pawn wife

Chapter 272 070: Encounter

Wei Guangnan patted his third sister's head lightly, "Didn't I think it was you from the back at first glance, and I scolded him, but in the end I made an oolong, I was so ashamed that I wanted to find a hole in the ground and go in." .”

Miss Wei San said, "It makes me want to get acquainted with other people. Let's compare and compare. Grandma, maybe this is your granddaughter who lives outside..."

Before he finished speaking, his mother, Mrs. Wei, gave him a slap on the top of the head. Can such words be said nonsense?People who didn't know thought it was their own men who caused romantic debts outside, and it would be too bad if it was really like this.

"It's just that people are similar, aunt, don't you think so?"

Hearing what the sister-in-law said, how could the Wei family dare to say anything else, in fact, she was also quite curious about the person her nephew was talking about, did she really look like that?But I was afraid of offending my sister-in-law, so I had no choice but to agree with it with a smile, "What my sister-in-law said is that this just happens to look alike, so I don't want to randomly bring people home."

"That's right, there are many people who want to climb into our family in this world. Who knows where this person came from? It would be bad to use this pretext to act in the name of our family." Mrs. Wei hurriedly said, "Brother Nan, don't mention this matter in the future."

"Mother, look at you, you're like a soldier. I didn't say anything, and people didn't show anything. You think people are so bad, which is not good." It is pleasing to the eye, much more pleasing to the eye than her serious cousin Han Yongzhu.

"Boss, what Brother Nan said is that people like us can't be climbed up by cats and dogs. They just look alike. I want to invite them to come and have a look. Let's see what we have three Do sisters really look like sisters?" Mrs. Wei said disapprovingly, and it was only because the eldest daughter-in-law was scared by the men's romantic debts that they made it so.

"Second brother, did you hear that? Hurry up and find out where this girl lives. Let's send a message to invite her to come over to the house." Miss Wei San urged her brother.

The other girls from the Wei family also booed, and the scene became lively again.

Wei Guangnan said, "I really sent someone to follow her to see which inn she was staying in. I heard that she came from Yiyang City..."

"Why is it Yiyang City?" Wei asked curiously, her daughter just came back from there, and she fell ill as soon as she came back, which made her less interested in the word Yiyang City, and instinctively loved her daughter rush.

"Why can't it be Yiyang City?" The third girl Wei stepped forward and hugged Wei Shi and said with a smile, "I heard that it is a good place, and I want to talk about the customs and customs there when I go to play with my cousin one day."

"That's not a good thing to say, your cousin doesn't love the things about Yiyang City, and she will be uncomfortable once she goes there, and she is avoiding it for fear of not being able to." Wei Shi hurriedly said, no matter how close a niece is, she can't compare to a daughter.

Miss Wei San pursed her lips inwardly, becoming even more displeased with that pretentious cousin Han Yongzhu. If this person is not my aunt's own daughter, how can she talk to her?
She looks like a petty family, she doesn't look like a member of their family at all, but she still looks a bit like her uncle, otherwise she would have thought that Han Yongzhu had been transferred.

Wei Guangnan's servant came in in a hurry, first saluted the old lady and others, and then whispered a few words to Wei Guangnan, Wei Guangnan nodded and waved for him to leave.

"Second brother, can you tell us something good to share?" Miss Wei San hurriedly asked Wei Guangnan.

"What can I do? I just found out that the woman who looks like my aunt and also like you has lived in the Yunlai Inn. If you really want to find someone to play with, go there and look for it."

"That's a good relationship. I'll find someone later. If we get along well, maybe I can recognize a sister."

"You're the one who loves to talk poorly."

Wei Guangnan pampered his own sister's nose, and she could say that without any scruples, but then she was beaten severely by his mother, Mrs. Wei.

Mrs. Wei got tired after chatting and laughing with her children and grandchildren for a while. Mrs. Wei hurriedly helped her mother-in-law to rest, and told the younger generation to leave quickly.

The Wei family didn't leave, and after waiting for his mother to lie down and rest, he talked to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wei.

"Are you trying to urge the eldest princess's mansion to welcome sister Zhu quickly?"

Wei sighed, "Sister Zhu is not young anymore, if she drags on, she will become an old lady, it's better to get married as soon as possible."

In fact, she was reluctant to let her daughter leave the cabinet, but if her daughter grows up and stays for fear of becoming enemies, it is better to marry off earlier, not to mention Yuan Hao's husband is her heart, and she can rest assured that she will get married sooner.

"That's fine. I'll go to the Princess's mansion to urge the marriage in the next two days. I believe my cousin will betray me."

Seeing his sister-in-law Mrs. Wei agreeing immediately, Wei's face had a smile on her face. It was also fortunate that this sister-in-law was the eldest princess's direct cousin, otherwise she would not have dared to go back to her mother's house and say this.

Mrs. Wei turned over, and she naturally heard the conversation between the sister-in-law and her sister-in-law without falling asleep. In fact, the marriage they sought was not good, but the Han family wanted to have a relationship with the eldest princess, so they let Han Yongzhu mess around. .

Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and she can't control so much.

Wei didn't stay at her mother's house for a long time, so she left for Cheng's house, passing by Yunlai Inn, she couldn't help but craned her neck to look curiously, wondering if she hoped to see the woman whose nephew's mouth looked very similar to hers.

