Chapter 90.
And this stone pillar lamp can be controlled 'switch', as long as there is enough fuel, she can control the switch of this stone pillar lamp at will.

While this sounds very un-scientific, the existence of a digital world is itself unscientific.

Because it is daytime now, it is not convenient for Su You to check the lighting distance of the stone pillar lamps, so she just put one on the left and right of the door for the time being.

In addition to the stone pillar lamp, Suyou also made a lamp that can be hung on the eaves, called the 'four corner lamp'.

This four-corner lamp is somewhat similar to a lantern, but it is not a lantern.

The main material of the four-corner lamp is made of wire rope and the cloth synthesized by the wire rope. The material of the four-corner lamp is 'string*4, cloth*1, coal*1'. This set of materials can make two four-corner lamps , and Suyou happened to be planning to hang four-corner lights on the left and right eaves corners of the front of each building, so as many buildings as there were, Suyou had to make as many sets.

Four residential buildings, plus tavern, post station, warehouse, mission hall, tailor shop, a total of nine buildings, nine sets of lights were made, last night, Su You directly hung them up.

After that, there are some other ornamental buildings with no practical use.

This construction took a whole day, because in addition to these decorative buildings on the ground, Su You also spent materials to change the ground.

The road surface in the previous territory was muddy land. Although the road surface was fairly flat and not as potholed as the surface of the moon, it was also a bit irregular, and it seemed out of place compared with the orderly buildings around it.

So Su You spent some stone materials to make 'patterned stone bricks', and then replaced all the road surfaces with patterned stone brick floors.

It just so happened that other members of the territory were outside the territory, and even Dorya was planning to go for a walk because her hands had almost recovered. It was said that it was to investigate the hunting spots, but because her hands had not fully recovered, Dolly was worried about her. , so I went out with him.

No one means that Suyou's renovation will not be affected by walking around, so Suyou's construction speed is getting faster and faster.

From the stone bricks on the floor to the stone walls around the territory... This place was originally made of wooden fences and wooden walls, but now that the ground has been changed, Su You also replaced the walls with stones, which can unify the territory. The 'theme style' is also more pleasing to the eye and less obtrusive.

During Suyou's construction period, Doli and Duoya came back once. God knows how surprised they were when they saw the completely changed territory.

They were so surprised that they almost began to wonder if they had gone to the wrong place, or if they had gone to another territory... Until Doli pushed open the stone gate that Su You had just built, and after seeing the scene inside, she confirmed that she had not gone wrong. While not hallucinating, he was even more shocked by what he saw, the scene in the territory.

"This... I, we should have been out for less than a morning, right?" Dolly was so shocked that she stumbled a little while speaking.

Just like what she said, why did such a big change suddenly occur in her own territory in less than a morning?

Although they must admit, this change is really beautiful, like a rural compound turned into a brick courtyard.

Although there are still many deficiencies, compared to before, the current territory can be said to be quite beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

"It should be that the lord is doing something, let's ask." Although Duoya was also surprised, she obviously calmed down a lot, but as long as she observes carefully, she can find that her so-called calmness is actually just a disguise. In fact, when Dolly didn't notice, her eyes were always observing the changes nearby.

After all, she is a girl in her early twenties, and this is not an era of advanced Internet. Many new things can only be experienced by oneself. Duoya has never seen these things before, and it is normal to feel interested .

When the two of them came to Su You's side, they could see that Su You was constantly taking out something from the workbench, and after taking it out, he put the raw materials in again and again to make new things.

"Lord Lord."

"Miss Lord, are you decorating the base?"

In fact, Su You had heard the movement of the two of them pushing the stone door just now. After all, she was just busy and not deaf, so Su You was not frightened when she heard their voices suddenly, but it was very natural He replied: "Well, I have renovated it a little bit, and I am going to change the floor and the outer wall, so it will be safer."

While talking, another set of patterned floor tiles was made, Su You took it out, and then turned to look at them.

"How about it? Is it good-looking? Or if you have any opinions, you can tell me for my reference." Although she is the lord, the territory is not hers alone. Just think it looks good.

But Su You obviously asked for nothing.

Duoya herself is not one to give opinions, and she is not picky about these things, but Duoli, who is a fan of the modern age, is the kind who thinks that everything Su You says is right. In vain.

Under such circumstances, Su You could only get a series of praise words from the two of them, such as 'like', 'satisfaction' and 'good-looking'.

"It's fine if you think it's okay... By the way, Dolly, I have something I want to ask you." Su You seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and suddenly called out to Dolly.

Dolly, on the other hand, immediately stopped when she heard Su You calling her, ready to walk around.

"Miss lord, tell me." Dolly thought it was something urgent when she heard her call to herself, so there was inevitably a little nervousness in her words.

"Don't be nervous, I'll just ask." Su You smiled at Dolly, and then continued: "I remember you said before that you know some basic sewing, right?"

Dolly: "Yes, Miss Lord, is there anything I need to make?"

"Hmm...not really, look over there first." Su You pointed in the direction of the tailor shop, motioning Dolly to take a look.

Dolly was stunned when she saw the tailor shop, as if she had guessed something vaguely.

"This... a tailor shop? Does the lady lord want me to be an employee of the tailor shop?" Dolly asked tentatively.

She herself has no objection to Su You's arrangement for her to go to the tailor shop. After all, she has some basics herself, and she can get started quickly, and she also likes sewing and making things.

(End of this chapter)

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