pawn wife

Chapter 276 074: She's either short-sighted or too many-sighted

Chang Xi's direct denial made Princess Qianrong laugh, which was expected by her. Who would admit that they ruined someone else's marriage all of a sudden?

She looked down at Chang Xi, "Don't think that this princess will believe you if you say that, not to mention that you are still jumping back and forth between my son and nephew, this princess still remembers this... "

"Who told you?" Chang Xi was not afraid of the pressure. Seeing the eldest princess stunned for a moment, she also smiled, "Your Highness, without investigation, you have no right to speak. Is it possible that you can only rely on a few words from someone?" Wouldn't it be hasty to convict the Minnv? And it also means wronging Zhongliang." After a pause, "How about this, you call out the person who spread the rumors, and the Minnen confront him face to face, right and wrong can always tell right from wrong understand."

At this time, her attitude said that she was as sincere as she was, and she looked directly at Princess Qianrong without any intention of avoiding it.

Now Princess Qianrong is not calm anymore. After all, Chang Xi's remarks hit a crucial point, that is, these remarks were indeed only made by Du Guanshi, and she was very angry when she received the news. I really haven't thought about the tricks that may exist here.

What's more, what Manager Du said may not be completely credible. This person has a conflict of interest with the Chang family, so his words will be biased.

"What do you say about the fact that the princess will withdraw from the mighty Marquis Mansion as soon as she returns to Beijing?"

"His Royal Highness, the daughter-in-law does not know about the divorce. Instead of asking the daughter-in-law about the specific reasons, wouldn't it be faster to ask Lord Yuan? After all, he is the person concerned. Whether this marriage is suitable or not, no one but me can say. None of them count.”

"Hmph, you're going to evade. If you hadn't intervened, how could this marriage have fallen through?"

"Minnv still said the same thing, please invite the person who spread the rumors out, and Minnv confront him face to face, and ask the Eldest Princess to give Minnv a chance to return Minnv's innocence."

After finishing speaking, Chang Xi got up and saluted and asked, with a very firm attitude.

Princess Qianrong didn't seem like she was acting like this, so she believed her words a little bit in her heart, but Yuan Hao's page can be turned over, but Xie Jin's page has to be made clear.

"Okay, the princess will not pursue the account between you and my son, but brother Jin is the princess' nephew, and he will recognize his ancestors sooner or later, and it would be feasible to give you a name at that time, but here Before, you couldn't block his marriage, or else this princess won't spare you."

Xie Jin is now standing in front of others. As an aunt, she will start planning for his marriage. Of course, the marriages she has married before are not counted. Naturally, his first wife and first wife must be the daughter of a high family. It can be expanded step by step, which is of great benefit to the struggle for the throne.

It turned out that the real purpose was here, and Chang Xi also recalled it now, talking about Yuan Hao was just to give off power, the real thing was to warn himself not to wish to become Xie Jin's wife, and to give a guarantee of a concubine in the future It is already a gift from heaven.

After trying to understand this relationship, she wanted to laugh out loud, but at least she still remembered that in this ancient time, the imperial power was overwhelming, and she couldn't do too much, or she would suffer disaster.

So she said very seriously, "His Royal Highness needs a civilian girl to swear that she will never enter Xie Jiuye's backyard in this life? The civilian girl can swear on the spot," she raised her three fingers to the sky, and said without hesitation, "The emperor's sky is above, and the rich soil is below. Chang Xi, a civilian girl, swears here that she will never enter the harem of the emperor's house in this life. If she violates this oath, she will die a bad death."

After taking the oath, she looked at the bewildered Princess Qianrong, and asked very politely, "Your Highness, I have already made the oath, do you believe me now?"

Her pursuit has never been to become a member of someone's harem, she was born with her pride, and what she seeks is always to stand in front of the stage, not to be shamed behind the stage.

Princess Qianrong didn't know her well, so she looked at her with the eyes of a woman in this era, which was naturally a thousand miles away.

This straightforward appearance really stunned Princess Qianrong. She thought it would take a lot of effort to get the woman in front of her to get rid of her wrong thoughts, but she didn't expect her mother-in-law to cry and beg. Swearing righteously.

This kind of woman is not what Guanshi Du said in his letter. When she realized that she had been tricked by Guanshi Du, she was furious and dared to mislead her. There is no rush to hold steward Du accountable.

"Get up."

Hearing these faint words, Chang Xi got up and sat down again.

The other party's generous demeanor made the eldest princess feel a little fond of him. If it wasn't for the fact that he was born too low and married, she really didn't want to beat the mandarin ducks. After all, he looks really pretty, but From the appearance, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that this Chang family was very similar to members of the Wei family, especially the mighty Mrs. Wei Wuhou's wife.

"What is your relationship with the Wei family?"

