Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 847 847 The Artifact of the Orcs

Chapter 847 847. The artifact of the orcs
"I remember that the mermaid tribe seems to have dragon crystals? Can you sell me some?" Su You contacted Luya this time not only to find out about the mermaid tribe, but also for the dragon crystals.

With dragon crystal, the probability of dragon eggs hatching can be higher.

Luya agreed immediately without hesitation.

"Yes, how much dragon crystal do you want? This thing is of no use to us. I can give it to you directly if you want it." Dragon crystal is a priceless treasure for humans, but for mermaids It is a special stone for the tribe.

The mermaid clan and the dragon clan don't have much communication, but they do exchange some things every two or three years. Over the course of thousands of years, the mermaid clan has a lot of dragon clan things in their treasure house.

Su You was suddenly in a dilemma because she didn't know how many dragon crystals were needed.

She has never hatched a dragon egg!

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Lu Ya was a little confused when Su You didn't respond.

Su You thought for a while and said helplessly: "I don't know how many dragon crystals are many do you have?"

After all, Luya was not in charge of the treasure house, and she didn't know, so she quickly went to find the fifth elder. After getting the answer from the fifth elder, she told Su You.

"The Fifth Elder said we have more than 300 dragon crystals here. If you need them, we can give them all to you."

"This is not good. What if you need to use dragon crystal?" Su You shook his head and refused. He was about to say that he wanted half of it first, but was interrupted by Lu Ya.

"It doesn't matter, we don't need the Dragon Crystal. Even if we really need it, we can go directly to the Dragon Clan to trade."

Su You was a little surprised and asked quickly: "Do you still have contact with the Dragon Clan?"

"Yes." Luya didn't know why Su You was so excited, but she still gave an affirmative answer.

Suyou's eyes lit up.

This dragon egg is a big trouble. If you can ignore it, then it is best not to ignore it. Since the mermaid clan can contact the dragon clan, why not just ask the mermaid clan to help tell the dragon egg about it, and let the dragon clan send its own dragon to take away the dragon egg? Already?

Su You thought so, so she said so.

Luya didn't react at first, but when she heard the word 'dragon egg', she suddenly felt excited.

Although she is not responsible for communicating with the Dragon Clan, she also knows how much the Dragon Clan values ​​their offspring, and she also knows that this dragon egg is a hot potato!
Even if this dragon egg is in the mermaid clan, they must be eager to send it to the dragon clan immediately!

"Youyi, don't be afraid. I have already told the fifth elder about this matter. The elder will contact the Dragon Clan now..." Luya didn't know that Suyou had been raising dragon eggs for more than a month. She thought Suyou He accidentally encountered the dragon egg, and he was afraid that something might happen to the dragon egg in his hands, so he was so nervous.

Su You wanted to say that she was not afraid, but after hearing Luya say that they had contacted the Dragon Clan, she stopped talking.

"Then this matter will trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble, the Dragon Clan is too stingy to protect its shortcomings..." Luya had a headache thinking about this. She was afraid that if she contacted the Dragon Clan, when the Dragon Clan found the dragon egg, the dragon egg would be dead, and that would be a big deal.

"Although we can contact the Dragon Clan, it will take time. You Yi, you still need to raise dragon eggs for a while..." At this point, she directly asked people to sort out all the dragon crystals in the treasure house, and then went to I searched to see if there are any other things related to dragons that are beneficial to dragon eggs. "I sorted out all the dragon crystals. In addition to the dragon crystals, I also found two dragon blood grasses. I will ask Alan to send these things up later. Yuyi remembered to ask someone to bring the conch as a token. ”

"There should be elven spring water at Yuyi's place, right? Dragon blood grass and elven spring water are very good for dragon eggs!"

After saying this, Luya was afraid that Su You would refuse, and said: "The dragon egg matter is very important, Yu Yi, please don't be polite to me."

"The Mermaid Tribe told the Dragon Tribe about the dragon eggs. The Dragon Tribe will definitely benefit us when the time comes, and we will definitely not lose!" Luya's words were direct and sincere.

Su You smiled and did not refuse this time.

"Okay, then I'll have someone pick up Alan later."

Because she was in a hurry to deliver the things, Luya did not continue the conversation.

After chatting with Luya, Suyou first arranged for someone to take the conch that Luya gave her to the beach to pick up what Alan sent. After the people left, she contacted Anita.

The main reason for contacting Anita was to thank her, or to thank Elder Bai Kou. If it hadn't been for Elder Bai Kou's prompt, Su You would have never guessed what the Black Shadow of Fear was.

Although the system will give an introduction to each random natural disaster event, she found that each event introduction will only appear after she triggers the relevant information. If the information is not obtained in advance, the event introduction will naturally not be so detailed.

"Okay, I will convey your gratitude to the elders." Anita felt happy and thankful for her when she heard that she had survived the natural disaster.

"By the way, I have another question for you. Is there any news about the orc clan's artifact?" It has been several months since Anita was kidnapped. Su You felt that even if they didn't understand the specific situation, There should always be some clues.

Anita frowned subconsciously when she heard the lock bell. Obviously, the previous events still left some shadows on her.

However, she quickly adjusted her emotions and replied naturally: "There are some clues. It is said that when the orcs were competing for the position of clan leader, one of the eliminated orcs had a grudge against the entire orcs, so he stole the artifact. Go out, but what he doesn’t know is that the artifact displayed by the orcs is a fake replica, and the real artifact is hidden somewhere else.”

Su You pondered her thoughts and asked, "So what the orcs mean is that the bell that hurt you was a replica stolen by this orc?"

Anita snorted and said, "That's what they said, but why is it such a coincidence?"

Su You also felt that there was a problem, but it was obvious that the orc tribe was in chaos, and it was not an ordinary chaos, otherwise the artifact would not have been stolen.

Even if this artifact is fake, it is obviously real.

For some reason, Su You suddenly had a bold idea.

"Do you think the orcs really hide the real artifact somewhere else?"

Anita is very smart and quickly understood what Suyou meant.

"You mean, what the orc stole was the real artifact?" The artifact is a race's trump card. If something unexpected happens, no matter how anxious or angry the orcs are, they can only break their teeth and swallow it. It is impossible to tell outsiders, otherwise it will be obvious to outsiders that they have no trump card.

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