pawn wife

Chapter 220 018: Conquer

Chapter 220 018: Conquer (one more)
Before Chang Xi could finish speaking, she heard a choking voice, "No."

As soon as the voice came out, everyone in the reception room looked out the door, only to see Yuan Hao rushing in in a hurry, and once he came in, he looked at Chang Xi twice, "It's not good for the work that Manager Du caused such a big thing last time." The normal operation of the workshop, he can't take this position, and the Princess's mansion will send another person over at that time."

"Master..." Manager Du was really tearful this time, and Chang Xi didn't object to letting him stay. Why is the uncle so heartless? "The little one really knew it was wrong..."

Unexpectedly, Yuan Hao didn't even look at Manager Du, but nodded to Eunuch Si and said, "Please ask Eunuch Si to reconcile this matter in person, it really belongs to the Princess's Mansion, and I will definitely back up a little gift to thank Eunuch... "

The company didn't expect Yuan Hao to act like a businessman. This noble son who used to be arrogant and domineering in the capital would talk like this one day. It's really new, but he can see that he did it for the sake of the person next to him. The beautiful lady Chang has nothing to do with him as an eunuch.

"Your Majesty Yuan, you are being polite. The reason why our family came forward is because we have an old relationship with Guanshi Du and to help each other out of friendship. It is not because we want to intervene in the affairs of the workshop. I hope Master Yuan and Mrs. Chang don't misunderstand this point." good."

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the tension on Yuan Hao's face eased a little. He thought that the company was using the imperial power to suppress Chang Xi, so as soon as he received the news, he threw all the important matters at hand into the While rushing over, the intention was naturally to support Chang Xi.

It's Du Guanshi who is suffering now, he doesn't think that Yuan Hao will easily let him go after hearing such an explanation, what should I do?

He subconsciously looked at Chang Xi at the side, his eyes full of pleading for help, he still firmly believed that Chang Xi was the only one who could save him now, and now he was short of signing a contract of humiliating power and humiliating the country.

Seeing how pitiful Du Guanshi looked, Chang Xi secretly clicked his tongue twice. Of course, she didn't accept all of Du Guanshi's showing weakness, so she raised her eyebrows slightly.

Du Guanshi saw the meaning in Chang Xi's eyes, and was immediately happy, but he didn't dare to show it on the face, but made a kowtow motion on the desk with his hand, which meant surrender, and now he can only go to the doctor in a hurry .

So far, Chang Xi has initially taken down Manager Du.

"How could it be? You will be annoyed when Mr. Si says that. I think we have a very happy conversation with Mr. Si." She responded with a smile, then looked at Yuan Hao and said, "Master Yuan will come here in person. It is the importance we attach to our Tea Brick Workshop. We attach great importance to your opinion. No matter whether a person is perfect or not, who can do nothing? Since Guanshi Du has reformed his past and is dedicated to doing good, we must give him this opportunity to reform. After all, Kong The old master has something to say, knowing the mistakes can make things better, what does Master Yuan think?"

"That's right, that's right, Mrs. Chang's words speak to my heart, sir, the younger one really realizes his mistakes, and I ask the elder to give the younger one a chance to correct himself." Steward Du also took the opportunity to express that he wanted to reform himself. .

Yuan Hao still didn't look at Manager Du, and seemed to turn a deaf ear to what he said, but just looked at Chang Xi, "Miss Chang, do you really want to give him a chance to reform?"

Chang Xi nodded solemnly, "The events of that day are in the past, we have to look forward, but in the future, if Guanshi Du wants to go back to his old ways, then I will personally tie him up and send him to Mr. Yuan. A slight chance to change."

She said the last words extremely seriously, Du Guanshi couldn't help shivering after hearing this, now he didn't dare to look at Chang Xi again, Xiao Jiujiu, who was still hiding a little in his heart, disappeared because of these words, he felt Chang Xi The words were aimed at him.

Seeing this, the company also took the opportunity to say, "Ms. Chang is right. My lord, Guanshi Du came from the eldest princess's mansion, so he naturally represents the face of the eldest princess's mansion. Now Mrs. Chang's handling is extremely reasonable, which is to everyone It's all good."

Seeing that the words of these people were consistent, Yuan Hao sighed, "Forget it, since Mr. Si and Mrs. Chang said so, I am not the kind of unreasonable person." Then he stared at Guanshi Du, " If you make the mistakes of the past again, you don't need to be tied up by Mrs. Chang, I will first tie you up and go back to punish you, can you hear me clearly?"

Steward Du hurriedly knelt down, "Master, I heard clearly, I must remember it."

Seeing this, Chang Xi knew that even if Guan Shi stayed, he would not be able to make any troubles. This person can only behave with his tail between his legs now, so how dare he make trouble again?

That being the case, it is more beneficial for him to stay.

The company squinted slightly, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. Guanshi Du's pig head definitely didn't know that someone was deliberately singing double reeds to trap him in the bottom of the valley and never climb up again. Of course, he would not be kind enough to remind him. He can only stand on the shore and watch the theater cheerfully. He is a fool, he should have a fool's way of life, even if he is taught, he will not be able to teach him well.

