Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 634 634 Underwater Fantasy

That's a key!

Su You didn't have time to think about other things. When she saw the whirlpool shattering, she reached out and grabbed the key.

I thought it would be easy to take out the key, but I didn't expect that the key floating in the whirlpool was like a sea-fixing needle, immobile. No matter how hard Su You pulled, there was no sign of moving.

"Lord! My magic power is almost exhausted!" Yoei also saw that something was wrong, so he ignored the pain of running out of magic power and tried his best to hold on for a few more seconds.

But the energy of the vortex was still too strong, and his persistence only delayed the reunion of the vortex by two seconds. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Su You drank several bottles of potion in succession, and then took the medicine from his backpack. Pulling out a power rune, he took the key out of the vortex.

When the key left the whirlpool, the inexplicable resistance completely disappeared. Su You also took a few steps back due to inertia. Fortunately, the body strengthened by the potion still stabilized his body and did not fall to the ground.

"Lord, are you okay?" Seeing Suyou almost fall, Youai was startled, and while taking back the magic in his hand, he hurriedly walked over.

"It's okay, I've got the things... Your magic should have been used up. Drink the potion quickly to recover. There are a lot of potions, so there is no need to save."

Although magic can also increase naturally, the speed is too slow, and there are only two of them here. Yoei needs help with many things, so he must recover as soon as possible.

After listening to Su You's words, Youai realized that his current condition was not very good. His body was aching due to depletion of magic that had been ignored at first, and he also had a strong feeling of dizziness in his head.

He also knew that his current situation was indeed not very good, so he did not refuse. He took out two bottles of blue potion from the space bag and drank it.

This kind of magic recovery potion is divided into two types, one is to directly restore the magic value, and the other is to restore the cumulative value within a certain period of time.

The former has a slightly lower value, but is more efficient and is most useful at critical moments. The latter takes some time, but for potions of the same level, the value will be higher than the former, so it is suitable for when the situation is not very critical.

Most potions have a cooling time after use, but instant recovery potions and continuous recovery potions are two different potions. Even if they both function to restore magic, they can still be used at the same time.

"Lord, what are we going to do now? Do you know where this key is used?" After drinking a potion that instantly restored magic, Yoei's magic-depleted body was like nectar dripping from a long drought, although he still felt vaguely uncomfortable. But it was much more comfortable than before.

"If I remember correctly, the door that appeared out of thin air on the wall just now seems to have a keyhole." It is not known whether the key in hand can open that door, but you can try it first.

So the two people returned the same way.

When they arrived at the underground stairs and wall door, they saw a keyhole in the wall door.

The key was in Suyou's hand, and she was about to try to open the door directly, but before inserting the key, Youai stopped her.

Yoe: "Lord, please let me do it."

Youai's idea is simple. Although it seems calm and there is no danger at this time, no one knows what will happen behind the door.

He is a magician, he can do magic at least, and at least he has the ability to fight back if he is in danger.

But Lord Lord is different. She has no fighting ability and can only rely on external objects to strengthen herself. However, this kind of enhancement is not her own, and she is not as flexible as him.

"Okay." Su You didn't dwell too much on this matter, and took two steps back after giving the key to Youai.

After getting the key, Yoe did not hesitate and inserted it directly into the keyhole.

‘Click——’ With a crisp sound, both of them knew that the pairing of the key and the keyhole should have been successful.

Youai took a deep breath, drank two more bottles of magic potion, and then turned the key...

When the key unlocked the door, the door did not open, but disappeared directly in front of the two people.

At the same time, Su You received a message that surprised her——

[The copy of ‘Underwater Fantasy’ has been unlocked. 】

【Underwater Fantasy】

Difficulty: varies with the number of people, the lowest is ★, the highest is ★★★★☆

Number of people: no limit

Number of times you can escape: 1 (each time you leave consumes the number of times you can escape*1. When the number of escapes returns to 0, you can only escape by killing the boss or clearing the dungeon)

Introduction: This is an illusion that exists underwater. No one knows who created it, and no one knows how long it has existed. Everything in the illusion is virtual. In this, who can stick to the truth? Illusion... Illusion... This is an illusion...

(Note: Because this dungeon is in an underwater area and there is no barrier protection within the dungeon, there is a risk of drowning. Please prepare relevant props before entering.)


"Lord, what's wrong with you?" Youai looked worriedly at Su You, who seemed a little dull since the door on the wall disappeared.

Su You came back to her senses and shook her head slightly towards him.

"It's okay, I'm just wondering why this door disappeared suddenly." Because she hasn't figured out the matter of this copy yet, she is not ready to tell the matter yet.

Youai nodded clearly, without any doubt, because he was also very surprised about this matter.

Of course, the most problematic thing for him was that the door disappeared, but nothing was found behind the door.

After all, they are not Suyou and cannot see the existence of the copy. Therefore, after the door disappears, in the eyes of others, it is like a concave irregular wall. Although it is weird, there is nothing to attract their attention. .

"The key opened the door but there was nothing, then..." Youai was about to ask about the underground stairs, but before he could finish speaking, he heard noisy noises coming from outside the water prison.

Before he could think about it, dozens of mermaids suddenly came in from outside. There were three mermaids in the leader. Su You recognized two of them because one was the second elder and the other was the fifth elder.

Although Su You didn't recognize the remaining one, since he could stand in the same position as the second elder and fifth elder, this mermaid must also be one of the elders.

Except for these three elders, the mermaids behind them are all dressed as guards, and they are probably the bodyguards of these three elders.

When these mermaids came in and saw the water prison that had undergone earth-shaking changes, they were shocked and confused at first, and then became full of suspicion.

And all the suspicious eyes fell on Suyou and Youai.

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