pawn wife

Chapter 274 072: Use

Chapter 274 072: Use (one more)
When Miss Wei San heard Chang Xi's words, she immediately burst out laughing with a "puchi". This lady Chang is not forgiving when she speaks sharply. She thought that the other party had a gentle temperament, but how could she know that she could be so flamboyant?

The other girls from the Wei family also laughed. The more they thought about it, the more ridiculous they felt. Fortunately, this group of people thought they were superior, but in fact it was just that.

"What are you talking about? Who are you calling a dog?" Some of the noble girls who were with Han Yongzhu couldn't take it anymore, turned around and came back to stare at Chang Xidao, a small, unrefined mud leg, dare to ridicule them as dogs ?
Han Yongzhu saw that Chang Xi was outraged by the public, and couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. This Chang family is actually digging her own grave. The background of these people can scare her to death. It is best to scare her back to Yiyang, and never in this life. Appearing in front of her, she can sit back and relax.

So she pretended to sigh, "Miss Chang, why are you bothering? Everyone is just joking, you..." She looked like she hated iron but steel, which seemed to be a pity, but in fact she was arguing.

Chang Xi first looked at the noble lady who was staring at her, and said with a smile, "I didn't even mention her name directly, what are you doing in such a hurry to check in? You're bringing shame on yourself, so don't put a hat on others "As for Han Yongzhu, she didn't even want to take a second look. Before, she thought she was just in love, but now it seems that she underestimated her white lotus attribute and her identity as a tea art master. With this little ability, she still can't look at her. in the eyes.

"Miss Wei, let's not stay here, let's go in and have lunch. I also want to try the special dishes of this restaurant."

After finishing speaking, Chang Xi took the lead to go inside by herself, and was too lazy to talk to these so-called noble girls. After all, it is better to say less about unnutritious words.

Miss Wei San pulled her sisters away and walked towards the restaurant with Chang Xi with a smile. When passing by Han Yongzhu, she smiled, "Cousin, your little trick is just that your eyes are blurred, as long as people with a clear mind It can be seen at a glance that your little abacus is crackling, who would want to be the gun in your hand? It seems that you are the only good person in this world, and everyone else is bad."

These words are equivalent to taking off Han Yongzhu's face and stepping on the ground. After all, the people present are not from bad backgrounds, so why are they all idiots?As long as you think carefully about the cause and effect, it is not difficult to find that Han Yongzhu's tricks are so tricky, and now he can't do what he should.

It's one thing to look down on Chang Xi from a small place, but it's another thing to be used as a gun by others. Who is not a proud lady?

So someone pretended to be uncomfortable, left directly, and left without hanging out with Han Yongzhu.

There were also people who didn't even pretend, and sneered at Han Yongzhu twice, "Miss Han is a good trick." Then turned around and left directly with a grudge.

These changes made Han Yongzhu not a human being inside and out, his complexion changed again and again, and he hated Wei San, his cousin, and would rather help outsiders than her.

On the contrary, the woman who glared at Chang Xi hooked Han Yongzhu's arm uncharacteristically, "Miss Han, I believe you."

Han Yongzhu twitched the corner of her mouth and showed an ugly smile, what's the use of her trusting her?This so-called noble girl has a flawed background, and she has always played the role of a supporter by her side, and she has never taken a fancy to her.

"I'm not feeling well, so I'm going back first." She pushed the other person's hand away, and directly supported the maid's arm and walked to her carriage.

Seeing Han Yongzhu walking away, the unsatisfied noble girl showed a disdainful expression, "What's the air? Even my cousin doesn't give face, which shows how failed I am, hum!" She still looks down on her, damn it!
Chang Xi and Miss Wei San, who were sitting in the box by the window, saw the actions of these people, especially the ugly appearance of that respectful lady. Miss Wei San sighed, "My cousin doesn't even know What kind of person did you make friends with, and such a person can actually be liked?"

Chang Xi didn't have the habit of judging people behind their backs, so she just looked at her without saying a word. For a little girl like Han Yongzhu, it's not interesting to fight, but the people behind her are interesting.

"Miss Chang, your self-cultivation is too good, I would definitely not be able to bear this tone." Miss Wei San said bluntly.

Chang Xi smiled, "It's not about self-cultivation, but it's not beneficial to do so, and I don't need to waste my time." For the sake of Miss Wei San's straightforwardness, she also spoke the truth.

Miss Wei San still thinks that Chang Xi is a good-natured person, so she inevitably becomes more intimate in her expression.

Han Yongzhu went back crying, Tao Nanny felt distressed when she saw her crying, "Girl, what's the matter?" She was not happy when she went out today, why did she cry like this when she came back in a blink of an eye? ?So she glared at the maid following out, "Tell me, what wronged the girl outside?"

Han Yongzhu said while weeping, "It's none of their business, let them go out."

Tao Nanny then waved these maids to go out and interrogate them again when she has time.

When she and Nanny Tao were the only ones left in the room, Han Yongzhu grabbed onto Nanny Tao's hand, her nails digging deep into Nanny Tao's flesh, and said eagerly, "Mommy, she has come to the capital..."

