pawn wife

Chapter 260 058: So You Are Really a Thief

Chapter 260 058: So You Are Really a Thief (Part [-])

"Can this rubber tree species survive in Yiyang?" Xie Jin had this question.

Chang Xi learned to serve this kind of tree, and said, "According to their brothers, they can live, but they shouldn't live very well. Qiongdao, the southernmost part of Daewoo, is more suitable for them to survive."

"Then try it." Xie Jin helped Chang Xi water the tree.

Chang Xi was happy to watch from the sidelines, she was really condescending, these few rubber trees are blessed.

"Is the tree transport boat arranged?"

Hearing Xie Jin's question, she immediately replied, "I borrowed a few empty boats from President Xu, which should be enough, but the land on Qiongdao is okay, right?"

"Zhou Nan has already made arrangements. You can choose someone to be in charge. You can't rely on the locals, or you won't know what's going on if you get eaten by them." Xie Jin never interfered in the appointment of personnel.

Chang Xi nodded. She also had the same meaning. The candidate was already being selected. She planned to rotate it every three years, so as not to let the manager have the opportunity to deceive her with the locals. After all, it was a bit far away, and they really wanted to hide it. She, she will have a hard time finding clues.

After all, Qiongdao is too far away from Yiyang City, so not many people want to go there, but there are also some farsighted people who are keen to compete for this position. After all, there is a lot of money, and it only takes three years. The candidate is decided.

I deliberately selected two people, one positive and one pair, the nature of these two people is completely opposite, it can be said that they will not form an alliance naturally.

After the matter was settled, she loaded a large number of saplings and the remaining adult trees with people on board and transported them to Qiongdao.

On a good day at the end of March, the spinning workshop officially opened.

The opening this time is much grander than the previous tea brick workshop industry. In addition to inviting the nearby villagers to have an opening meal as usual, many people were also invited to come to congratulate.

The officials invited quite a few, including Mr. Zhang, the magistrate, Mr. Zhou, the parent of Yiyang City, and some military generals who couldn't win. Naturally, Yuan Hao, an official with business contacts, was also invited.

President Xu led the entire Yiyang Chamber of Commerce to congratulate him.

This excitement has attracted many people from Yiyang City to come and watch it. Some who have never been here are stunned to see these two workshops stationed here for the first time, and there is a bustling and bustling market outside. , it is much more lively here than in the city.

Mr. Zhang took the opportunity to inspect these two workshops. Although this is not the first time he has visited these two workshops, there will be huge changes every time he visits. This makes him quite happy, and he said to other officials around him, "This model can be used Ah, I think the education of the people here is better than that of other places, and the imperial envoy will come in a while, so I can let him take a look here."

Lord Zhou's eyes lit up. Enlightenment is also one of the performance appraisals for officials, "Your Excellency said so."

Regarding these, Chang Xi just smiled and said nothing. When the official said something, she would never intervene unless necessary. She kept her duty well. She left a good impression on many people, but only a very few people knew about it. But if she really annoyed her, then her fangs would be exposed.

But Bai Shi followed Chang Xi closely, and couldn't let go in front of so many big figures, so he could only look enviously at Chang Xi and Mrs. Zheng talking in front of everyone, but he didn't know when he would be able to Learn to take it easy.

After a busy day, the opening ceremony has just passed.

Chang Xi did not go back to the other courtyard, but rested in the room behind the workshop.

While the hair after washing was loosened and waiting to dry, Dong Li said that Chang Dadou and Mrs. Li went to extort 30 taels of silver from Madam Tao during this period, "This is the fourth time, I'll figure it out, That nanny surnamed Tao has already given over a hundred taels of silver, Mrs. Chang, what is that nanny going to do, otherwise the money won’t be able to bear this kind of payment.”

But a nanny is so rich, it also makes everyone speechless.

Xiaotao even made up her mind, "Miss Chang, that's not right, even if the aristocratic families in the capital give more monthly allowances to respectable servants, she still can't save so much money."

"This money is simply too much." Hu Niu said, "Could it be that you stole something from the master's house and sold it?"

"Then why does she keep giving money to that unscrupulous couple? She spent hundreds of taels of silver to harm our lady Chang before, so the money can't be fake, right?" Xiao Tao said without knowing it.

Dongli glanced at Chang Xi who was silent, coughed lightly, and signaled Xiaotao not to ask any more questions.

But Chang Xi said at this time, "Huniu's suspicion is somewhat justified, Dongli, tell Er Gouzi to keep an eye on that nanny to see if she secretly pawns, and if so, come back and report immediately."

Dong Li replied "Yes", but she was also a servant herself, so she still didn't quite believe it, "Chang Niangzi, the master's things have always been managed separately, is this nanny really so courageous?"

"Is there anything a servant who likes to make up for his master can't do?" Chang Xi replied mockingly.

Thinking about it, it still makes sense, Dongli no longer judges others by himself.

Tao Nanny is indeed miserable, the money she brought from the capital is already stretched short, now she can't wait to kill Chang Dadou and Li Shi, but she is afraid that they will go to the capital to talk nonsense, and then some secrets will be hidden Can't stop.

