Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 615 615 Forbidden Land

Contradicting the royal family is actually a very irrational behavior among the mermaid tribe.

But Harry still chose to speak out when Luya said that for Su You's sake, he would be given a lighter punishment. Either he was really stubborn, or he felt that the consequences of doing so would be better than being exposed. Punishment at Ya's hands is better.

"Luya, this matter is related to your reputation. You'd better let someone inquire about it." As a member of the mermaid royal family, he has means and acts decisively. This is not a problem, but this is based on punishment. On a reasonable premise.

It was well known that Luya was favored, and what Su You was most worried about was that someone would take advantage of this to portray Luya as a coquettish, capricious, and unreasonable savage princess, thereby ruining her reputation.

Water can carry a boat or overturn it. Anyone with a high status is supported by the people below. If he loses the support of the people, he is nothing.

Of course, Su You hoped that she was overthinking it, but now that she had discovered a problem, she would definitely remind Luya.

Especially now that it is still a troubled time, and the fish-man incident is imminent, there must not be any problems on Luya's side.

"Yu Yi! I understand what you mean!" Luya is not stupid. On the contrary, she can make good use of the favor of the Mermaid King to continuously seek corresponding benefits for herself, and she can also maintain this favor and not let it go. After she disappeared, she was actually not as silly and sweet as she seemed.

It's just that no matter what you do, you have to think carefully about it every time. This is undoubtedly very tiring, and Luya grew up pampered, so she greedily hopes that she can become the carefree little princess she originally was.

Therefore, she always shows a different image in front of Su You. This is actually her taking off her disguise when facing strangers.

"It's good that you understand. I hope this is just something I'm overthinking and worrying about..." At this point, Suyou saw Harry coming back and saw the two mermaids behind him. She He tilted his head and said a few words to Luya, and then Hongsi, who was beside Luya, took her to Luya's palace.

After arriving at the palace, Su You saw other people who had settled down. Everyone rested for a while, and then Su You began to ask Hong Si about the environment and situation around the mermaid tribe.

"The overall layout of the mermaid clan is circular, with the palace in the center, surrounded by the residences of ordinary mermaids, and the outermost periphery is a protective shield..." I don't know if it was because of receiving Luya's order, so Hong Si could say to Su You It’s all about answering questions.

Even some information that ordinary fish people didn't know, she told Su You without reservation.

"Is there any special place due east of the mermaid clan?" After understanding the general layout of the mermaid clan, Su You began to analyze the places where pollution sources might be hidden based on the information he knew.

Although the west is the direction of the murloc's attack, the murloc's attack can be defended, but the pollution is different. This is irreversible, and will most directly harm the mermaid tribe. Therefore, under the limited time, Su Pomelo is definitely the first choice to deal with pollution.

Hong thought for a while, with a trace of hesitation on her face, but then she thought of His Highness's instructions. No matter what questions the human in front of her asked, she must answer truthfully... Although she didn't know why His Highness believed in this human being so much, nor did she know why the mermaid What happened to the clan recently, but she still decided to listen to His Highness.

"If your question is correct, due east is actually the forbidden area of ​​the mermaid tribe." As soon as Su You said this, she knew why Hong Si, who had just known everything, hesitated.

It is true that not everyone can tell about a place like the Forbidden Land, and she is just an ordinary mermaid, but she is more trusted by Luya. Naturally, she has no right to tell other people about this matter, especially Su You is not a mermaid.

But she said it anyway, so this can only mean that Luya did give instructions in advance.

"Lu Ya asked you to say it, right?" "Yes, His Highness said it. No matter what you ask, I can answer it directly."

Su You actually just asked casually, after all, it was all obvious.

What she cares about most now is this forbidden area... Why is the forbidden area exactly in the east direction?
  And pollution is also in this direction...

Could it be...?
  "That's really difficult to deal with..." Su You didn't think about how the fishmen put the pollution into the forbidden area, because this has basically become a fact, and there is no point in dwelling on this issue anymore.

The biggest problem now is that the fishmen can put pollution into the forbidden area. The forbidden area is the most important location of the mermaid tribe. Even if they know that there is pollution inside, they cannot go in and deal with it.

No wonder...

No wonder pollution has invaded the mermaid tribe for so long, but no one from the mermaid tribe has noticed it. It turns out to be because of the special location.

"Who in the clan has the authority to enter the forbidden area?" No matter what, Su You felt that it was necessary for her to take people to the forbidden area. Even if she couldn't bring people and she was alone, she still had to go.

But before that, she had to first find out who could enter and exit the forbidden area. On the one hand, she could know who she could ask for help, and on the other hand, she could also rule out the culprit for placing the pollution.

"The forbidden area is inaccessible, even for kings, and the forbidden area cannot be entered, because there is a formation outside the forbidden area. This formation can only be solved by elders, and requires the participation of multiple elders to solve it." Hong Si's words made Su You Lost in thought.

Even the Mermaid King cannot enter the forbidden area, and there are formations in the forbidden area, which require multiple elders to lift the formation... No matter how you look at it, it looks like a classic locked-room murder case.

Su You knew it was a 'murder', but this was a 'secret room'.

Unless many elders of the mermaid tribe were bribed by mermaid corruption... But is this possible?

If so many elders have been bribed, why do the mermaids need to be so secretive? They can simply let these elders disintegrate the mermaid clan from within. Although it takes a long time, it does not cost a single soldier, and they bury the pollution so much. A long time is enough for them to do many things.

"How did you know these things? Lu Ya told you?" Su You was still thinking about the forbidden area, but halfway through thinking, she suddenly discovered a problem - Hong Si knew too many things.

Although Luya asked Hong Si to tell her everything, this was based on Hong Si knowing the answer.

The previous questions were considered simple. As the sixth princess's confidant and playmate, she had lived in the palace since she was a child, so it was not surprising to know these.

But how did she, an ordinary fisherman who was not a member of the royal family, know about the forbidden area?

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