Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 798 798 Polar Night Storm 34

Chapter 798 798. Polar Night Storm 34
Looking at the white and soft fur ball, Baicao's eyes lit up.

As we all know, she is a serious plush lover, otherwise she would not like Lingbao so much, nor would she give up the rabbit nest and choose to live at home because of her addiction to plush stuff.

"For the sake of saving you, let me suck it!" Baicao looked at the palm-sized hair ball. After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to rely on his status as the 'life-saving rabbit' and suck it hard! Take a puff of rabbit.

Originally, she didn't know there was such a comfortable thing, but the lord taught her about it.

This feeling of having your entire face buried in soft hair is so comfortable!
Especially since the rabbit had just taken a medicinal bath, it had a light herbal fragrance. To Baicao, it was like a walking 'rabbit mint', so Baicao sucked the rabbit even more.

When she buried her head for the seventh time, the fainted rabbit weakly opened its eyelids. Then it was horrified to find that it seemed to be caught by a human, and this human was still doing strange and weird things to it. thing!

'嘤! ! 'The rabbit subconsciously made a sound and wanted to resist, but the hungry rabbit had no strength to resist at all.

Even the voice that usually sounds very majestic has become soft and delicate, almost like a coquettish voice.

Baicao's eyes suddenly lit up, but she actually has a timid and shy personality. If she took advantage of the rabbit's danger, that is, sucked the rabbit while it was unconscious, she could still find herself and save it. She comforted herself with the excuse of her own life, but obviously the other party was already awake, and it was obviously inappropriate for her to do this again.

Even though the other person was of the same gender as her, she was also a female rabbit.

Feeling the strength on his body lighten, Rabbit breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

After it got angry, it also realized that its current situation was not very good. At this time, it was like rabbit meat on the chopping board and could only be slaughtered by others.

However, the human seemed to have no intention of killing it, so the rabbit decided to endure the humiliation and bear the burden. The first priority was to recover from the injury. The previous humiliation would definitely be recovered after it recovered!
"You're awake~ Why are you injured so badly?" Baicao didn't even know how ambitious the little rabbit on her hand had just been, nor did she know how it endured the humiliation. She only knew that it was awake, and she wanted to ask What happened to it.

Orcs can communicate with beasts, but only within their own race. For example, rabbits can only communicate with rabbits.

The orc itself can speak and communicate without any barriers, but if the beast rabbit has a limited IQ, then no matter how powerful she is, she can only barely understand some meanings.

But obviously, this rabbit is a strange beast, and its intelligence is higher than that of ordinary beasts, so it can naturally understand Baicao's words, and Baicao can also understand its words.

'嘤嘤嘤? ? ? 'Why can I understand you?
Baicao knew that he could communicate with the rabbit, but the rabbit didn't know that, so when he found that he could understand what Baicao just said, he was shocked.

Baicao touched its head gently: "Because I am also a rabbit. I am a rabbit, and you are also a rabbit. Of course I can understand you, and so can you~"

'Huh? ? ? 'Are you a rabbit?
For Rabbit, this sentence is simply more terrifying than discovering that he can understand Baicao!
"Well, I'm an orc. I don't know if you know what an orc is... Anyway, my prototype is also a rabbit. If you don't believe it, look at it!" Baicao said and put the rabbit on the soft cushion aside.

The rabbit was dazed for a moment because of the sudden solid feeling of landing, and then the next second he saw a big rabbit twice as big as himself, about the size of two palms, appearing in front of him!

'嘤! 'What a rabbit!
Seeing its stunned look, Baicao smiled and raised her little paws to pat its head, and then she turned into a human again in front of the rabbit.

Rabbit: "..." It was successfully subverted. The person in front of me is a rabbit, but she is also a human, so rabbit = human?
Then I am also a rabbit, I = her, so it = human?

Baicao didn't know how much impact what she just did had on the little rabbit in front of her. At this moment, she was wrapped in the emotion of happiness.

After all, she has a lively and noisy personality, but since she came to the Sunset Territory, although Suyou has given her a lot of freedom and basically given her whatever she needs, she is an orc after all, and is different from ordinary humans.

She was the only orc in the entire territory, which made her very lonely. Even if she met other kind and gentle humans in the territory, she could never talk to them about everything. The generation gap between races was not so easy to break.

In this territory, the only one who can really play with her is Lingbao.

But Lingbao has been busy taking care of the dragon egg recently, and she sees Lingbao less, so she feels even more lonely.

Su You actually discovered this, but she was helpless, because she had no choice. The probability of a special race being refreshed in the tavern was not high, not to mention there were so many special races, even if they were refreshed, they might not be orcs.

In fact, there are many wild beasts in the territory, and there are a lot of them in the animal taming park. However, the beasts in the animal taming park were captured by the beast tide, and most of them are ferocious beasts!
Lions, tigers, leopards and wolves, not to mention they are all creatures at the top of the food chain, but at least they all eat rabbits.

Not to mention asking Baicao to find them, even knowing their existence is a threat to Baicao.

"What's wrong with you?" Baicao came back from her joyful mood. She touched the rabbit and looked at its dull look, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The rabbit had not recovered from the previous equation. It shook its head blankly, and then nodded again.

Baicao looked at it doubtfully: "???"


A few minutes later, Baicao vaguely heard the sound of a rabbit clamoring for hunger.

"It turns out I'm hungry~" Baicao carried the rabbit to her small warehouse... It was said to be a small warehouse, but in fact it was filled with medicinal materials.

To be precise, they are incomplete medicinal materials.

Although Baicao works hard to take care of the herbs in Baicao Garden, and the quality of these herbs is very high, there will always be a very small number of crooked melons and cracked dates.

Although these crooked melons and cracked dates can also be used to make potions, the quality is a bit poorer. Vivian doesn't like these incomplete ones because the price/performance ratio is too low.

Consuming the same materials and the same time, the potion was half as effective, which was obviously not cost-effective, so these incomplete herbs were left behind.

Su You didn't know how to deal with it until one day, Baicao couldn't help but muster up the courage to ask her if she could eat these herbs.

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