pawn wife

Chapter 251 049: Angel Investor

Chapter 251 049: Angel Investor
Finally someone realized this problem. Chang Xi felt that it was not easy. If they hadn't been stimulated, they would never have thought of going any further. They just wanted to stay where they were and live a comfortable life.

"Of course, if Mrs. Zheng has this urgent need, she can cooperate with our research institute to jointly research and develop. You are all good at weaving, and they may have their own ideas. In short, we will be able to improve if we join forces. Existing machines increase capacity and expand market demand.”

Mrs. Zheng nodded frequently as she listened. She really hated not getting to know Chang Xi earlier. The previous time was wasted. She also hated that today is an event of the chamber of commerce, so she couldn’t have more time to talk in detail. I want to chat with Chang Xi for a few words, after all, I have benefited a lot.

"I'll make an appointment later. I'll treat Mrs. Chang to dinner." She said hastily, even wanting to confirm the time on the spot.

"That's kind, Mrs. Zheng, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Chang Xi accepted the invitation with a smile. If she wants to change the current environment, more people need to work together, otherwise she can do it alone. How far?
If it wasn’t for the tea bricks being selfishly designated as a royal franchise by the old emperor, she really wouldn’t mind helping other tea merchants to develop in this area after the machine is upgraded, so that the market can truly prosper. A monopoly is not a good thing in the long run If there is no healthy competition, people will be lazy, and the industry will stagnate in the long run.

The development of tea bricks has such a meaning now. It could have been flourishing, but now it can only stand out.

Madam Zheng received Chang Xi's affirmative answer, and her face immediately lit up. Seeing that Chang Xi was busy dealing with the people who came to strike up a conversation, she was afraid that the invitation would not be a good time, so she immediately set a time with Dong Li beside her. Time is money. So she even saved red tape such as greeting cards.

Dongli has always been trained by Chang Xi as a secretary and assistant, so she is no stranger to the procedure. Looking through Chang Xi's upcoming itinerary, she immediately marked out the free time that she could make an appointment and handed it to Mrs. Zheng.

Madam Zheng looked curiously at several important schedules on the book, "What kind of annual meeting will your tea brick workshop hold at the end of the year?"

"Ms. Chang said that this can better unite people's hearts. In addition to distributing festive items to the workers, there will be a lottery at the annual meeting, and the first prize will be ten lucky stars and golden babies." Dongli smiled, hoping that he would Good luck can draw.

However, there are too many people in the workshop, and it is unknown who will get the first prize at that time. Now this has become the hottest topic among the workers, and there are endless discussions.

Mrs. Zheng was amazed when she heard it. She had been in charge of her husband's weaving workshop for many years, and she had never heard of such a thing. The profits they get are really a drop in the bucket, but in this way the workers will think of their boss, and they will naturally work harder in the coming year, so they will earn more.

"That's good, our weaving workshop can also be set up." She smiled.

Dongli smiled. It seems that after today, many owners will imitate the annual meeting of their tea brick workshop. This is a good thing. After all, it is not easy for the workers all year round. I have a deep understanding.

This chamber of commerce event was extremely successful. Chairman Xu sent Chang Xi away in person. He couldn't hide his admiration for her. It's a pity that his sons have already married and established businesses. Otherwise, he really wanted Chang Xi to be his son. Daughter-in-law, it's a pity that such a talent is not taken home.

Fortunately, Chang Xi didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise they probably wouldn't have had such a happy conversation. What she disliked most was messing up the couples, and she was really afraid of such an operation.

After Chang Xi drank some wine and bid farewell to President Xu, she was a little drunk and was supported by Dongli into the carriage. Seeing the farewell scene through the car window was quite big, she was amused and moved , so he waved his hands at everyone, and the carriage set off for the tea brick workshop in the outskirts.

In the carriage, Dongli poured Chang Xi a bowl of sober tea, and said with a worried face, "Ms. Chang, we spent a lot of energy and money developing that new spinning machine, and selling it to them in this way, in case If they imitate it, aren’t we going to lose money?”

Chang Xi leaned crookedly on the pillow, drank a drink, and after drinking a sip of tea, he regained consciousness a bit, "We are making this new type of spinning machine in assembly line, do you think it will cost more for them to imitate than ours?" Is it lower?"

