pawn wife

Chapter 218 016: Don't Worry About Too Many Debts

Steward Du waited anxiously outside, and when he saw the little eunuch coming out to communicate, he calmed down a little, adjusted his clothes, and followed the little eunuch to the back room, and as soon as he entered, he saw the company leaning on the Arhat bed On the soft cushion, what he was playing with was the half jade pendant that he used as a knocking brick.

Seeing this, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet his company. He was unwilling to be in the lower position, but he had to lament that everyone has his own fate. He has no one with a good life, and he can recognize a godfather like the eunuch Jiang Xing, the supervisor of ceremonies.

The company hurriedly got up to help him up, looked carefully for a while, and indeed found some traces of the old man on this face, so he smiled enthusiastically, "Why don't you say anything when we meet each other all the way? Missed so many days."

In fact, Du Guanshi was also apprehensive when he took out the half piece of jade pendant. After all, it has been so long since what happened back then, who knows if he will recognize it or not?If he didn't admit it, wouldn't he be humiliating himself?It was because I thought too much that I was delayed. Fortunately, the result was not bad.

"I think it's not good to disturb my father-in-law, but this time I really encountered a difficult situation, so I ask my father-in-law to save me." After finishing speaking, he immediately cupped his hands again.

The company hurriedly returned the gift and sighed, "You just think too much. If I hadn't been taken care of by you when I was in the cocoon room, I probably wouldn't be able to live today. Now that you are in trouble, I will think about it no matter what. Ways to help."

After he was a criminal minister, he was sentenced to palace punishment, and the pain on that day was unbearable. Du Guanshi, who was working in the cocoon room at that time, once brought him food. repay.

Later, he survived by luck, and he was bullied repeatedly when he was a young eunuch in the palace. It was not until he met his godfather Jiang Xing that his fortune came. It was just that Du Guanshi actually worked as an errand in Princess Qianrong's mansion.

Du Guanshi's face was touched, so he didn't hide anything, and told the whole story of his offending Chang Xi, "Now the uncle said that he would send me back to Beijing. If I go back like this, I will probably have no future in the future. Please ask my father-in-law to help me." My gang, make peace with that Chang family for me, if I can stay, I will repay my father-in-law for today's kindness."

After thinking about it for a while, he might have to have that nasty Mrs. Chang nod to stay. The old man didn't care what he said, but he understood that the old man was just a dog around this Chang's, so he secretly I have already written a letter back to the eldest princess, and I must not let the uncle be fascinated by a little widow.

With a background like Chang's, she is not worthy of being a housekeeper for the uncle, let alone being married to a bright matchmaker?But is there anything a man who is dazzled by love can't do?The uncle is now the person who makes people dizzy.

Of course, he would not tell the company about these things. Although he was kind to the company in the early years, the friendship between the two has not reached that level.

In fact, the company doesn't want to know too much about Steward Du's private affairs, especially the private affairs of the eldest princess's mansion. Although everyone in the imperial city says that the eldest princess is a good person and is kind to everyone, but he has been in contact with the eldest princess, so he really doesn't think so. The eldest princess is a good old man, she just thinks that the other party is unfathomable, but he didn't even reveal these things in his heart to his godfather Jiang Xing.

The thing Du Guanshi asked for was actually not difficult for him. He had a relationship with Chang Xi once, and he could go to find her with an excuse. I believe she would still buy it because of his own face, but he is used to being cautious. , the word of guarantee is never said.

So he frowned slightly and said, "I've met Mrs. Chang before. It's not easy for this lady to get ahead. Well, I'll try to mention this to her. As for whether she should or not, it's up to me to decide." For the sake of it," he said in embarrassment seeing that Steward Du's face was a bit ugly, "Madam Chang has obtained this imperial decree this time, and she has made an appointment in front of the imperial court. His Majesty may ask her about it in the future, so some things should not be overdone. , after all, be a human being and stay on the front line, so we can meet each other in the future."

These words are tantamount to waking up Manager Du. As for whether he can listen to it or not, it is not in his consideration. This time, he helped Manager Du, and the kindness was wiped out.

Du Guanshi didn't dare to force it, he could only keep expressing his understanding, and then talked with the company for a while, then took his leave and left.

The company company personally sent him out to the gate and gave him the highest courtesy.

At this time, Chang Xi was talking to Xie Jin in the other courtyard, "I beat that steward Du, and I never thought of regretting it. Do you need me to write a letter to explain, the eldest princess?"

After all, it was Xie Jin who led the line between her and the eldest princess. Even though she didn't like Guanshi Du, she didn't want Xie Jin to be in the middle of it. Before becoming the person who is coaxed by Niu B, it is right to keep a low profile.

Xie Jin said, "Since you don't regret it, there is no need to explain."

"That's not good?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. Since that manager Du is so ignorant, then go back where you came from, and the Eldest Princess can just send someone who is knowledgeable."

