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Chapter 867 867 Snake Clan Aman

Chapter 867 867. Snake Clan Aman
Seeing that it was getting dark, Su You still had many questions, but she suppressed them and did not continue to ask. Instead, she said goodbye and returned to the temporary residence arranged by Elder Xiong for them.

When Suyou came back, she realized that Anita had already returned. Perhaps she was afraid of disturbing her or exposing her identity, so she never used the voice token to contact her.

After all, elves don't need voice tokens to communicate with each other. If Su You takes out the voice token, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

"How's it going? It seems like you should have gotten a lot of clues today." Anita looked at Su You with a smile, without any nervous look on her face.

Su You nodded, and she also said the same words to Anita.

"You should also know a lot." After saying this, she paused, and then told what she had discovered today in the monkey tribe and the cow tribe.

Until Su You finished speaking, Anita's expression remained unchanged.

"You already know?"

Anita shook her head: "I don't know, but maybe it's because I know too much, so I think these are nothing."

Su You: "..." What Versailles remarks.

Although the orcs invited the elves to help, in fact, the orcs did not want the elves to interfere in the orcs' affairs. As for why they did not want to invite the orcs, this involved many aspects.

Even if it's just pretending, it's too much of a pretense.

"Suyou, I heard from the clan leader today that a cub has been found. Who do you think this cub is?"

Unless the clan leader found the cubs but didn't tell them, it didn't make sense when he thought about it.

She really wasn't kidding, she did know a lot, and one of the pieces of news was a bombshell.

Anita seemed to have read her thoughts and expressed the same emotion: "Do you think there is a problem? I think there is a problem too, but I am a foreigner after all, and it is not convenient to talk about many things."

In fact, she was not completely guessing. After all, among the four cubs, she had been to both the Monkey and Ox tribes. If she had found Wheat or Amu, the two elders would never look like that.

Su You was stunned, and then answered subconsciously: "Is it the cub with the most talent?"

Therefore, the found cub that Anita mentioned could only be from the leopard tribe, or the genius cub whose identity is still unknown.

When given a choice between two, Su You subconsciously chose the special one, but she didn't expect that this was the answer.

When Su You saw Anita's expression, she knew she had guessed it right, but instead of being happy, she was very complicated.

"That's right, it's the cub with the most talent. His name is Aman. He is a cub of the snake tribe. We found him in the forbidden area. When we found him, he was already in a coma."

Anita: "..." Anita originally wanted to give it a try, but Su You unexpectedly guessed it directly.

Anita didn't joke either. After Suyou finished speaking, she started to talk about what she knew.

The more Su You listened, the weirder she felt.

Su You vaguely guessed something, so she didn't ask any more questions.

What she cares about is not the matter between the elves and the orcs, she only cares about the cubs.

"Did the cub named Aman say what happened?" "No, that cub was unconscious until I came back." Anita shook her head.

Su You felt something was wrong and guessed: "Is he really in a coma?"

Anita smiled: "Who knows?"

Suyou understood that Anita's meaning was obvious. It was almost impossible for them to get any information from this cub named Aman.

As for the reason?

No reason.

"But one thing is for sure, the patriarch definitely wants to find the other three cubs." Anita did not give the basis, but since she said so, she must have her own credentials, this is definitely it is true.

"I have visited the forbidden area, and I didn't find any problems. In addition, I also learned that during the period of the Orc tribe's reversion to their ancestors, the Orc tribe is closed to the outside world, and no outsiders are allowed to enter." What Anita said is that if If someone is really causing trouble, then there is a high probability that there is a mole in the orcs.

After all, it is almost impossible for such a person to exist who has the ability to sneak into the orc tribe quietly and attack the cubs under the eyes of the public.

Not even Anita is sure of this.

Because the forbidden area of ​​​​the orcs is really not an ordinary place, even the orcs of the orcs will feel huge pressure when entering, especially the foreigners.

Anita stayed inside for less than ten seconds before she could feel a tremendous pressure.

It's just that she has extraordinary strength, plus she has the token of the orcs on her, and it was brought in by the clan leader, and she has no ill intentions towards the orcs, so she can stay in there for a while.

"I feel like it's getting more and more chaotic... We've obviously found a cub." Su You couldn't help but say.

Anita nodded in agreement.

Su You took out her notes and finally decided to analyze it from the beginning.

Since there are more people than there is strength, she left Anita behind to analyze with her. Anyway, it was getting late now, so Anita didn't have to go out and there was nothing to do.

"The biggest clue we know so far is that two cubs were put under pressure before being tempered... It's just a pity that I didn't have enough time today and didn't go to the Leopard Clan to understand the situation. If the cub of the Leopard Clan is the same, then The situation can be further confirmed.”

Anita is not as complicated as she thought: "It doesn't matter. Even if the cubs of the Leopard tribe don't have this situation, it doesn't matter. We can discuss it separately. What if the cubs of the Leopard tribe disappear for another reason? "

Suyou felt that what she said made sense. She did not need all the cubs to have the same situation before she could analyze it.

"What you said makes sense." Su You said, preparing to discuss the cubs of the Monkey and Ox tribes first: "No matter who said what to them, let's first look at this person's purpose."

"Axiang said that Xiaomai was worried that he would not perform well in the Ancestral Tempering and lose the face of the Monkey Clan, so the person must be talking about related topics, such as, 'If you don't work hard to perform well in the Tempering, then The monkey people will be ashamed of you."

Anita said nothing, but nodded in agreement.

"This person must have said this to increase the pressure on Mai and Amu so that he can take the next step more easily."

"So Suyou, what do you think his next step will be?" Anita asked cooperatively.

Su You thought for a while, and then said: "Since he is using tempering to exert pressure, then what he does must be related to tempering..."

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