pawn wife

Chapter 205 003: Losing Ideas

Chapter 205 003: Losing Ideas (One Update)
Her brother He Xiao's words startled He Xiling's heart. Although she hated Chang Xi for occupying her position for so long, she never thought of killing her. Anyway, this is a human life. She muttered, "Brother, This...isn't it good?" After a pause, "I saw that you were quite interested in her before, why did you change your mind now?"

At that time, she was still sad about this for a long time. She was afraid that her brother would be captured by Chang Xi's beauty and would never help her return to Xie's house in the future, so what would she do?
He Xiao sighed, stretched out his hand to gently rub the top of her sister's head, "Even if I am interested in her again, I can't compare with you, Xi Lian, you are my sister, who can I be for if I don't do it for you? Besides, there is her One day, there is no guarantee that my brother-in-law will not be shaken by this? You have missed it once in the past, and you can't be wrong again."

What her elder brother said really touched her heart. After that ridiculous elopement and encountering inhumane people, He Xiling knew that she was very insecure, and her family was the only straw she could hold on to. If you can't treat her wholeheartedly, then it will be difficult for her to make a comeback.

But she is so tall that she has never trampled an ant to death, so how could she dare to commit murder?

So, she made an excuse, "Brother, didn't you say that you wanted to expand your business and also develop the tea brick business? This business is only done by that bitch now, brother, if we really beat her to death, we can still do this Is it a business?" She was also reluctant to part with this business, it would be great if she could take it over from Chang Xi's hands, in this way, her father would be willing to work hard for her to return to Xie's house after she made a contribution to the family.

Although the elder brother didn't say anything, there is only one way to kill Chang's bitch, which is to say that tea bricks are illegal products. , It is not difficult to make a final decision.

But things are so troublesome, the business of tea bricks, the He family can no longer touch it, it's a bit of a pity when you think about it.

Why doesn't He Xiao know that if he decides the matter, it means that the road is dead. He is also full of regrets, especially that Chang's is a rare beauty. He really wants to slowly fight for the beauty. It's just a pity that I got it.

"We tried to make that tea brick but failed. My father refused to let me try again. Now I can't find that foreign devil named John. We can't get a share of this pie. Since we can't get it, we might as well destroy it."

Seeing the ruthlessness in her elder brother's eyes, He Xiling subconsciously took two steps back, with a look of fear in her eyes. Such an elder brother is strange and terrifying.

When He Xiao saw his sister's actions, he immediately screamed in his heart. He never thought of making his sister afraid of him, so he immediately said softly, "Xi Ling, I did this for your happiness. If you are afraid, Then if we don't do it, then I will find you a good family to marry into, and you will have no worries for the rest of your life..."

These words are very sweet, but it's not what He Xiling wants to hear. Is there any marriage in Yiyang City that can compare with Xie's?She used to be young and didn't understand the stakes in this, but now that she has experienced and grown up, she naturally understands what is best.

Thinking of this, she immediately stopped being afraid of her brother. After all, everything he did was for her. At this moment, guilt appeared on her face, "Brother, I'm sorry, I..."

He Xiao smiled softly, "Xi Ling, you don't need to apologize, we brothers and sisters don't need those empty words."

He Xiling was so moved that she wanted to cry, what more could a husband ask for if he had a brother like this?

"Brother, I promise you."

In the end, she gritted her teeth and agreed, as long as she could bring down that bitch Chang, she would pay any price.

Only then did He Xiao really laugh, "Xi Ling, don't worry, even if I try my best, I will marry you into the Xie family again, and you will still be the wife of the Xie family."

These words were like that kind of medicine, He Xiling was instantly excited when she heard it, and now she didn't have the mood to go out, and went back to the house with her brother to start plotting.

When the He brothers and sisters were preparing to make trouble, Chang Xi also received an investigation about the He family.

After signing the documents brought by Dongli, the official business came to an end for the time being. Only then did she have the time to listen to the report of the servant that Xie Jin had transferred to her. After she had doubts about the brothers and sisters of the He family, she arranged for him to go investigated.

"Ms. Chang." After the young man saluted, he saw Chang Xi motioning him to sit down, so he sat down carefully.

After serving tea, Chang Xi asked, "Tell me about the situation of the He family."

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

The young man put down the tea bowl and began to speak in a low voice. Even Dongli stood aside and listened subconsciously. After all, what she knew about the situation of the He family was what everyone in the mansion knew back then. a little.

"He's eldest son is an illegitimate son. He was born through an affair with someone when he was doing business abroad. At that time, the other party wanted to take him to report to the officials. He spent a lot of money to save his life. In the end, he hugged him. The child came back in disgrace, Mrs. He Shan once made a big fuss, but in view of her infertility for a long time after marriage, she could only suffer from this dumb loss and raised the illegitimate child under her knees as a legitimate son ..."