"Who's here?" Tao Nanny held back the pain and asked.


As soon as these two words came out, Nanny Tao immediately couldn't feel the pain from her hand, and the fierceness in her eyes flashed, "Don't be afraid, girl, there is a way to heaven, she will not go, and there is no way to hell, she just broke in, then Don't blame us for being cruel."

"What is Mammy going to do?" Han Yongzhu looked terrified.

Mammy Tao immediately patted her back with the other hand distressedly, "Don't ask, girl, Mammy has her own opinion."

Han Yongzhu took a fixed look at Tao Nanny, and finally let go of Tao Nanny's hand, "I believe in Tao Momo."

"Good girl." Tao Nanny praised, successfully calming Han Yongzhu's emotions.

After Han Yongzhu fell asleep, she got up and walked out. When she reached Wei's yard, she rubbed her face and rushed in with a flustered expression, "Ma'am, it's not good..."

Wei Shi was about to visit Han Yongzhu, after all, she heard that her daughter had been wronged outside, how could she sit still?Unexpectedly, Nanny Tao suddenly barged in like this, her expression froze, "What happened?"

Tao Nanny looked at the maids around her, but didn't make a sound immediately.

Mrs. Wei understood, and signaled the waiters in the house to go out first, leaving Madam Tao alone to serve here.

After there were no outsiders in the room, Madam Tao knelt down eagerly, "Madam, this old slave is ineffective, please punish me..."

"Mother Tao, you get up and talk first, I still don't know what's going on?"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry for you. Back then... that child didn't die. At that time, the old slave was soft-hearted. He felt that the child was innocent, so he didn't dare to kill him..."

When mentioning the events back then, Wei's head became dizzy for a while. She grabbed Tao Nanny's arms fiercely and asked, "Why didn't you die? Didn't I say at that time that there would be no way out?"

"It's all the old slave's fault. It's the old slave who ruined Madam..." Tao Momo cried. At that time, she really softened her heart. No, she was guilty. That's why she didn't kill the child. She won't show kindness, but there is no regret medicine to take.

Wei's mood quickly calmed down, she let go of Nanny Tao's arms, then slowly sat down on the main seat, took a sip of some cold tea, and then asked in a deep voice, "Get up, what are you doing?" Speak clearly."

Nanny Tao secretly glanced at Wei Shi, knowing that she had to be extremely careful in what she said next, otherwise Wei Shi would become suspicious.

She took advantage of the situation, stepped forward and bowed, "Ma'am, it's all because of the old slave's inability to handle things at that time..."

"Who did you give that child to?"

"Hand it over to the Sansao woman in the outer court. She has a fellow villager in the capital. At that time, the old slave gave her 20 taels of silver to her fellow villager to take the child back to raise..."

Wei didn't expect that Nanny Tao would make her own decisions behind her back. She couldn't tolerate a child born to her husband and another woman. Whenever she thought about it, she would feel like a stick in her throat. That's why she asked Nanny Tao to put the child in the first place. Get rid of it, so that you can't see it. As for Aunt Xin, she was tortured crazy, and keeping her as a shield is not an insult to her, but also an atonement for her dirty behavior.

She always thought that she had arranged everything clearly, how could she know that Tao Nanny would make such a big mistake?

But is now the time to pursue these past events?

Obviously not, she had to find a way to get rid of the tail first, so she said, "Get to the point."

Mother Tao swallowed her saliva, and continued, "That child has found her way to the capital. She probably found out about her life experience from her adoptive parents, and now she wants to regain her identity, so she found a girl for some reason. , said a lot of harsh words to the girl, and made the girl cry in anger, and when she came back, she kept asking if the child that Aunt Xin gave birth to back then is still there?"

"Then how did you answer?" Wei looked at Nanny Tao nervously, she didn't want Han Yongzhu to be involved in such dirty things.

Tao Nanny showed a smile, "Of course, the old servant first calmed down the girl's emotions, and then denied it. The girl dispelled her doubts and didn't believe the child's nonsense."

Only then did Wei breathe a sigh of relief, as long as her daughter didn't become suspicious, but when she thought that her husband's blood with other women was still in this world, she felt uncomfortable all over her body, "Nurse, we must take her away this time." Get rid of it..."

"Madam, isn't she going to see her?" Madam Tao said suddenly.

Wei Shi didn't think about it, and then said with a face of resistance, "I don't see what I see, I don't see it, Mama, I will send you two dead soldiers, and you must kill this evil seed. I don't want her to appear again to confuse you." Miss Zhu."

What's more, she can't let people know that she killed her husband's blood, so this person must not stay.

Mother Tao naturally couldn't wish for it, and responded in a hurry, knowing that the two dead men were dowries given to the Wei family by the Duke of Wei's mansion, and the purpose was to protect the Wei family. up.

As long as a person dies, this shit pot will be covered forever, and no one will know what the truth is. Thinking about it this way, she is very satisfied with her performance, and has fooled everyone.

As for Chang Xi, just wait to die.

(End of this chapter)

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