However, he was also quite curious about the relationship between Yuan Hao and Chang Xi, which could make this master Yuan help so much. He didn't believe that they had nothing to do with each other. In fact, the relationship between a man and a woman is just that. up.

Once the matter was over, he stood up first to say goodbye, and bid farewell to Chang Xi in a very friendly way. This little lady was young and light, and he admired her style of handling things.

It's just that this status is too low to be in the eyes of the eldest princess. Everyone in the imperial city has a pair of snobbish eyes. It's a pity that such a woman can only be Yuan Hao's concubine, but it has nothing to do with him. Fuck it.

Chang Xi personally sent the company to leave, and then asked Xie Ming to take Manager Du to apologize to the people in the workshop, so that the matter could really pass and the workers could accept him again.

Guanshi Du bowed to Yuan Hao and Chang Xi first with a very low posture, and then left with Xie Ming first. Once a person's waist is bent down, it is not easy to straighten up again.

After waiting for the idlers to leave one by one, Chang Xi personally made a bowl of tea for Yuan Hao, "I will replace the wine with tea, thank you Master Yuan for your help this time."

Without the deterrent presence of Yuan Hao, Guanshi Du would not be subdued by her so easily, at least it would take twice as much effort.

"Miss Chang, you are being polite. After all, this manager Du is from the eldest princess's mansion. What I said this time is the truth." Yuan Hao didn't take credit for it, and even pouted his chin in the direction where Manager Du left, "Really, Are you really willing to keep him? This person is much more capable of flattering than he is capable of doing practical things, otherwise this task would not have fallen on his head. "

Don't need to think too much, I know that most of the dignified servants in the Princess's Mansion still covet this errand. They all think that Chang Xi is just a village woman, so it must be easy to handle, and the tea brick workshop is doing practical things. Quite a few, and one more place where the sky is high and the emperor is far away. If you come here, you can be a local emperor in the workshop, and you can have whatever you want.

Otherwise, Guanshi Du wouldn't go out of his way to grab this job, so he kicked the iron plate when he came. In fact, he was really innocent, and he had no good intentions in the first place.

"After this severe beating, I believe he will learn to be good." Chang Xi sipped a sip of tea and said, Guanshi Du may not be very smart, but he still has the ability to steer the wind when he sees the wind, otherwise he would not be in the princess The government is in the early stage.

"I hope." Yuan Hao knew that if he cared about it, he would be confused, but he still couldn't help thinking about it from her standpoint, not to mention that this matter only involved the servants of the eldest princess's mansion, and he had a lot to say on this issue Quan, I don't want her to be wronged.

Chang Xi smiled, and didn't say anything more. Yuan Hao regarded her as a greenhouse flower that could not withstand wind and rain, so it was useless to talk too much. From this point of view, he still missed Jin a lot. It is said that Du Guanshi is a rookie, even if it is the big devil who comes, she can beat people to the ground.

No matter what kind of person you are in your life, if you want to ride on top of her and domineering, it's just a dream!

After lunching here, Yuan Hao left with a regretful expression on his face. He hated the endless business affairs, which made him unable to express his heart and soul to the beautiful woman, so he had to find another opportunity to meet her.

Chang Xi sent Yuan Hao away, and then he let out a long sigh of relief. Finally, the matter was straightened out. Now Princess Qianrong's side can be calmed down. She doesn't want to hang up with the powerful all the time. In the final analysis Or this status is too low.

Steward Du came back to settle in again, and the people in the workshop didn't pretend to be serious about him. After all, it was because of a group fight, so they naturally lacked trust in him.

But if Guanshi Du really wants to please someone, he has a lot of ways, and he can let go of his figure. After a short time, the attitude of the people in the workshop from top to bottom has gradually become better towards him. The people he confronted with were also defeated by the words of Miss Tao. He no longer faced Guan Shi with a straight face, and occasionally smiled when he was teased.

Xie Ming complained to Chang Xi behind his back, "This is such a shameless person, I'm afraid he was so suffocated when he acted high-profile that time, that's why he wanted to come here to find a place."

"Baye Xie is good at seeing people." Chang Xi teased.

Xie Ming puffed his chest out and said, "What the hell is dealing with your sperm, can I not grow up? Otherwise, I will be played by you as a monkey. Is it easy for me?" In the end, I felt that I was the most wronged. Now Even pig friends and dog friends are separated because they don't have time to come and go, and there is no one left. It makes him sad to think about it. Sometimes he still misses the "chic" in the past.

Chang Xi smiled heartlessly, "In my opinion, it's a good thing..."

At this moment, Dong Li came in to report, "Ms. Chang, Master Xie, the president of the Yiyang Chamber of Commerce came in person..."

Hearing this, Chang Xi and Xie Ming looked at each other, what is the Yiyang Chamber of Commerce doing here?There seems to be no intersection between them.

"I'll go meet him." Xie Ming got up and said.

Now that you have followed the business path, you have to learn to put down your dignity and be a human being.

(End of this chapter)

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