pawn wife

Chapter 207 005: Trick Them into Boarding a Thief Ship

Chapter 207 005: Trick Them into a Thief Ship (Part [-])
Then He Xiao began to realize that he was having a hard time. First, He Xiling's illness was not getting better. She kept yelling all day that it hurts and that hurts. She asked a doctor to take her pulse, but they all said there was nothing serious, so she prescribed a prescription and made medicine Drinking, but she was still bedridden, and said that it was because the Mongolian doctor could not cure her, and asked him to find a famous doctor for her.

Shan felt sorry for his daughter, so he had to go to burn incense and worship Buddha. After going there, he didn't know what others said. Anyway, he looked at him differently when he came back. Under Shan's anger.

He was so angry that he swept away all the things in the study as soon as he went back. As expected of mother and daughter, Shan and He Xiling are the same breed, damn it!hateful!
Just as he was smashing the study to vent his anger, Father He suddenly lifted the curtain and came in. Seeing the mess all over the floor, he suddenly burst into anger, "You scoundrel!" He picked up a feather duster and beat his son on the side, "I call you Disrespect your mother, say, what did you do to make your mother and your sister unhappy?"

He Xiao clenched his fists and endured his father's beatings. It was like this every time. Whenever that bitch Shan was upset, his father would beat him. So he learned to act according to Shan's face at a young age. If something is wrong, you will suffer.

After He Xiling was born, he also couldn't make his younger sister unhappy. As long as his younger sister was unhappy, not only He's father, but also He's mother Shan would make trouble for him. Obviously he wasn't the one who provoked his crying sister, but in the end the blame was still on him. Own.

After suffering for so many years, he couldn't let his achievements fall by the wayside, so he could only admit his mistakes and said, "Father, calm down, and my son will go to his mother to admit his mistakes. If my mother doesn't calm down, I will kneel down for a day."

Seeing this, Father He gave up.

He Xiao went to Shan's yard and knelt all night before Shan let him get up.

He didn't dare to rub his aching knees, and went first to serve Shan's meal.

Seeing his low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, Shan said slowly, "Xiao'er, don't blame my mother for being cruel to you, because you heard that you want to start a new stove outside, this is not okay, you can't write two words in one stroke. A word of congratulations, our He family is not happy to separate."

He Xiao hated it very much in his heart, this bitch just wanted to leave him to be her precious daughter's cow and horse, but he couldn't take the bulk of the property, how could he be willing to do this?If he doesn't take the opportunity to privately turn the He family's property into his own, he can only make wedding dresses for others.

On his lips, he said, "Mother, I understand." There was not even half a sentence of superfluous refutation, Shan Shi only wanted what she thought, and never cared what others thought.

Shan was quite satisfied with his attitude of admitting his mistakes, so he asked him to visit He Xiling first, to have fun with his sister for a while.

He quickly answered "yes" before he could escape from Shan's yard.

What happened to the He family can be heard by Chang Xi. After all, the He family is just a merchant, and the management of the family is really not strict. As long as you spend money, you can buy words from the mouths of people with bad mouths, so what do you want to know? Not easy?
At this time, the shopkeeper Guo of Taiming Tea House, who had the closest cooperation with her, poured tea for her and said, "The prosperity of the He family is only a matter of these two generations. How can a merchant family with no background learn from a real noble family?" Playing tricks? My boss accompanied the old lady to incense that day, and took the opportunity to say a few words to Mrs. He, and a thorn was planted in her heart immediately. It is reasonable to have this outbreak, but now I am afraid that he will jump over the wall in a hurry. "

When Chang Xi came over and said that someone wanted to use tea bricks to make a big fuss, the boss agreed to cooperate. After all, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and helping her is tantamount to helping himself.

It's just that I didn't expect Chang Xi to be so courageous that he dared to use illegal things to make money. At that time, he was frightened into a cold sweat. If he had known earlier, he would have been beaten to death and would not have dared to cooperate with Chang Xi.

When reporting it to his boss, he also complained that Chang Xi deliberately tricked them into boarding the pirate ship, so that the risk would be dispersed. This woman is very cunning.

But the owner smiled and said, "People don't fight unprepared battles, Grandpa Guo, just wait and see, this violation of the tea brick system will be abolished in a short time, so we have taken advantage of it. A force is also reasonable."

Seeing what the owner said, what else could he say?We can only do a good job of contacting and communicating with Chang Xi to buy time.

As soon as Chang Xi heard what Shopkeeper Guo said about jumping over the wall in a hurry, he laughed first, "Just don't worry about this, for people like him, profit is everything, and the He family's money has not been fully obtained yet. How can you be willing to jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Of course, one day she will force him to jump over the wall, but she can't be in a hurry.

Shopkeeper Guo was very convinced by Chang Xi's words, and he felt at ease temporarily after hearing what she said with certainty.

The capital, the imperial palace.

Although Princess Qianrong has the right to sit in a sedan chair in the palace, she has not used this privilege since more than 20 years ago. Since she wants to go into hibernation, she has to get the details right.