No wonder, Chang Xi always felt that He Xiao was weird, now that he knew his real life experience, this contradiction would naturally be resolved.

Seeing that Chang Xi was thoughtful, the young man stopped talking for a while, until Chang Xi came back to urge him, and then he continued, "After a few years, Mrs. Shan suddenly became pregnant, and she gave birth The only daughter, who is loved by thousands of pets, cannot be loved too much. As for Mr. He, because he is ashamed of his wife, he loves his daughter far more than his son..."

This is also the first time Dongli heard this secret, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes. However, compared with the conflict between the concubine and the concubines in ordinary families, this He family son is not abused because he is the only son, but he is treated differently. It is true.

Regarding Dongli's opinion, Chang Xi actually has reservations. If it was just this, He Jiazi's behavior would not be like this, because his interests are guaranteed, and he just needs to wait, and he won't want to make mistakes brains.

"Dong Li, do you still remember the dowry when the He family started?"

Speaking of this, Dongli actually still has some impressions. She was already a first-class maid beside the Qin family at that time, so she had naturally seen this dowry list.

"Ms. Chang doesn't ask, but I can't remember. He's family background is not as good as Shi's, but He's dowry is more generous than Shi's. At that time, I thought she was a merchant girl, and the family members wanted to save face for her." It looks good and is valued, so a huge dowry was paid out." Then he said all the valuables on the dowry list that he remembered.

This dowry list not only includes [-] mu of fertile land, but also nearly [-] shops. There are many silk shops in it, and of course there are many treasures. It is not an exaggeration to say that half of the He family was moved to He Xiling as a dowry.

If you give too much, some people will be jealous. It goes without saying who that person is. Shan's own dowry should not be included in it. After a hundred years, it will all belong to He Xiling. May I ask, can He Xiao be convinced? ?
It's just that this person has always been an image of a good brother and a good son. I'm afraid that the He family has never suspected his sinister intentions. It's really interesting.

Everyone here is not a fool, Chang Xi asked this, and they all came back to their senses.

The young man didn't know what Chang Xi's purpose was in investigating the situation of He's family, but following Chang Xi, he had enough money and not much to do, so he did his best, "Miss Chang, do you want to continue to investigate this He's family? "

Although Chang Xi understood the situation of the two brothers and sisters, she still couldn't figure out some things. Was He Xiao's handwriting in He Xiling's elopement incident?

Her eyes narrowed, and she suddenly had a suspicious guess in her heart, but the answer can only be found in the brothers and sisters of the He family, "You find someone to keep an eye on these two brothers and sisters, and see who they are in contact with on weekdays Many, especially He Xiao, report it to me later, and ask Xiaotao to reimburse the money spent later."

The young man took over the job, and immediately bowed out and left.

Dongli made tea again and brought it back to Chang Xi, "Miss Chang, how about we remind He Xiling in private?"

Hearing this, Chang Xi suddenly looked at Dongli with a smile. She never thought that such a mature and stable girl would come up with such a bad idea. This is clearly laying maggots between the two brothers and sisters. As long as there is a gap, the relationship between the two brothers and sisters Immediately tense up.

Because He Xiling is an exquisite egoist. On the surface, it seems that she wants to win Xie Jin back. It seems that she is in love, but in fact she chooses the path that is most beneficial to her. Xie Jia is no stranger to her. As for the wrong things back then, the fault was that Shi Bichi was not with her, she was justified, that's why she shamelessly made troubles with her again and again.

"Dongli really has you, I think this plan is feasible."

Hearing Chang Xi's praise, Dongli smiled. Since she has followed Mrs. Chang wholeheartedly, she must share her worries wholeheartedly, so that she can be relied on forever by Mrs. Chang. I didn't fight for this before because the future is unclear, but now I have to fight Only by fighting can he beat Xiaotao.

Just do what she said, she wrote a note and handed it to Chang Xi for review, and after getting approval, she handed it over to Er Gouzi to find Zhang Sheng's face and find a way to throw the note to He Xiling.

Although He Xiling agreed to her brother to go to the government office to file a complaint, she was still uneasy. She always felt that she was a bit stupid to do so, but she couldn't help being excited when she thought of bringing down Chang Xi.

So when she was sitting in the carriage, the road ahead was messed up because someone was catching a thief, making the carriage impassable. She was about to lift the curtain to see the road conditions, when something flew into the carriage, which made her scream With a sound, he immediately stepped back and raised his hand to cover his face, for fear that someone would throw stones in and ruin his face.

The first thing that came to my mind was that bitch of the Chang family. After being kicked out of the Xiefu, this person tried to ruin her tolerance and break her marriage. He hated her so much. It seems that he can't delay any longer. He should do what his brother said. After killing this dog in the water, she can rest easy.

Just as she was thinking about dark things, the maid beside her picked up the rolled up note, "Girl, it was a note that was thrown in."

Not some terrible stone.

(End of this chapter)

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