Businessmen are profit-seeking. If the cost of imitation is higher than the purchase price, who else will take advantage of it?
So she never worried about this problem from beginning to end.

Only then did Dongli suddenly realize, no wonder Mrs. Chang would do this, she was worrying for nothing.

Chang Xi drank the hangover tea in his hand, wiped the water around his mouth with a handkerchief, and said, "Go back and send a message to Carpenter Yang, asking him to recruit another group of carpenters into the workshop. Go abroad to recruit workers."

Dongli responded immediately, and wrote this down on the notebook he carried with him, so that he would not forget it.

Suddenly the carriage stopped heavily, and Dong Li, who was writing down the work arrangement, tilted the brush in his hand, and this page of paper was scrapped, her eyebrows frowned, and without Chang Xi's order, she immediately opened the curtain and said, "Why? gone?"

Fortunately, Chang Xi sat firmly and did not fall due to inertia, but the shock absorption capacity of this carriage is too weak, and it is not very comfortable to sit on. When she is free next year, she must increase the shock absorption of this carriage and comfort.

"A child rushed out, and we almost ran into each other." The coachman was selected from the honest and strong men in the village. He was always careful and steady in his work, and rarely made mistakes.

Chang Xi looked at the girl who was sitting on the ground and stood up, her small face was very familiar, "Zhang Lianzi?"

Hearing her name, Zhang Lianzi first hugged the medicine bag in her hand, then looked up at the nobleman in the carriage in astonishment, until she saw a familiar face, she called out in surprise, "Sister Chang."

Dongli also recognized Zhang Lianzi now, got out of the carriage and carried her into the carriage.

Chang Xi beckoned Zhang Lianzi to come to her side, "Why are you so reckless? Hey, who is sick? You grabbed so many medicine bags."

In fact, Zhang Lianzi was also terrified just now, she was too impatient, so she didn't pay attention to the road conditions, after all, she almost ran into that unscrupulous father, Zhang Fugui, if she was not walking fast, she might be caught by him and sold to the building to go.

"Brother Zhou has been ill for a long time, this is the medicine for him."

Zhou Ah fell ill, and Chang Xi still had a deep impression of Fa Xiao who was with Zhang Yingda. He was a cheerful, laughing, and eating teenager. Now that he heard that he was ill, she planned to visit him.

Following Zhang Lianzi's guidance, the group of them just arrived at the foothold of the three children. Chang Xi looked at the dilapidated City God Temple, frowning tightly. I thought that Zhang Yingda would not treat himself too badly after making money, but how could he be so frugal?

Zhang Lianzi was the closest to Chang Xi, and when she felt Chang Xi's breath suddenly cold, she was so frightened that she couldn't speak. Later, when Chang Xi asked why she lived here, she said, "Brother said it would save money, anyway, we Even if the wind doesn’t blow or rain, it’s enough to have a tile to cover your head.”

Chang Xi really wanted to touch his forehead, Zhang Yingda was not only indebted to himself, but also to Zhang Lianzi's own sister, so he took Zhang Lianzi's hand and she walked into the ruined temple.

Zhou Afa was lying on a thick mattress, covered with a thick quilt, and Zhang Yingda was taking care of him. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head to look at the passerby, and saw Chang Xi at a glance. .

"What? You don't recognize me when you see me?" Chang Xi deliberately asked with a straight face.

Only then did Zhang Yingda come back to his senses, "Sister Chang, why are you here?"

He hurriedly put down the bowl, and wanted to ask Chang Xi to sit down, but there was no chair in the ruined temple, so he could only stand there awkwardly, looking at Chang Xi with some embarrassment.

Zhou Afa turned pale and wanted to struggle, but Chang Xi hurriedly made him lie down. From the looks of it, he must be suffering from a cold, which could kill someone at any time in this era.

"It's such a difficult life, why don't you come to me at the Tea Brick Workshop?" She said displeasedly.

Zhang Yingda scratched his head and said, "Sister Chang, don't worry, we are all people who are used to suffering, this little suffering is nothing..." It's better than being tortured at home.

Chang Xi knew from the very beginning that Zhang Yingda had a strong self-esteem, which is a good thing, but sometimes it can become a bad thing, "Summer is fine, but now it's midwinter, even if there are thick quilts, but in this dilapidated temple, winter is not good." It's not that easy, let alone Lianzi is still a girl, what if you get hurt because of your negligence?"