For more than 20 years, she has been a good person in the palace, from the group of feuding brothers and sisters and concubines in the harem, down to the eunuchs in the palace, who would not praise her?

So when she walked in this palace road, everyone she met would salute and say hello to her, and she would respond to them one by one with a smile.

Of course, when she met courtiers, she nodded when she was young, and when she was older, she had to go up and say hello. In short, she was always a good person in the world, which also gave her a very good reputation in the court, and many people deliberately forgot about her. She is the daughter of the former empress and the eldest sister of the deposed prince.

When she arrived in front of the emperor's bedroom, seeing the atmosphere inside seemed a little tense, she stopped, and then beckoned a little eunuch to come over and asked in a low voice.

The little eunuch received many benefits from the eldest princess on weekdays, so he immediately whispered, "Your Majesty wants to rebuild the summer palace, but all the adults said that there is no money, and Eunuch Jiang quarreled with them, which alarmed His Majesty. Get angry." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to the eldest princess, indicating that this is not a good time to go in, and it is inevitable that he will be stunned.

Princess Changrong immediately understood that Eunuch Jiang is the eunuch who is the supervisor of ceremonies and seals. This is the confidant of her "good" father, and he is also his spokesperson. Now that he is in a stalemate with the courtiers, it represents her father. is in a rage.

When her father was young, he was somewhat enterprising. As he got older, he became more and more obsessed with alchemy, and liked to enjoy it. The palace was built every year, but every year it could not satisfy his desire.

Naturally those old ministers would not do it, Mr. Feng was an old man, half-deaf and half-deaf, anyway, there would be some noise in this meeting.

"Couldn't Your Highness wait in the side hall first?" the little eunuch asked hurriedly.

The eldest princess waved her hand, indicating that she was waiting here.

The little eunuch couldn't persuade him, so he couldn't help but look at the eldest princess worriedly, but his own words were light, so he could only step aside.

Standing here, you can hear the quarrel inside.

"Father, there is a flood in the Central Plains this year, and this disaster relief food is desperately needed. Please, Father, allocate this money first." This was the voice of the third prince, Zhao Xiang.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Accounting really has no money to transfer." It was the Minister of the Ministry of Accounting who complained.

"Then according to what your lord wants, is there no disaster relief?" The third prince asked.

How can Hubu Shangshu afford such a reputation?Immediately said, "Third Highness, don't put this high hat on the old minister, but if the household has money, how can the old minister not use it for disaster relief? Even if His Highness forces the old minister to death, the old minister is still a clever woman who can't cook without rice..."

This is putting the rogue on the table.

Without going in, the eldest princess could imagine how ugly her third brother's face would be, and couldn't help cursing in her heart that she deserved it.

The quarrels inside continued one after another, until an old-fashioned voice yelled angrily, "Enough is enough, everyone doesn't want to let Zhen live in peace, then let me go!"

Not long after, the princes and ministers inside all retreated one by one.

Seeing Princess Qianrong waiting outside, everyone shook their heads secretly at her, telling her to avoid it first, so as not to sweep the tail of the typhoon.

The eldest princess first greeted Mr. Feng, the first assistant, and exchanged a few words with him, and then she was carefully supported by the elder to leave.

Then he looked at the third prince and other younger brothers, with serious expressions on his face, as if he was a lesson but caring, and said, "You guys, you dare to twist the tiger's beard, and you don't know how to write the word dead?" The last sentence was uttered out of breath of.

Seeing the eldest sister like this, the third prince could only smile wryly, "After taking this job, what can the eldest sister say?"

"Father's temper is getting worse and worse." The Seventh Prince Zhao Gong complained softly.

The eldest princess glared at him immediately, "Nonsense."

Only then did the Seventh Prince realize that he had made a slip of the tongue. He looked around at the brothers who were watching from the sidelines. It was better for the elder sister to defend himself.

"You guys go back first, I'll go in and see Father."

When the princes heard this, they all wanted to persuade the eldest sister not to go in and be scolded, but then thought that perhaps the elder sister could persuade the father, so they could only tell her to be careful in a low voice.

The eldest princess patted the shoulders of several imperial brothers before stepping inside.

This time it was Eunuch Jiang who greeted her, obviously he was stunned when he saw her, but secretly waved the hand in his sleeve towards the eldest princess, signaling that the eldest princess should go back first.

"I'm worried about my father."

Eunuch Jiang saw that the eldest princess's expression did not seem to be fake, and that the Tian family's family affection was not easy for him to stop, so he let it go.

Ever since he became obsessed with alchemy, the emperor's bedroom has been arranged like a Taoist temple. The eldest princess has long been able to turn a blind eye to this, and walked directly behind the curtain, and she saw the old Chongming emperor sitting on the futon. It seems that they all have the appearance of a detached fairy.

But the eldest princess had seen him kill his wife and son, and she was not at all confused by his appearance. After she stepped forward to salute, she carefully called out, "Father."

"Where did you come from?" Emperor Chongming said in a deep and oppressive voice without opening his eyes.

Princess Qianrong smiled and said, "My son has sent some money to Emperor Father."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongming suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the eldest daughter with a pair of eagle-like eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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