pawn wife

Chapter 101 Chapter 101: Everyone is not Liu Xiahui

Chapter 101 Chapter 101: Everyone Is Not Liu Xiahui (Part [-])
Chang Xi first saw a piece of green bamboo painted on the folding fan, and then the three characters Yuan Tailiang were written in cursive at the signing place, and then there was the seal of the name Tairan layman. canthus teeth.

This person was wearing a low-key pine green gown, and he didn't wear a hair crown on his head. Instead, his hair was tied with a headband of the same color. He looked very refreshing and gentle, like a scholar, but this person had sharp eyes It's full of sharp edges that can't be hidden, and the restrained momentum is not quite like it.

In short, this person is definitely not as gentle and harmless as he appears, and the place and timing of his appearance are very subtle.

Is this directed at her?

What does she have?
It's just the pawn wife of the Xie family. Even if they start a tea brick business now, it's just a small business. You can see that the shopkeepers are all big shopkeepers. The boss doesn't show up. To put it bluntly, he doesn't want to deal with her.

No matter how big a dream you have in your heart, you must have a clear understanding in reality. Arrogance is often the beginning of destruction.

So she made a decision in an instant, so she also returned a friendly salute, "Young Master Yuan, you are welcome, it is getting late, so I will leave now, and please forgive me, Young Master Yuan."

"Chang... elder sister..." Zhang Yingda managed to call out the title of elder sister, and then looked at the man named Yuan Tailiang with unfriendly wolf eyes.

Chang Xi secretly winked at him, telling him not to talk too much, and successfully blocked the half-grown boy's words, then she nodded slightly to Yuan Tailiang, and then quickly evacuated with the three half-grown children.

This attitude seemed friendly, but the movement of leaving was clean and neat, and the man who was left in the same place closed the folding fan with interest. No wonder Xie Jinhui was moved because of her.

"Master, do you want to follow?" The subordinate appeared and asked.

Yuan Tailiang tapped the subordinate's head with the folding fan, and then the folding fan pointed to the Xie mansion not far away, "This is the gate of Xie's house. What do you want to do at the door of his house? Go, go back to the box."

The guest he was waiting for was about to arrive, so he easily let go of the woman just now, otherwise he would definitely pester her for a while to test her out more clearly.

At the entrance of the teahouse, Chang Xi directly asked Zhang Yingda and the three to go back first. Anyway, Zhang Yingda knew how to find him, so it was not difficult to say goodbye.

Zhang Yingda pursed his lips and didn't say anything else, but cupped his hands towards Chang Xi, then pulled his reluctant sister and turned around to leave. Now he is too weak and can't do anything for her, so he must To become strong, otherwise, like just now, he won't even have the chance to stand up for her.

Zhou Afa looked at Faxiao's back, didn't say much, and hurriedly followed, but he still secretly looked back at Chang Xi, this woman is really special.

Chang Xi looked at the actions of the three and a half older children, and couldn't help but shook her head with a smile. After all, she was still a child, and now she gradually had available manpower around her. Instead, she was no longer in a hurry for Zhang Yingda, who was eager to train at the beginning. Knives also need to be sharpened slowly to become sharp.

She is willing to give the boy a chance to grow up.

Just as he was about to get into the mansion in a sedan chair, he saw Xie Jin who was leading someone over on horseback. Suddenly, the two of them stared wide-eyed.

Chang Xi looked at the entrance of Jiefu, and then at the direction Xie Jin came from. It was obvious that Xie Jin didn't come from Jiefu just now, but came here to meet people after returning from business.

The man in the green shirt just now appeared in her mind, and she always felt that Xie Jin should be familiar with him, but curiosity would kill the cat, and she couldn't control Xie Jin's making friends.

She was about to say goodbye politely, when Xie Jin got off the horse, threw the reins to Zhou Nan who was beside her, and walked slowly towards Chang Xi, "Why are you here?"

What tone is this?
Chang Xi was displeased, but thinking that Xie Jin was such a temperamental person, that's all, she could hold a boat in her stomach, and it was out of her style to argue with him.

"Why do you come here? Drink tea and snacks. I have been busy all day, so I can't drink too much."

This sounds like no problem. Her attitude seems very gentle, but it is inevitable that she still feels a little bit of a stick. Xie Jin didn't hold on to this, but frowned and said, "Your tea brick business is in trouble. ?”


Chang Xi was a little surprised, she didn't expect that he would still care about her tea brick business, and then she thought about the matter of extorting 50 taels of silver from him before, she always felt that she seemed to have overlooked something, but she couldn't think of it for a while, so she stopped talking about it Brainstorming.

However, with the idea that it would be a fool not to squeeze the wool, she smiled and looked at Xie Jin, "Is there any trouble, Xie Jiuye will come forward to solve it for me? That's kind, I welcome it."

Xie Jin is much easier to use than Xie Ming. Xie Ming's flattery is not as good as his brain alone, let alone social energy. As far as she guesses, the man in the blue shirt is not a simple person. Progressive pig friends and dog friends are much better.

