
Su You heard how relaxed they chatted and knew that their moods were not affected, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In addition to external factors, another internal factor that Su You is worried about is whether there are people suffering from negative mental illnesses such as phobia of the deep sea and phobia of the dark.

This is a hidden trait and will not be displayed on the information panel, so Su You will definitely not be able to see it. When selecting people, he can only choose people with good water properties from their introductions as much as possible, or people who can be easily identified at a glance. There is no psychological shadow associated with water.

She was afraid that she would die before she left the army. She only had a few people with her, and if she left, there would be no one left.

"Okay, stop talking, Alan and the others are here." They were asked to chat just now because Alan and the others had not come down yet, and Suyou wanted to wait for them. Now that she has seen Alan, they will follow Alan to the Mermaid clan.

After everyone heard Su You's words, they silently shut their mouths.

The dozen or so dolphins that had previously carried them swam up to them and formed a circle to surround them. Alan, the leader, called out to Su You, indicating that she and others should follow it.

"Let's go." Su You called back, and everyone lit up the underwater lights to illuminate the path ahead, and then followed Alan all the way.

About ten minutes later, they saw the shadow of a 'house' in the distance.

It may not be appropriate to call it a house. The mermaid tribe does not live in human-like houses. Only the palace of the mermaid tribe barely looks like a house. But this is not important. This at least proves that they have entered the mermaid realm. The scope of the family.

'Eh--' Alan came to the door of the mermaid clan and flicked his tail to wake up the gatekeeper mermaid who was taking a nap. The other party was beaten inexplicably. He was stunned for a while, and then he became angry.

But when he saw that it was Alan who hit him, the anger disappeared instantly... Rather than disappearing, it was actually more like the anger turned into fear.

"Little Ancestor, I beg you, can you just pretend that you didn't see anything?" This mermaid knew that what he just did was considered dereliction of duty. After all, his duty is to guard the gate of the mermaid clan.

Although everyone knows that no one will find this place under the deep sea, and these gatekeepers are recognized as idlers, but if they are not discovered, it will be fine. If they are discovered, they will definitely be punished.

The punishment here is as light as physical pain, but as serious as losing the job and becoming one of those ordinary fish.

'babble! ’ Alan called out, looking too lazy to respond. He turned back to look at Suyou, and then gave the mermaid a shake.

"Okay, okay, I understand. These are the guests of the Sixth Princess. Since they are the guests of the Sixth Princess, they can naturally enter and leave the mermaid clan." After saying that, the mermaid walked directly to the side and made way for them to open the door.

Under the incomprehensible looks of the group of people, the mermaid wiped the non-existent sweat on his head. After everyone entered, he returned to his post.

Su You felt weird in her heart. Although Alan was Luya's playmate, he didn't have enough power to bring other races into the mermaid clan at will. It would be fine if Luya herself did this, but this incident made Alan It is obviously unreasonable to do so.

Although Su You had this problem, she also knew that she and Alan didn't understand each other's language, and because there were so many people here, it would be difficult to tell her directly if she had any hidden secrets, so she suppressed this problem in her heart and prepared Ask in private then. With Alan there, they arrived at the palace of the mermaid clan without any hindrance.

When Suyou came here before, she was led by Luya. As the most favored little princess of the mermaid tribe, Luya naturally no one dared to stop her. But this time it was not Luya who brought them here, but Alan, so he still encountered some minor troubles when entering the palace.

"Non-royal personnel are not allowed to enter." The attitude of the mermaid guards was not bad. They just fulfilled their responsibilities and prevented outsiders from breaking into the palace, so Su You didn't have any dissatisfaction because of this.

Not only that, she saw that Alan seemed ready to go crazy like before, so she quickly asked someone to hold down the little dolphin, while she took out the Shark Blood Bead and called Luya.

Luya was very happy to learn that Su You came to the mermaid tribe, but when she heard that she was stopped outside the palace, Luya couldn't help but patted her head and said that she was not well prepared and forgot that she would be allowed to enter and exit. Give the royal palace token to Su You.

"Youyi, wait for me! I'll pick you up right away!" As these words disappeared into the air, the scene became a little awkward.

The mermaid guard who stopped them before now wanted to hide his head in the water plants and pretend that nothing happened just now.

He must have recognized the same blood bead and heard the voice of the sixth princess, so he also understood that he was stopping the sixth princess's guests.

Thinking of this, the mermaid guard has already begun to think about how he will plead for mercy if he is kicked out of the guard team by the sixth princess later...

But he also knew that he was just a little guard, and his plea for mercy was definitely meaningless, so his eyes fell on Su You - this was the guest of the Sixth Princess. If he didn't care about this matter, then he You shouldn't need to be punished, right?

But before he could ask Su You for mercy, Luya had already walked over with people.

"Youyi, I miss you so much!" Luya's eyes lit up when she saw Su You, then she ran up to Su You and hugged her, and Su You hugged her back with a smile.

After the brief greeting was over, as the mermaid guard expected, he saw the sixth princess, who had been smiling broadly at the human, turning to look at him coldly.

"What's your name? Who allowed you to stop my guest?" Luya didn't have much expression on her face at this time, but there wasn't much anger in her tone.

However, if a person who always smiles becomes cold, it will always make people feel more terrifying - this is the case with Luya.

"Your Highness the Sixth Princess, please forgive me. Your Majesty, Harry, did not know about this matter..." There were a few drops of sweat on Harry's forehead, and his body was trembling slightly because of nervousness and fear.

Lu Ya snorted coldly and was about to say something, but was stopped by Su You.

"Luya, he just fulfilled his responsibilities. You should be happy to have such a dedicated guard." Su You didn't mean to speak for this guard. After all, Luya is a princess of the mermaid tribe. She is just an outsider, and intervening in this matter will only affect Luya's authority.

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