At this moment, Chang Xi took Hu Niu to go out to see the customs of the capital.

"Miss Chang, should we wear a veiled hat?"

"I haven't seen many people wearing this thing all the way, so I quickly put it away and don't wear it. It's too troublesome to wear this thing." Chang Xi refused.

Huniu didn't want to wear it either, so she naturally gave the curtain hat to others to put it away.

Standing at the door of Yunlai Inn, Chang Xi was very eye-catching. Naturally, Wei saw her at a glance, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. She looked very similar to her when she was young, even more like her than her niece Wei San, she couldn't help but I'm crazy, how could there be someone who looks so like her?

No, not exactly like her, the face shape is not the same, so who is it like?
like a husband.

As soon as this conclusion came out, Wei Shi couldn't help breathing quickly. How could there be such absurd things in this world?
Chang Xi felt that someone was looking at him, frowned slightly, and then looked over sharply. Naturally, he could only see the carriage passing by, but he couldn't see the people in the carriage clearly.

"Miss Chang, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, let's go, it's too eye-catching to stand here."

Huniu didn't doubt that he was there, so she quickly followed Chang Xi's pace and moved forward. It's rare to come to the capital, so she must see more, so that she can have a conversation when she goes back. Besides, the girl from Beidi is tall, so she must be tall and good looking here. Not obtrusive.

Wei Shi lay behind the window of the carriage and kept looking at Chang Xi until she could no longer see anyone. Then she gave up. Somehow, this person whom she met only once by chance made her so worried?She actually wanted to see each other again.

Along the way can not help but worry a lot.

After returning to Weiwuhou Mansion, she first went to answer her mother-in-law, Mrs. Han, and then went to visit her sick daughter.

Ever since Han Yongzhu returned to the capital, she had become more gloomy. When she saw Aunt Xin walking in with the porridge, her face immediately changed, and she said angrily, "Who allowed you to come in?"

"I heard that the girl has a bad appetite, so I specially made porridge and brought it here. The girl can eat a little..." Aunt Xin scooped up a bowl of porridge and wanted to serve Han Yongzhu to eat.

Unexpectedly, Han Yongzhu overturned the porridge, and the hot porridge spilled on Aunt Xin, who was so hot that Aunt Xin screamed.

"Noisy! Get the hell out of here!" Han Yongzhu immediately chased her away without showing any face to Aunt Xin.

Tao Nanny heard noises outside, hurried in, and saw that Aunt Xin's thin summer shirt was wet by the porridge, wondering if it was burning?He hurried forward and pulled her down.

Aunt Xin refused to leave, she still had nostalgia for Han Yongzhu, "Let me see what's wrong with my daughter?"

Tao Nanny covered her mouth with hatred, and shouted in a low voice, "You can't talk nonsense, you want to kill your daughter."

Aunt Xin burst into tears right now, she couldn't recognize her daughter even though she was close at hand, who knows the pain?
Nanny Tao was about to comfort her, but who knew that Mrs. Wei suddenly came from the corridor, and when she saw her tugging with Aunt Xin, her eyes instantly became sharper. She hurriedly pushed Aunt Xin aside to clear the relationship, "Don't come here to make the girl angry. The girl doesn't like the porridge you cook, so hurry back."

"What's the matter?" Wei Shi stepped forward and asked.

Nanny Tao briefly explained the matter, and then acted as if she hated Aunt Xin, but secretly gave Aunt Xin a wink, and Aunt Xin saluted resentfully and left.

Wei Shi didn't look at Aunt Xin, but turned around and went into the back room to visit her daughter.

Han Yongzhu, who craned his neck to peek, was secretly relieved when he saw that Wei Shi came in without suspicion, and said coquettishly to Wei Shi, "Mother."

Wei stepped forward to hold Han Yongzhu in his arms, stroking her hair and said, "Did you have a good meal?"

"No appetite." Han Yongzhu said pitifully, then she seemed to think of something, she grabbed Wei Shi's sleeve and said, "Mother, what does the eldest aunt say?"

"Don't worry, when will your eldest aunt not love you?" Wei Shi reassured, "It's just that you are heartless, and now you only want to get married, but you still have my mother in your eyes?"

"Mother, I will always only love you." Han Yongzhu hurriedly said sweetly, but she was afraid of having long nights and dreams, so she hurriedly married Yuan Hao and became his legitimate wife. No matter what her background was, Yuan Hao would never leave her behind. She no longer has to worry about being frightened.

On the way back from Yiyang City to the capital, she was in a state of panic. She hated Tao Nanny from the bottom of her heart, but she didn't dare to go too far like before, for fear that Tao Nanny would throw her away in a fit of anger. His life experience was shaken out.

She never dreamed that she would not be Wei's daughter, if it wasn't for the convincing evidence from Madam Tao, she would have thought that the old woman was trying to deceive her.

Thinking of this, she was so sad that she wanted to cry again.

The Wei family only thought that Han Yongzhu had fallen in love with Yuan Hao, and did not think deeply about the reason, but only comforted her, promising that she would get what she wanted.

But for some reason, that face that only met once flashed in her mind, and she suddenly remembered that when she was pregnant with her daughter, she imagined that the child should look like that, not the look of Han Yongzhu now.

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