Zhang Yingda suddenly looked at his sister guiltily. He didn't expect this, he just wanted to save money, "I'm going to rent a single room to live in..."

"I've already asked someone to rent a carriage. You can carry him into the carriage later and follow me back to the tea brick workshop." Chang Xi arranged directly.

Zhang Yingda was eager to refuse, he wanted to prove to Chang Xi that he could do it, but under Chang Xi's stare, he didn't have the courage to fight her again, so he had to accept her arrangement.

The coachman and Zhang Yingda carried the sick Zhou Afa into the rented carriage, while Zhang Lianzi was directly brought into the carriage by Chang Xi.

Zhang Yingda couldn't bear to buy the belongings, so he hurriedly packed them up and stuffed them into the rented carriage. Chang Xi didn't stop him, these are belongings that cannot be easily given up in this era.

Along the way, Zhang Lianzi ate delicious snacks, smiled very contentedly next to the fragrant Chang Xi, and finally fell asleep leaning against Chang Xi, obviously the little girl was very tired during this time.

Dongli covered Zhang Lianzi with a cloak pitifully. This girl is so cute that it makes people feel distressed.

"Go back and tidy up the two rooms for them to live in, and let the resident doctor in the workshop treat Zhou Afa."

Dongli nodded to indicate that he had written it down.

This is the first time Zhang Yingda has entered the tea brick workshop. Although he has heard a lot of legends, what he saw with his own eyes still gave him a big shock. The preface makes people feel excited.

The carriage drove all the way to the backyard before stopping. The woman named Dongli led them into two of the houses. This house was better than any place they had ever lived in. Zhang Lianzi couldn't take his eyes off it.

"You settle down here first, and Mrs. Chang has to deal with business, so tell me directly if you have any needs in the future, and I will make arrangements." Dongli said gently.

"That's great, thank you!" Zhang Yingda said politely.

Dongli smiled, turned around and went to get food for them first, and asked the cook to make something suitable for the patient to bring.

"Brother, I have never lived in such a nice house." Zhang Lianzi said excitedly.

Zhang Yingda touched the top of his younger sister's head, feeling extremely guilty. He failed to earn a lot of money to buy a house for his younger sister, and has been taking her up and down all the time. He is useless as a brother.

Zhou Afa has changed to a new environment, and now he has some energy, "Ada, it's not your fault, don't take all the mistakes on yourself, if it weren't for my illness that dragged you down, you would have come to Mrs. Chang to do it. It's a new business, after all, I'm still a burden..."

"What nonsense?" Zhang Yingda yelled at Fa Xiao, "Take good care of your illness, don't worry too much about the vegetable business, I'll go to look after the business during this time, you can take care of your health better than anything else."

Because of shared adversity, they are not brothers better than brothers.

Zhou Afa was moved to tears, "Brother, when I recover from this disease, I will take care of the vegetable business. Do whatever you want, and I will be your solid backing."

The two held hands tightly, affection flowing in it.

Dongli reported what he saw to Chang Xi, and finally concluded: "He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. I think he is a good seedling, or he can be cultivated and sent to the spinning workshop."

Chang Xi still remembers the test and promise to Zhang Yingda, "Let's take a look first, if he has a good idea, I can be an angel investor."

What is an angel investor?
Did Dong Li understand this new vocabulary? She felt as if she understood it a little bit, but she didn't seem to understand it, so she didn't feel ashamed to ask.

Chang Xi gave her a simple answer, "It is what project he is optimistic about. After I evaluate it, it has prospects. I will give him a sum of money to develop this project. In the future, the project will earn huge profits, so I can earn several dollars in proportion to the shares." double the profits, of course, there will be losses.”

Dongli is now a little envious of Zhang Yingda's good luck. She doesn't know how much Mrs. Chang has, she is not the accountant Xiaotao, but it must not be less, otherwise she would not be so big.

Only two days after settling down, Zhou Afa's condition improved, which made Zhang Yingda's brothers and sisters very happy. When Chang Xi had time to visit, Zhang Yingda even cried and thanked Chang Xi. Get better so fast.

"Come on, don't you often say that you are a man? Wipe away your tears, don't cry so embarrassingly." Chang Xi pretended to be annoyed and said, but in fact, he wanted to relieve him of such a big psychological burden.

(End of this chapter)

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