them said such chilling words, they felt a sense of fear and panic in their hearts.Some people who still insist think that these two people are just acting and they will not do anything to them at all, but they will soon know that all these ideas of theirs are wrong and will soon regret it.

"Lake, send the first person here." The person Su You was waiting for just now was Vivian. Now that she is here, there is no need to waste time.

Lake responded and directly sent the people who had already been brought here.

Because she was not prepared to ask this person to answer any questions from the beginning, Su You also asked very casually during the interrogation, basically asking whatever came to mind.

When she asked the fifth question and the person still refused to speak, Su You waved her hand, indicating that Vivian would be left to her.

Vivian was very fast, probably because she was afraid that Su You would regret it, so she poured a bottle of potion that she had already taken out into the man's mouth.

"Bah...what a terrible thing to drink..." When he drank the potion, the man was still very stiff. He looked indifferent, as if the potion did not cause any harm.

The other people watching also breathed a sigh of relief, and the panic in their hearts gradually disappeared a lot... But soon, they discovered that things were not that simple.


After about ten seconds, the man who was still very stubborn suddenly opened his eyes wide, and then he began to vomit violently. If his hands were not grabbed by someone, he seemed to want to grab his own throat with his hands. , spit out everything he just drank.

Although he knew this was impossible, he still did it because the person holding his hand had already let go at Su You's signal.

"What kind of potion is this?" Su You didn't ask intentionally, but she was actually a little curious, because her call for Vivian to come over today was considered a last-minute decision and was not arranged in advance, so she didn't know that Vivian was here. What exactly will Vianne bring?

She only knew that the thing in Vivian's hand would definitely achieve the effect she wanted... Facts have proved that the effect is indeed good. Didn't everyone look pale with fright...

"This, it's nothing. It's just a simple emetic. Someone ate the wrong thing before. It's too troublesome to clean up the intestines every time. If this emetic is easy to use, then you can use it first and vomit. Don’t come out and cut open again.”

Su You: "..." Vivian's words not only silenced the group of people in the prison, but also Su You and Lake who were watching from the side.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Vivian said.

Judging from the efficacy of the emetic medicine, compared with the medicines Vivian used before that made people itchy or painful, they were indeed not terrible medicines.

But the main thing is that what she said next is really scary.

A beautiful girl who looks so good-looking and delicate, but what she says is cold-blooded and cruel. The words are not bloody, but the words are full of blood. Such a contrast is really scary. If this is put into the real world, it is completely terrifying. A ferocious little lolita who is a boss in the game.

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