pawn wife

Chapter 263 061: Killing for life is justified!

Chapter 263 061: Killing for life is justified! (two more)

"I am." Chang Xi also looked directly at the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, who was much older than her, this time without giving in. If she backed down this step, then the next negotiation would be backed down step by step. Man, my lord is narrow-minded."

When Madam Zheng heard this, she secretly exclaimed, and couldn't help but look at Chang Xi with admiration. This younger sister really dares to say that this is a master official. She is so tough, amazing!

President Xu also looked sideways, and felt that the smell of gunpowder was rising sharply. This was not an occasion for him to gag, so he just watched from the sidelines and did not dare to go forward to put out the fire.

Only Mr. Zhou, the parent official of Yiyang City, stepped forward and said with a smile, "Young man, it is inevitable that you will become a little angry. Mr. Dong, our prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach, so don't care about young people," and then secretly Winking, let Chang Xi subdue, "Ms. Chang, this time I'm not going to criticize you. Mr. Dong came from afar. We have to welcome him as a landlord. Why don't you apologize to Mr. Dong?"

The minister of the Ministry of Industry was not happy with the deal that came to discuss this time. If the people have good things, they should report to the Ministry of Industry. He snorted coldly, "Master Zhou doesn't need it, I can't bear such an apology..."

Chang Xi also nodded seriously, agreeing very much, "My lord's words, the daughters of the people also agree very much." Don't think that she is a soft persimmon and easy to pinch.

Madam Zheng tugged Chang Xi's sleeve secretly, signaling to her not to push back, otherwise it would be difficult to end later.

Chang Xi smiled at her, expressing that he was modest.

"You!" The servant of the Ministry of Industry flicked his sleeves, "Only women and villains are difficult to raise, and I disdain to be with her..."

"Miss Chang, long time no see."

A sharp voice came over, and I saw Mr. Si leading people towards this side.

Chang Xi saw him, and immediately greeted him with a smile, "Grandpa Si has finally returned to Yiyang City, and the daughter of the people is really looking forward to it."

I don't know how long this fox hid in the dark and watched the excitement. She just wanted an old stubborn man like the Minister of Industry to suppress her prestige. Seeing that she couldn't suppress it, he jumped out to save the scene. few.

The company immediately burst out laughing when he heard the words, obviously it was very useful to Chang Xi's words, he turned his head and saw Mr Dong, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, with a serious face, he leaned over and said in a low voice, "My lord, if it breaks this For business, my lord will go back and explain to His Majesty in person, okay?"

This is related to the emperor's private money. Whoever dares to let it collapse, the emperor will let him collapse. Anyway, if you don't take this position, someone will always take it.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry fearfully looked at Si Gonggong, who was smiling but not smiling. He felt disdain for this eunuch who brought disaster to the country and the people, but the situation was stronger than others. He couldn't beat this eunuch, so he had to force a smile and look at Chang Xi. , "The official said just now that he was joking, Mrs. Chang, please don't mind."

"How could it be? My lord has such a sense of humor, and the girls appreciate it very much." Chang Xi also opened her eyes and spoke nonsense in cooperation.

In a short confrontation, Chang Xi's victory ended, and the person who saw it most clearly was the taciturn servant of the household department, Mr. Sun. When he faced Chang Xi, he smiled a lot more kindly, "Take a rest for two days, I will personally go to see the machine that even His Majesty is full of praise for, so Madam Chang must make it convenient."

"It must be, your presence here will make our research institute flourish."

This Chang family is quite good at talking, and Mr. Sun, the servant of the household department, is very satisfied with her performance. He will not want to give a blow to someone like Lao Dong, but in the end he will lose himself, which is even more uneconomical.

The person who felt the deepest was not the other small officials, but the members of the Yiyang Chamber of Commerce headed by Chairman Xu. They all knew that Chang Xi had a strong background, but they didn't expect her to be so stubborn. If it was me, she would have bowed her knees and bowed her head to please everyone. How dare you make the official bow his head?

So after the officials and gentlemen have dispersed, Chairman Xu and others talk to Xi again, which is extremely amiable, as if treating her as a little friend, even Mr. Mao San, who was not convinced before, these weavers My peers are still too convinced now, and now I feel more and more possible to realize the big cake that Chang Xi drew at the Chamber of Commerce's New Year's event.

When returning home, Mrs. Zheng happened to be going to the spinning workshop to pick up a batch of goods, so she and Chang Xi sat in the same car.

"Miss Chang, I was so scared that I didn't dare to breathe just now. You are really amazing. My sister, I really admire you."

Chang Xi said humbly, "It's not as outrageous as Sister Zheng's. Anyway, we didn't do anything illegal, so we can speak with confidence."

"That's what I said, but we have two official words. How can we businessmen be the opponents of other officials? If they stomp their feet, we will be unable to eat and walk around." Zheng Niangzi said this with deep emotion.

Doing business is difficult, it is even more difficult for women to do business, and it is even more difficult for widows.

For Mrs. Zheng's words, Chang Xi took it very seriously. She was able to avoid these imperial envoys because of the fact that the business behind her was related to the emperor's pocketbook. Without this relationship, she would not be able to Hardened.

Along the way, the two of them talked very happily, and their friendship deepened even further than before.

When the carriage was approaching the entrance of the workshop, Chang Xi suddenly saw Chang Dadou and Li Shi with their two daughters and son-in-law making trouble at the entrance of the tea brick workshop, looking like they were about to break in.