Xie Jin's words fell right into Chang Xi's arms, and it happened that she didn't really want to get in touch with Princess Qianrong. She was more concerned about dealing with Tian's family than doing business to make money, and she had to be extremely careful in what she said and did, otherwise she would be wronged. If you get angry with the other party, it is very likely that you will be unable to eat and walk around.

Of course Xie Jin would say that, probably he had written a letter to the eldest princess behind his back, no matter what, it would be considered that he owed him a favor. current affairs.

"It's good to be brave, but I'm also mentally prepared. If this person is not too much, how difficult is it for me to tolerate him?" She spread her hands openly.

"You think clearly." Xie Jin took a look at her flying eyebrows. In fact, he likes to see her like this. No matter how big the difficulty is, she can overcome it in her eyes.

"I've had some beer wine prepared for you to congratulate you, and it's just time for you to be seated." He made a gesture of invitation to her.

Chang Xi smiled, and graciously followed him to the table, just happened to be hungry at the moment.

After drinking two cups, Xie Jin said that he found a skilled craftsman, and he will be invited to another courtyard soon, "This person can just make your improved design of the loom, first make a sample, and then try it out. mass production."

Chang Xi’s eyes became brighter the more she listened. If the improvement of the textile machine is successful, after the factory is built, the money earned will be comparable to that of tea bricks. Of course, the competition will be fierce, but she is never afraid of it. What is more is competition.

When Lin Yuqi's steam power research is successful, the progress will be leaps and bounds, and all walks of life will benefit.

The two chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Seeing the atmosphere, Zhou Nan didn't want to go in and disturb her at first, but if she couldn't tell Madam Chang the news in advance, she might be at a disadvantage in dealing with it, so he bit the bullet and went in.

"What's the matter?" Xie Jin's face immediately turned cold when he saw the long follower coming in. Although he was very unhappy at his ignorance, he knew Zhou Nan's temperament, and he must come in and report something.

Zhou Nan glanced at Chang Xi, and still chose to speak, "Then Manager Du went to see the company, and the company promised him that he would be a peacemaker, and make peace with Mrs. Chang for him."

Chang Xi frowned when she heard that Liu Mei frowned. This was not good news. Although the company, who had met once, was very talkative, but after all, he was an eunuch in the imperial city, representing the majesty of the Tian family. If she confronted him It's not the same thing as beating Guanshi Du.

"If you don't want to, I'll send him away for you." Xie Jin couldn't see Chang Xi frowning, it didn't pay to worry about these two rootless people, he just didn't want to see him.

Chang Xi knew that if he really said that he didn't want to see Mr. Si and Guanshi Du, Xie Jin would really send them away. He was capable of doing it, but he still said that if he relied on him for everything, he would never be able to leave. The cripple is not far away. What she wants to do is to be an eagle that can soar and have the ambition to rise to the clouds, not a canary that is kept at home and waits to die.

"I'd better meet this company to see if he is not in a hurry to return to Beijing to reply to the imperial decree. I guess he still has some errands to do during his visit. If I have a good relationship with him, it will be beneficial to me." .”

The value of the company is not comparable to that of Du Guanshi. This is a person in the power center of the imperial city. If she goes to the capital one day, this will be a useful contact.

After all, if you can broaden your network, you will also benefit from it. Chang Xi has a clear goal on this point.

Xie Jin saw that she looked confident, so he didn't plan to go overboard. What he liked was her aggressive look, so there was no need to break her wings.

"I asked Zhou Nan to compile a copy of the company's past experience for your reference, so that you can know what to do when you deal with him."

Chang Xi smiled immediately, and hurriedly bowed her hands to express her thanks. This gift was really sent to her heart. The deeper she got along with Xie Jin, the more she could feel his intentions.

Some people regard her as a girl, and some people regard her as a vicious spirit, but in Xie Jin's eyes, she can feel that he puts herself in a position beside him, which is respect for her, her How can the heart not be touched?
It's just that she sees everything too rationally, so if there is a development with him, it can only happen naturally, and it can't be achieved overnight. Besides, if he becomes the emperor in the future, then I'm sorry, what she wants may be just a dewy marriage.

She never seeks a position in his harem, and she is not sensitive to such "beautiful things" as serving a husband with others. If this is the case, it is better to kill her sooner.

Of course, it is still too early to talk about these contradictions, so it is better to let nature take its course.

Xie Jin didn't know that Chang Xi had already positioned him in his heart at this time. If he knew, he would definitely cry out for being wronged. He really never thought of enjoying the blessings of everyone.

Or it has something to do with his growing up environment in Xie's family. The influence he has been exposed to in Xie's family has influenced him, so it has created his character today.

The flowers were beautiful and the moon was full, and Chang Xi was drunk. Xie Jin was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he picked her up and took her to the room where she lived before.

"I'm not drunk, come on, let's drink again, we must get drunk..."

She screamed in his arms, struggling to get off the ground, pulling him to drink another three hundred cups.

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