"Nurse, I think you have been distracted for at least twenty times tonight. If you are tired, go back and rest." Han Yongzhu said with a straight face.

Nanny Tao sighed, she knew that the girl was annoying her, and that's right, after Yuan Hao came here once last time, she completely stopped talking to her own girl, it's normal for a girl to have resentment in her heart.

So, she seized the opportunity and said, "Girl, let's go back to Beijing." Seeing that her daughter was about to refuse, she hurriedly said, "After returning, I will ask my wife to go to the eldest princess's mansion to urge the marriage. After all, the girl is not young and should get married. After you really get married, your relationship with the future uncle will gradually improve."

Han Yongzhu rolled his eyes, "Is this really okay?"

Seeing Han Yongzhu's emotion, Tao Nanny immediately persuaded Han Yongzhu vigorously, making Han Yongzhu dizzy. Fortunately, there was still a last glimmer of clarity, and Han Yongzhu didn't agree immediately.

After waiting for Han Yongzhu to sleep, she used the excuse to tidy up the jewelry box for Han Yongzhu, and hid the inconspicuous jewelry in her sleeves. Now she can only use this to save the emergency. Anyway, her girl has so many jewelry, and one or two inconspicuous pieces are missing Yes, she couldn't find it either.

This is not the first time she has done this kind of thing, so she is familiar with it.

But Han Yongzhu didn't know anything.

After Er Gouzi grasped the news for the first time, he immediately passed it back. Dong Li's eyes widened, and he didn't dare to hesitate, so he hurriedly reported it to Chang Xi who was inspecting the spinning workshop, but she arrived Not at the right time, Chang Xi was speaking on stage.

On such an occasion, she couldn't go forward to report, so she could only sit down and listen patiently.

The spinning workshop recruited nearly a hundred female workers from the very beginning. If there are more women, there will be more right and wrong. Many details of the rules and regulations are determined early. Just like the tea brick workshop, all female workers are required to spend half an hour every day learning to read. Many female workers were in an uproar.

The woman who already had a child stood up quickly and asked, "Can you give my child the opportunity to learn to read? I am already old, why should I learn to read?"

"No." Chang Xi directly denied it. Seeing the gloomy expression on the woman's face, she sat down cursingly. It could be seen that she was the kind of woman with a bad mouth in the countryside. Chang Xi naturally didn't like this kind of person. Yes, but the workshop is too big and needs too many people, so the recruitment conditions have to be relaxed, otherwise there will not be enough people.

"Let me repeat again, I don't want people who don't know a single character here. They don't have the motivation to learn to read and write. It's the best way to leave the workshop as soon as possible."

These words shocked many people who wanted to be lazy. Even the woman just now had to correct her attitude. Her husband was in the construction team organized by Mr. Zhou. She persuaded her in-laws to come here because her husband said that they were recruiting people here. Signing up is also a good way to earn extra money.

What's more, where can I find a job that includes food and housing?Now that the couple can still meet once every three days, she doesn't even want to be fired.

After the meeting, Chang Xi came down from the high platform and saw Dong Li approaching, "What's the matter?"

Dong Li leaned into her ear and whispered a few words, Chang Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, it turned out that he was really a thief, "Send someone to redeem what she pawned."

"I'll do it right now."

Dongli left in a hurry, afraid that things would change if he was late.

In the end, things really changed. In the evening, she came to report to Chang Xi with a guilty expression on her face, "Ms. Chang, we were a step late. Er Gouzi said that the nanny just pawned something on her front foot, and someone went to her back foot." Redemption, I don’t know who is also staring at this nanny.”

Hearing this, Chang Xi put down the pen in his hand, "No matter who it is, it may be a friendly army, if you can't redeem it, forget it."

She didn't have to hold the evidence in her hands, anyway, she was satisfied knowing that Nanny Tao was not doing well.

On the other side, Yuan Hao looked at the two unremarkable jewelry in his hands. He didn't remember whether Han Yongzhu had ever worn them, but she didn't even know that the nun next to her was selling her things. What is the use of marrying a woman back home?

I'm afraid that his mansion will be left as an empty shell by her in the future, and she doesn't know it yet.

Besides being so stupid, he was more worried about his son and daughter with his deceased wife. With such a stepmother, the future of his children would be worrying.

Throwing these two unremarkable jewelry on the table, he ordered, "Find a box and put it away, and bring it back to show to mother in the future." After a pause, "I haven't found out why Nanny Tao gave it to Qian Changshi. parents?"

Zhan Xin shook his head, "No." He paused, "But apart from us, there is another group of people who are also staring at this nanny. They also wanted to redeem the jewelry, but we got there first. Lord, we need to go to the house to see the jewelry." Find out who they are?"

Yuan Hao was annoyed because he couldn't find out what Nanny Tao was up to, but when he heard the words behind Zhan Xin, he was stunned. He didn't expect that Nanny Tao had so many enemies in Yiyang City ?

Didn't she just come to Yiyang City not long ago?Even if you make enemies, it's too late to make so many, right?
At this point, he thought that he had overlooked something, and immediately said to Zhan, "Go and check the details of Nanny Tao again, I want to know all the detailed information about her before."

 Sorry, it's late, there is another update at six o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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