pawn wife

Chapter 253: 051

In the end, Emperor Chongming, who hid behind the court meeting and listened to the quarrel, decreed that the scales in his heart had already tilted and pointed to the opinion of the Hubu Shangshu's faction that the imperial court purchased the steam exhaust machine equipment of Changxi Laboratory.

Jiang Xing looked at the company who passed the decree dictating the decree of Emperor Chongming, and couldn't help feeling a little jealous in his heart. This kid is too arrogant and complacent, and he will definitely make him look good when he gets the chance.

When Minister of the Ministry of Industry heard the order, he still wanted to make some excuses, so Mr. Si smiled and said, "My lord, Your Majesty is tired, please go back first, and it will not be too late to talk about it at the next court meeting, what do you think?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry was so angry that he walked away, too lazy to talk to this eunuch.

The Minister of the Household Department snorted, and approached the livid Si Gonggong, "Si Gonggong, who is His Majesty planning to send to discuss the purchase?"

Only then did the company's expression soften and he turned to the Minister of the Household Department, "Your Majesty thinks that the Minister of the Household Department and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry should go together to discuss cooperation with the Chang family."

The Minister of the Ministry of Households pondered for a while, this arrangement is actually the most appropriate, the Ministry of Industry has to evaluate how things are, but the Ministry of Households is in charge of paying, but the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry is very difficult to deal with, he has to choose a good cooperation for his servant.

"Company, is this the candidate for the Minister of Industry?"

"My lord, don't worry, our family is watching."

With Si Gonggong's words, Hubu Shangshu was relieved, and he smiled knowingly with Si Gonggong, and then he bowed his hands and left in satisfaction.

In the past, Jiang Xing, the superintendent of ceremonies, was the eunuch who attracted the most attention at court meetings, but now that the company has given away some of his brilliance, he couldn't help but sneer at this godson.

Faced with this godfather, Mr. Si immediately acted like he was only a child, but his words of reprimanding himself echoed in the hall, and many people heard it, so they didn't worry that they didn't have ears to spread to Emperor Chongming.

Jiang Xing has been this great eunuch for too long, and he has somewhat forgotten that he is just a dog beside Emperor Chongming.

After receiving the order from the eunuch, Princess Qianrong immediately boarded the carriage and rushed to the palace. Every time she entered the palace, she would be like a prisoner's enemy. After all, accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, even children are no exception.

After getting off the carriage and walking along the palace road, she went straight to the emperor's bedroom with a smile on her face.

The veil inside was still the same, and she saluted respectfully after entering, "I have seen Father."

Emperor Chongming didn't ask his daughter to get up, but opened his eyes and looked at the statue of Sanqing in front of him. After a long while, he said, " is the child?"

The eldest princess who had been on guard suddenly trembled when she heard the words. This was the first time that the emperor asked about the child back then. What did she say?
Precisely because she didn't know her father's intentions, she didn't dare to answer easily. The answer was rolling back and forth in her mind. She was thinking about the result, but she knew that it was necessary to answer, and she had to rule out that she didn't know the answer. Jin Yiwei had already checked everything out.

After a long while, she murmured, "Very good."

Emperor Chongming heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words. His feelings for this eldest grandson were very complicated. He let him go on purpose. Otherwise, it would depend on how these people could bring him out of the imperial city.

After all, it was his own blood, he wanted to keep him alive, and it was good among the people, but obviously this eldest grandson was not reconciled, and gradually showed his minions in the court, so he couldn't really treat him as if he didn't exist.

"Recently, I... have been dreaming about Changlin all the time."

Changlin is the baby name of the abandoned prince, and only the empress would call it. Of course, as the elder sister, she used to call it often, but with the death of the abandoned prince, no one mentioned this baby name anymore.

The eldest princess didn't know how to proceed with these words. She fell deeply on the ground to hide her expression, but the shrugged shoulders still revealed her mood.

After seeing it, Emperor Chongming felt a lot of emotion. He hated the slanderous official who separated their father and son back then. Otherwise, he and Changlin would not have killed each other, and ended up like this in the end.

There was a long silence between the father and daughter, and he finally let out a long sigh, "You let that child come to Beijing, so I can meet him."

Hearing this, when the eldest princess raised her head again, tears were streaming down her face, "Yes, my son obeys the order."

Emperor Chongming obviously wasn't in a good spirit, so he waved his hand at his daughter, and the eldest princess immediately retreated knowingly.

As soon as the sun shone outside, she felt the coolness on her body fade away, took out a handkerchief to wipe away her tears, and walked on the way out of the palace with complicated emotions.