She frowned, and signaled the coachman to keep quiet, and turned directly into the spinning workshop, not meeting Chang Dadou and his wife for the time being.

Ever since the couple dug money from Nanny Tao, they have stopped bothering her, and if they reappear now, something must have changed.

Madam Zheng saw Chang Xi's unsightly face, and thought she was not feeling well, so she went to the spinning workshop and asked her to have a good rest, and she discussed with Mrs. Bo the same about picking up the goods.

Mrs. Bai warmly welcomed Mrs. Zheng, and asked her deputy to entertain Mrs. Zheng first, and then whispered to Chang Xi, "The Chang family is here again. I asked someone to inquire, and it seems that someone named Chang Kui came out. I didn't make a fuss about what happened, but it looks like this is not a good person, Madam Chang, be careful."

After finishing speaking, she sighed, Chang Xi is fine with everything, but this family is too slow, no one can worry about it.

"I see, Mrs. Eighth Young Master, please do your work first. I have my own way to deal with it."

Bai knew that she couldn't help Chang Xi, so she had to go to work on business matters first, "If there is something that can be of use to me, Mrs. Chang can let me know."

Chang Xi nodded, and then returned to the tea brick workshop through the secret door here.

As soon as Dong Li saw her coming back, he immediately came up to meet her, "Miss Chang, something happened."

"Don't worry, speak slowly." Chang Xi patted Dong Li's shoulder and said.

Dongli said in a hurry this time, "Chang Kui beat Zhou Afa to death..."

"What?" Chang Xi stopped, looking at Dong Li in disbelief.

She had seen Zhou Afa two days ago, and his illness was gone like a spinning thread. Zhou Afa's illness had made the young man thinner, but his eyes were bright. He thanked her for her help that day, and said that he would resume the vegetable selling business. After receiving it, Zhang Yingda was asked to do other things, and shyly said that he had no skills and could only sell a few vegetables.

At that time, she comforted the other party a few words, and even pointed the direction to the young man, Zhou Afa's eyes became brighter, this is a very pursuing young man.

Not to mention that Chang Xi didn't believe it, even Dong Li didn't quite believe that human life is so fragile, and it disappears when it is said to disappear, but she still put away her sadness and tried her best to explain the matter as restored.

It turned out that the cause was the competition for food.

Although Chang Dadou and Mrs. Li extorted a lot of money from Madam Tao, the couple secretly spent it on their own. Seeing their son learn business from the second son-in-law, it was considered a skill, so they let the son continue to follow the second son-in-law. Son-in-law Zhou Man went to collect and sell vegetables.

As the saying goes, colleagues are enemies. After the spring, the vegetables on the ground grow again, but there are not many vegetables, and the harvesters are scrambling. Originally, the vegetables of that family have to be sold to Zhang Yingda and Zhou Afa. They are old friends. However, I didn't know that Chang Kui insisted on taking other people's food by force, and it would not work if they didn't sell it.

Zhou A got angry but started fighting with Chang Kui. Zhang Yingda tried to persuade the fight at first, but after Chang Kui got jealous, he grabbed a bamboo stick from the field and stabbed Zhou Afa's body. Zhou Afa vomited blood and fell to the ground on the spot.

When Zhang Yingda saw this, where would he agree?He stopped trying to persuade the fight, and started fighting with the red-eyed Chang Kui, who was about to kill Chang Kui. His sister Zhang Lianzi saw that the situation was not good, so she had to put down Zhou Afa, who was vomiting blood, and hurried forward. He hugged his brother's waist to prevent him from killing.

But when Zhang Yingda saw his good brother was killed by Chang Kui, how could he agree?As soon as he pushed his sister away, he was going to take Chang Kui's life.

Chang Kui, who was beaten to half his life, wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape no matter what.

Fortunately, Zhang Lianzi grabbed her brother again, and Chang Kui was able to save his life.

When such a big incident happened, someone soon reported it to the officials, and the officials rushed over and immediately arrested Zhang Yingda and Chang Kui who were fighting.

But Chang Kui's murder was under the watchful eyes of everyone, so he couldn't be blamed if he wanted to.

Chang Xi was not at all surprised that a brat like Chang Kui would commit such a crime, but felt sorry for Zhou Afa, the sun that had just risen had set in an instant.

"Where are the lotus seeds?"

"The little girl is still in the hospital..."

"Go and pick her up first, and then send someone to collect Zhou Afa's body and buy a better coffin for the young man. When he dies, let him walk with dignity." Chang Xi ordered with a serious face.

Dongli wrote it down, "But Chang's family is still outside, and they probably want you to come forward and lead Chang Kui out..."

"They're dreaming!" Chang Xi refused in a cold voice, "It's only right and proper to kill for life!"

Dongli quickly passed the message to the Chang family, "Hurry up, or don't blame our workshop's security team for driving you away..."

Chang Dadou and Li Shi didn't expect that Chang Xi really didn't care about Chang Kui, and they immediately became excited, "That's her own brother, she won't save her, God, the next lightning strike killed that unfilial girl White-eyed Wolf Let's go..." Mrs. Li knelt down and begged God.

Chang Da'e tried to pull her mother up, she wanted to persuade her, but she didn't know how to persuade her.

Chang Er'e scolded, "Chang San'e, you will die if you treat your family like this. The younger brother is the only seedling of our Chang family. If you don't save him, our ancestors of the Chang family will not let you go... "

(End of this chapter)

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