But in the past, to avoid suspicion, she hadn't thought much about explaining Jin's idea. After all, just thinking about the contract to have a child is fucking fucked up. It is impossible for her to conceive a child under such circumstances.

Therefore, she has been releasing Xie Jin, a big fish, into the sea and not catching it.

Hearing this, Xie Jin looked her up and down, and glanced at her, as if saying that he was thinking well, then without saying a word, he passed her and walked directly into the teahouse, as if saying one more word to her would damage his style.

Chang Xi hurriedly turned around, and seeing his air-conditioned back, his hands were itchy, and he really wanted to punch him, what the fuck, my old lady is just as successful without you.

"Xiao Tao, let's go."

She also sat back in the sedan chair with air-conditioning all over her body. Isn't it because the air-conditioning is stronger than anyone else's, and she is not inferior to him.

Looking at the situation, Xiaotao didn't understand what happened until now, but she was used to Chang Xi's orders, so she ordered the sedan chair to be picked up, and followed the sedan chair to the opposite Xiefu.

Seeing Chang Xi's sedan chair leaving, Zhou Nan hurriedly chased after his master, and whispered to Xie Jin, "Ms. Chang seems to be angry."

Xie Jin glanced at him, "Are you free?"

Zhou Nan was so stunned that he couldn't speak, he immediately covered his mouth and backed away, he was just stating the facts, why did he offend the master?

Seeing Xie Jin striding forward, Yuan Ziliang hurriedly stood up and greeted him.

Xie Jin returned a salute, and then the two went to the half-open box one after the other.

Yuan Tailiang didn't mention Chang Xi, and he wanted to erase the previous traces on purpose. He didn't want to offend Xie Jin on this matter.

From the open window of the teahouse, Xie Jin saw Xiefu's sedan chair entering the mansion through the small door, so he withdrew his gaze and looked directly at the opposite side, "Have you been here for a long time?"

"No, a little earlier than you." Yuan Tailiang smiled and shook the folding fan.

Xie Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, then glanced over the small teahouse, and when he saw that it was too bright, he smiled inexplicably at the corner of his mouth.

This smile made Yuan Tailiang feel his back in an instant, this Xie Jin was getting harder and harder to be fooled, but with just one word, he suspected him, it didn't make sense.

In the end, he still resisted the pressure and said, "I just met the girl who talked to Xie Laoba last time. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

"And then hit up a conversation to get to know each other by the way." Xie Jin said coolly.

Yuan Tailiang hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I know I can't hide anything from you, really, I just happened to meet, I have no ill intentions towards that girl." After a pause, "If you like it, just stay by my side, as for those troubles It's easy to deal with..."

These words refer to Chang's unsightly husband, a gambler, it shouldn't be too easy for him to disappear.

An ownerless widow, it's not bad to keep it around as a toy for entertainment, anyway, a man, who doesn't know who?

Everyone is not Liu Xiahui.

Xie Jin suddenly looked at him with warning eyes, until his scalp was numb, and then he said coldly, "Don't let me know that you have done unnecessary things, otherwise, you know my temper. "

Yuan Tailiang's original intention was to take the opportunity to test Xie Jin's attitude towards the Chang family, but in the end he got such a sentence, does he care or not?

At this moment, he couldn't understand it.

"That's natural." He replied with a smile, and secretly promised that he would not bother that Chang's again.

Only then did Xie Jin give up, instead of dwelling on this issue, he turned to the real business.

Hearing the master's business, Zhou Nan and the people brought by Yuan Tailiang hurriedly went out to guard, and no one was allowed to eavesdrop.

Chang Xi, who returned to Jie Mansion, first went to the Qin family's courtyard to report and talk to Qin family, and then left and returned to Xiaokua courtyard.

The scenery in Xiaokua courtyard remained the same, as if time had not changed at all, but Chang Xi knew that this was just the calm before the storm, so she had to eat and sleep well, waiting for the arrival of a storm.

It is said that shopkeeper Shen, who had been humiliated by Xie Ming and left, spoke to the owner of Mingxiang Tea House, Mr. Shen, after returning.

"Boss, a woman like this is here to mess up the tea market. She must not be allowed to continue to behave like this, or she will mess up the whole pot of porridge sooner or later. We have to kill her in the cradle."

Mr. Shen was sitting on the reclining chair, twirling walnuts in one hand, and smoking with the other hand holding a copper hookah pot.

The boy at the side saw that the tobacco leaves were almost gone, so he hurriedly added more tobacco leaves to the old man.

Shopkeeper Shen stepped forward to snatch the job from the boy, and added tobacco leaves to the distant uncle with a flattering expression.

Master Shen turned his head to look at this distant nephew, he was very pleased with his flattering behavior, "Did the foreign devil really sign a contract with her?"

"Boss, how dare I lie to you? I sent someone to investigate after I left. This matter can't be true anymore. If her tea brick workshop is opened, our loose tea business will definitely suffer a big blow. , This loss is not just a little bit." Shopkeeper Shen feared that the world would not be chaotic, and said, "Only if she is completely beaten down, the foreign devil's business will come back. have to come forward to make it happen."

(End of this chapter)

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