"The Queen."

Hearing the third prince's call, the eldest princess sorted out her emotions, and looked back at the half-brother with a smile.

The third prince, Zhao Xiang, stepped forward and carefully looked at the face of the eldest princess, and he could naturally see the dried tears, so he said in shock, "Sister Huang, did Emperor Father make things difficult for you?"

"No." The eldest princess said hurriedly.

Zhao Xiang wanted to find out what Emperor Chongming had said to the eldest sister, but the eldest princess's tone was very tight, and no matter how much she asked, it was useless, so she could only leave in resentment.

The third prince, Zhao Xiang, came, and the fourth prince, Zhao Hong, also came to inquire about the news secretly.

The Eldest Princess understood the intentions of these people too well, so when talking to them, what she said was ambiguous, leaving them to guess.

It wasn't until she walked out of the palace that she left behind all the people with ulterior motives. She sat in her carriage and cried bitterly in a low voice. Today, Emperor Chongming mentioned the dead emperor's younger brother, which reminded her of her mother , crying so much that I couldn't restrain myself.

Marquis Xingnan had already received the news, so he entered the room with tears all over his face, knowing that she must be in a low mood at this moment, he persuaded and persuaded her with kind words, only then did the man in his arms stop the tears.

"Father wants to see Brother Jin."

Hearing this, Xingnan Hou's face became somewhat excited, "This is a good thing."

After so many years of planning, Xie Jin can finally get Xie Jin from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. This step is very meaningful, at least having a reputation will be much better than not having a name.

Why didn't the eldest princess know that this was a good thing, but the tears couldn't be stopped and she just wanted to shed them.

The wind in the capital city could not blow to Yiyang City for the time being, and Chang Xi didn't ask someone to give Chang Dadou and Li Shi New Year's money during the Chinese New Year, which made the couple very dissatisfied, and even Chang Er'e couldn't help but talk to her husband. Mutter a few words.

Zhou Man has long been dissatisfied with the behavior of his parents-in-law and his brother-in-law at home. He thought that there would be a sum of money to get, but he didn't know that it was a waste of money, so he mobilized his parents-in-law to come and point at his parents-in-law.

Chang Dadou and Mrs. Li's couple have thick skins, they have their own daughters to serve them here, and they live a comfortable life, so they don't want to go back, so no matter how their in-laws scold them, the couple will not hear them.

But Chang Er'e, who was caught in the middle, was miserable. The tofu workshop of the elder sister's family was on the right track, but her vegetable selling business was still struggling to survive, and she had a good-for-nothing brother to raise, and she felt even more dissatisfied .

So he suggested to his parents that Chang Kui should follow him to pick up the vegetables, so he couldn't let this labor force go unused no matter what.

Chang Dadou and Li Shi agreed that the son would work with his sister and brother-in-law, and in the future he would know how to make a living and be able to stand up by himself, so he had no objection to this proposal.

Chang Kui naturally had this idea in mind, and started working with Zhou Man.

At this point, the Zhou family did not feel so disgusted with the Chang couple who were here, and there was a lot of scolding.

But Chang Dadou and Li Shi were still unhappy. Chang Xi's indifference made them feel deeply hurt, and their old face grew longer every day.

Chang Er'e has to face these two old faces every day. It's understandable how she feels. On the other hand, she feels that the little girl is chilling, and she refuses to bother her family at all. Shi said, "Speaking of which, Xu Dalang has been dead for quite some time, mother, do you have to find a suitable person for San'e?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Li patted her thigh as if awakened from a dream, "Why didn't I think of this?"

Chang Er'e said with a smile, "Of the three of us, San'e is the only one who has nowhere to go. No matter how powerful this woman is, she won't be able to find a good boss. She will become a lonely ghost when she dies..."

Mrs. Li didn't care to listen to the second daughter's rambling, but thought about remarrying the younger daughter, wouldn't that earn another dowry gift?Since you can't find money from your little daughter, then try to marry her off.

When they first married Xu Dalang, the Xu family spent ten taels of betrothal gifts, but now San'e is out of the ordinary, she needs hundreds of taels of betrothal gifts, thinking of hundreds of taels of silver, she immediately jumped up excitedly to find Chang Dadou, "Old man, old man, I have something to tell you..."

Chang Er'e saw her mother running to find her father with a red face, and immediately smiled triumphantly. No matter whether she could get the money from her parents or not, if she had money, her parents would always go home. It's good to be here, after all, if you have money in your hand, you are afraid of people thinking about it.

Hearing his wife's suggestion, Chang Dadou frowned, "It's not been a year since Xu Dalang died."