Hearing this question, Chang Xi promptly showed a dazed look, "The folk girl has nothing to do with the Wei family, ah, I met a Miss Wei San in the past two days, does this count as a relationship?"

This made Princess Qianrong unable to ask any more questions. I don't know if Chang's nature is like this or she is used to acting. She can't see the slightest illusion of lying on her face, as if every word she said came from her own heart. Inwardly.

It was the first time to see such a person at such an age, which made the eldest princess a little crazy. This person was either lacking in heart or too thoughtful.

Chang Xi answered the eldest princess with a few more innocuous words, and ended the unpleasant conversation. It was the nanny who led her in who led her out.

Once outside, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Facing the royal princess was quite stressful, but fortunately, she has a strong ability to resist pressure. Anyway, she has seen the real world in her previous life.

Seeing her coming out, Xie Jin and Yuan Hao hurriedly greeted her.

"Are you okay?" Xie Jin said first.

Chang Xi shook her head with a smile, "What can be the matter? Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess doesn't eat people. She just had a friendly chat with me. I don't know how kind her attitude is."

Now it's Yuan Hao's turn to wonder, is his mother so easy to talk to?
Although people outside said that Princess Qianrong was the most kind person, but he knew in his heart that it was just his mother pretending to show others, but it was not like that.

But Chang Xi didn't look like he was lying, so he was completely confused now.

This scene was quickly passed back to the ears of the eldest princess. After hearing this, she gave the fish a pause, then smiled softly, and finally said to the nurse next to her, "No wonder people often say that Chang's He is a wonderful person, this princess understands."

"Your Highness has a good impression of her?" Mammy asked with a smile.

The eldest princess threw all the fish food in her hand into the water, "It's not good, but it's not bad either. He's a smart man."

There are not many people who know how to put themselves in the right position, and Chang's is one of them.

At this moment, the maid came in to report that the uncle had come.

Only then did the eldest princess lower her face and let that evil son in, and when she saw Yuan Hao, she said with a straight face, "The marriage with the Han family is a marriage bestowed by the imperial decree, how can we just quit? There's nothing wrong with that." talk……"

"Han Yongzhu's identity is questionable. Is my mother trying to harm me for the rest of my life by marrying such a woman?"

These words angered the eldest princess, she impulsively stepped forward and slapped her son, and said angrily, "You bastard, who am I working so hard for? What can you explain with just your little evidence?"

"Isn't it enough to be a concubine?" Yuan Hao insisted on his own opinion regardless of his mother's painful face.

The eldest princess was angry, one to the Han family, and the other to her son.

Yuan Hao saw that his mother's attitude had softened, so he tried harder to persuade his mother to give up the idea of ​​getting married. After all, Han Yongzhu is really not a good match.

But the eldest princess also has her own plans. Wei Guogong's wife, Mrs. Zhou, came to urge the marriage before, and she is still riding a tiger.

"Is there enough evidence to use a concubine as a concubine?"

When Yuan Hao heard that there was a possibility of retiring the engagement, he said confidently, "Enough."

Chang Xi on the other side went directly to Yunlai Inn in a sedan chair. She was in a good mood at the moment. After meeting Princess Qianrong, the benefits were very direct. At least that manager Du was really done.

However, Princess Qianrong only pays attention to the marriage of her children and does not care about the affairs of the tea brick workshop at all, which greatly reduces her perception of the royal family. They are a group of moths who do not care about people's livelihood and the development of the times. She wants to develop For industrialization, it is necessary to change people.

At this time, she raised the curtain of the sedan chair and looked at Xie Jin who was riding a horse beside her. It seemed that helping Xie Jin to the top position was imperative.

"What's wrong?" Xie Jin felt her gaze and looked down at her in the sedan chair.

"It's nothing," Chang Xi smiled, "I think you are more handsome today."

Being teased by her suddenly, Xie Jin's old face turned red, "Don't mess around."

Chang Xi was amused by his innocent appearance, this man has been kissed three times, but he is still a first brother, it's funny to think about it.

However, she has always grasped the size very well, so she quickly put down the curtains of the car and went to enjoy herself alone.

Xie Jin shook his head, and couldn't care less about her.

Back at the Tianzihao yard of Yunlai Inn, Chang Xi felt vague sights around her, paused first, and then walked into the yard pretending not to care.

Seeing this, Xie Jin glanced at her, and then saw her nodding, and suddenly understood in his heart that someone had sneaked into the yard.

He wanted to take Chang Xi away, but Chang Xi instead pulled him into the courtyard to sit in the living room, and then made tea himself, with a calm attitude as usual.

When Huniu saw Chang Xi's hand gestures, she was already on guard, and then secretly arranged everything as agreed.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. When Chang Xi went into the inner room to change clothes, the people in the dark immediately took action.

The flashing sword stabbed straight at Chang Xi.

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