Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 617 617Unknown Weakness

To put it more bluntly, they were used as guns, and this was used without either of them knowing!
  If not, there are a lot of things that simply don't make sense.

For example, the most important thing is why Modi wanted to harm Harry, and he obviously has countless ways to harm people, but he chose a strategy that is easiest to expose. This is undoubtedly very stupid.

"Let's put this aside for now, Luya. I have something very important to tell you now." Suyou cleared her mind and prepared to talk to Luya about pollution.

Although Su You suspected that Harry and Modi's incident was probably related to the fishman's plan this time, there were too few clues about this matter, and he couldn't come up with anything even if he tried to think about it. Instead of wasting this time, it would be better to focus on what has already been done. There are directional clues to explore.

"You Yi, tell me." Luya also saw Su You's seriousness and understood the importance of this matter, so her smile gradually disappeared and was replaced by a serious look.

"Before coming to the mermaid tribe, I asked the astrologer in the territory to watch the stars. The results of the astrology showed that the interior of the mermaid tribe has been invaded by pollution, and the direction of the pollution is in the east."


Luya was stunned for a moment, recalling the entire mermaid tribe in her mind. Soon, she also thought of the forbidden land.

However, the reason why she immediately thought of the forbidden land was not because she already knew something, or because her thinking was fast, but because there was only the forbidden land on the east side of the mermaid tribe.

The forbidden area is very large, and that large area belongs to the forbidden area, so this is the only answer.

"Before you came back, I asked Hongsi what was on the east side of the mermaid tribe, and she said that it was the forbidden land of your mermaid tribe." Although Su You could see that Lu Ya had already thought of it, she still told the answer directly. come out.

"Impossible!" Luya said subconsciously.

Later, she realized that there was something wrong with her attitude just now, and immediately explained: "Youyi, don't be angry, it's not that I don't believe you, but the forbidden area is very accessible to people, even the father. Pollution can never be in the forbidden area." among.”

It's normal for Luya not to believe it. If Su You didn't learn the news from Yao Guang, then after learning about the situation in the forbidden area, she would definitely not be able to help but doubt the authenticity of this clue.

Because once a problem is discovered in the forbidden area, there will be too many mermaids involved... This is undoubtedly a suspicion that the entire mermaid clan has been corrupted and become the lackeys of the murlocs!
  "Don't worry, Luya, I'm not angry. In fact, I didn't believe that the pollution would be in the forbidden area at first. If such an important place is polluted, then your mermaid tribe will be in danger..." Su You didn't believe it. Maybe she told exactly what she knew from Hongsi, so she could only change her story.

"But in addition to pollution, the astrologer also provided me with another piece of information..." Su You used a voice that only two people could hear, informing him that the shark beads would be contaminated.

Luya's eyes widened, and she looked at Su You with shock and confusion in her eyes.

This doubt also stunned Suyou, because she only thought that Luya would be surprised that she knew about this, but Luya's behavior was obviously not like that... It was like she heard this for the first time. The doubts in his eyes were much more than those of Su You.

"This..." Luya wanted to speak, but found that her voice was a little hoarse. She paused and then cleared her throat: "Yuyi, I don't know if what you said is true, because I have grown up Never heard of this.”

As a mermaid princess, Luya didn't know that the same beads would be contaminated? !

This incident can be said to be completely beyond Su You's expectations. She always thought that this was the weakness of mermaids, so they would hide it in every possible way, but what she never expected was that the mermaids themselves didn’t know it!

Since Luya, as a princess, doesn't know, then other ordinary mermaids, and even other princesses and princes, most likely don't know either. The only ones who may know are the mermaid kings, mermaid queens, and mermaid elders of the past generations.

"I'll take you to see the Fifth Elder!"

"I want to meet your elders."

The two sentences were blurted out at the same time. Both parties were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled.

"The first elder is old-fashioned, and the second elder is cunning and selfish... The fifth elder is my mother's best friend, and she is also the only elder I can trust in the palace." Luya explained the matter of taking Su You to the fifth elder. explained.

Su You nodded in agreement.

In fact, she didn't care which elder she went to, because for Su You, she just needed to know everything. It didn't matter who told her all this.

"By the way, there's another thing..." Because time was urgent, Su You didn't know how long it would take for her to come back from this trip, so she quickly said another sentence about pollution.

Compared with the first two pieces of information, the sentence 'There are enemies in the west' was obviously more acceptable to Luya, so she directly ordered her personal guards to go there to investigate.

"Bring my people with you, otherwise it would be easy for you to go there and alert the snake." Su You even found a good excuse for this: "Just say that the sixth princess's friend wants to hang out at the bottom of the sea, and by the way, he will bring some 'local specialties' go back."

Luya naturally listened to Su You's words, so the guards around her took a dozen confused humans out to look for the 'specialties' on the seabed.

Of course, Su You would not let everyone leave in confusion, so she secretly asked Duoya, Lilith and Ning Shi to explain the matter.

Duoya has a stable character, while Lilith seems naughty, but is actually as scheming as an adult. With the two of them leading the team and the mermaid guards around, there is basically no big problem.

As for why she told Ning Shi, this was mainly because since the fishman could arrange pollution, he must have been in contact with the pollution, so she could better detect the traces of the fishman.

"The three of you take care of each other. No matter what happens, safety comes first." After explaining everything, Su You watched everyone leave. Then, she followed Luya to the elder's residence again to visit the fifth elder.


After meeting the fifth elder, Luya directly hinted that the fifth elder had something important to talk about, so the fifth elder immediately asked everyone else around him to step back, and then led them into a small private room.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. No one else here will hear it." The Fifth Elder saw Lu Ya bringing Su You here again, so she could easily guess that this time Lu Ya came here because of Su You. What happened to Yuzu?

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