He was in such a hurry to remarry his youngest daughter, for fear of being criticized.

"That dead girl doesn't even have our parents in her eyes. We are still trying to find a marriage for her. We are worthy of her. Anyway, Xu Dalang, that trash, has been dead for half a year. At this time, we will arrange a marriage for San'e." , no one can say anything bad about it.”

Mrs. Li's words, Chang Dadou took it for granted, they were doing it for their own little daughter's sake, and they were not afraid of others' whispers when they said it, what kind of parents don't want their children to be married?
"Then do it."

Chang Dadou and Mrs. Li have made rumors that they want to marry their daughter. Everyone in the village knows that Chang Xi is promising. There are many people who want to get married, but who can afford the dowry of hundreds of taels?So he could only look aside resentfully.

In the end, a traveling businessman from out of town heard about this. This woman was a popular figure in Yiyang City, Mrs. Chang. Thinking that this woman could make money, she approached Chang Dadou and his wife and gave 200 taels of betrothal gift to marry Chang San'e. .

Chang Er'e listened to it with envy all over her face. How can a little girl earn 200 taels of dowry?

Sitting suffocated in the main room, she went out to get some air, only to see the eldest sister who rushed over.

When Chang Da'e saw the second younger sister, she hurriedly pulled her aside to talk, "I heard that the father and mother recruited the third younger sister a son-in-law?"

Chang Er'e wanted to vomit bitterness a long time ago, so she expressed all her dissatisfaction, but seeing her elder sister's face changed, she said, "Elder sister, what's wrong with you? Parents don't count as harming San'e, That person is willing to pay 200 taels of employment money, with this money, San'e will have a good life in this life, unlike us, she can't marry a man, and she has to be a country peasant woman for the rest of her life..."

"This is confusion." Chang Da'e objected, "No, I want to go in and persuade my parents, this will push my little sister further away."

"Oh, my eldest sister, you are catching a mouse and pretending to be merciful. If your parents harm anyone, you will not harm San'e." Chang Er'e held back her eldest sister, not allowing her to go in and disturb the marriage.

Chang Da'e was no match for Chang Er'e's strength and was dragged aside by her.

Inside, Chang Dadou and his wife had a very happy chat with the traveling merchant from other places. Even the traveling merchant said that he would take his third daughter to other places after marriage. The traveling merchant from other places retreated.

The marriage was discussed very smoothly, even if Chang Da'e objected, it would not help.

After returning home, Chang Da'e talked about this with her husband Luo Xiaoli, and she kept sighing. The last time she had contact with her, she found that the little girl had changed a lot. How could such a little girl be handled by her parents?

"Why don't you go and inform your sister-in-law tomorrow?"

Chang Da'e had exactly this intention, this traveling merchant from out of town didn't know whether he was a good guy or a bad guy, his parents were going to hurt San'e.

The next day, Chang Da'e set off to look for Chang Xi.

The tea brick workshop officially started on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, and the production schedule after the new year was already full. Fortunately, after a fat year, the workers are in good condition and full of enthusiasm for their work.

Chang Xi was dealing with the spinning workshop when she heard Hu Niu come in and report that Chang Da'e had come alone.

As soon as Chang Xi heard this, she immediately got up to meet Chang Da'e. She had a good impression of this eldest sister, and since Chang Er'e was not around this time, she wanted to talk to her even more.

"Miss has been waiting for a long time."

When Chang Da'e heard Chang Xi's voice, she immediately stepped forward and grabbed her hand, and said eagerly, "San'e, my parents told you about the marriage..."

Chang Xi was not surprised by Chang Da'e and Li's husband and wife's manipulation. She decided to become a widow at the beginning, just to prevent Chang Da'e and Li's coquettish manipulation, so she took Chang Da'e's hand and pulled her to sit down. "Sister, don't worry, sit down, drink some water, have some snacks and talk slowly."

Only then did Chang Da'e explain the ins and outs, "Father and mother are confused, how can you just arrest someone and marry you off? If you are wronged, and the distance is so far away, isn't it that there is no one to call for help?" ?” Paused for a moment, felt that it seemed a little inappropriate to say about her parents, so she said again, “San’e, don’t blame your parents, they don’t know much, and they want you to find someone to live a happy life again. They don't mean anything."

Whether Chang Dadou and Li Shi have bad intentions, Chang Xi knows it well, the couple are full of bad things, they don't do good things, but they do all bad things.

But she didn't use these words to poke Chang Da'e's heart, at least this elder sister came to inform her, so she would treat Chang Da'e kindly based on this, "Eldest sister, don't worry about this matter, I know it well. "

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