pawn wife

Chapter 278 076: The skill of throwing the pot is first-rate

Mrs. Han, who saw this scene through the car window in the carriage, had a tense face, but her grip on Han Yongzhu beside her was getting tighter and tighter.

This sound caused Mrs. Han to turn her head to look at her. Han Yongzhu wanted to say that her grandmother scratched her wrist aggrievedly, but seeing her stern expression, she swallowed all her words and dared not talk to her. Grandmother looked at each other.

Mrs. Han grabbed Han Yongzhu's chin and turned her face to herself. Only now did she realize that Han Yongzhu's granddaughter really didn't look like the Wei family at all, and she was far less like the woman named Chang's. Wei Shi, never doubted before, but now he can't deceive himself.

In fact, if you look carefully, this granddaughter looks more like the Xin family from a humble background than her son.

"Grandmother..." Han Yongzhu called timidly.

Mrs. Han pursed her lips tightly and shook off Han Yongzhu's face. If she really made a joke about pretending to be a concubine, where would the Han family's face really go?
When she was depressed, she saw a carriage parked not far away from the corner of her eye. She looked straight at it, and finally met her mother-in-law, Mrs. Wei. Unexpectedly, this old thing also came to the scene. After a while, she asked The nanny next to him went to ask Mrs. Wei to come over.

When Mrs. Wei saw her mother-in-law, Mrs. Han, she was also taken aback. She had never liked this mother-in-law very much. After all, she was too harsh on her own daughter, but now her daughter didn't know how to end it, so Old Man Han When the nanny next to him came to invite her, she readily agreed, and got out of her carriage with her granddaughter Wei San.

The third girl Wei helped her grandmother into the Han family's carriage, and when she saw Mrs. Han present, she hurriedly greeted her elders.

Mrs. Han's complexion improved a little, and she treated Miss Wei San very gently.

"I didn't expect my cousin to be here?" Miss Wei San looked at Han Yongzhu and smiled.

Seeing the stunned Han Yongzhu, Mrs. Han whispered sternly, "You still don't want to greet your grandmother?"

Only then did Han Yongzhu remember that there was still such a thing, and she hurriedly got up to salute, but she didn't know if she was too nervous, her feet limp and fell to the ground, and the salute was fragmentary.

Mrs. Han didn't look at it, she turned her face away.

Madam Wei had a cold face, and didn't want to explain a few words to Han Yongzhu. The moment she saw Chang Xi, she deeply doubted whether Han Yongzhu was her own granddaughter.

Miss Wei San came forward to help Han Yongzhu who was embarrassed, "Why is cousin so careless? If you don't know, you think cousin is guilty?"

"What does my cousin mean by saying this? Why am I guilty?" Han Yongzhu couldn't hear such yin and yang words now, she shook off Miss Wei San's hand, stepped forward and crouched beside her grandmother, "Grandma, what It is our Han family who will lose face after the trial."

Grandma is the most important face.

She has to find a way to prevent this interrogation. Even if she wants to be interrogated, it must be interrogated by the Han family behind closed doors. Will not protect her, after all, she still has the value of marriage.

When Mrs. Han heard this, her expression became even uglier. Opening the trial in such a large court would really put the face of the mighty Marquis Mansion on the ground, and it would indeed become a joke in the elite circle of the capital in the future.

However, it's not enough for her to show up alone, so she looked at Mrs. Wei, "Mother-in-law, what do you think?"

Madam Wei said flatly, "I just want the truth."

Who is her real granddaughter?

Madam Han frowned.

In the courtroom, the interrogation continued.

"No, it's not me, it's Madam, Madam ordered this old slave to do it..." Madam Tao hurriedly cried out for her grievances, she should not take the blame for Wei Shi, after all, she was not the one who did the killing.

Wei's face twitched for a moment, and then quickly covered it with the handkerchief in his hand, and then he looked heartbroken, "Mother Tao, in vain I have always respected you as my nurse and gave you preferential treatment everywhere, you are Repay me like this?"

With Wei Shi's gesture, the responsibility was completely removed, and most of the onlookers believed her sanctity.

Chang Xi didn't say a word, but she had a preliminary understanding of the Wei family. Although she didn't have a good impression of this person, he was top-notch.

Tao Nanny is not someone to wait for nothing, "My lord, if I did this, why would I do it? I have no grievances with Mrs. Chang in the past, why should I trouble her? It doesn't make sense... ..."

Wei Shi looked at Chang Xi with a complicated expression, "It's also the first time I've met...she, so I have no reason to seek revenge. Mother Tao's words are very unreasonable."

She is suspicious now, but there are priorities, and she can't pursue it here if she wants to. She still has some sense.

Compared with a lady in a deep house like Wei Shi, the words of Madam Tao who is walking outside are obviously not trustworthy, after all, she is several times more likely to meet Chang Xi than Wei Shi.

Nanny Tao was at a loss for words at once. When she was thinking about how to save the situation, Yuan Hao chose to attack at this moment. He said, "Speaking of Nanny Tao, there is something related to her."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Jing Zhaoyin asked.

Yuan Hao then clapped his hands and ordered Chang Dadou and Li Shi to be brought to court.

"These two people have been blackmailing Nanny Tao before, and later Nanny Tao became murderous and was rescued by me. According to the two people, they are Chang's parents..."

Yuan Hao's narration caused Chang Dadou and Li Shi to burst into tears. Both of them looked at Tao Nanny with resentment. This nasty woman lied to them that she could save Chang Kui, but in the end she killed them.

At that time, there was a lot of danger, both Chang Dadou and Li Shi were stabbed in the chest, and they were not far from death. In the end, the two took the opportunity to fall into the river. Fortunately, the river was so fast that night that they saved their lives.

After recuperating from his injuries for several months, he finally saw that he was brought to the capital. Now that his enemies meet, he is naturally jealous.

Mrs. Li jumped up and pointed at Nanny Tao and shouted, "This old woman bought our husband and wife's life, and please Master Qingtian to give us justice..."

Now the public opinion was in an uproar, and with this evidence, Tao Nanny's guilt was inevitable.

Jing Zhaoyin patted the gavel, which made everyone shut their mouths and keep quiet.

"Mr. Chang, these two are your parents?"

Chang Xi coldly glanced at Chang Dadou and Li Shi who did not dare to look at her, and immediately responded, "Yes." After a slight pause, "As for the grievances between the two of them and this Nanny Tao, Minnv don't know, after all, we are just people from a small place in Yiyang, why did we get involved with the servants of the wealthy family in the capital?"

Tao Nanny immediately shouted again, "This is spreading blame, this is planting dirt, how does this old slave recognize these two? I have never seen them before..." Then biting her lip, she suddenly said to Yuan Hao, "Yuan My lord, in order not to marry my girl, you really made a good excuse..."

Yuan Hao didn't expect that Nanny Tao would beat him up, and even wanted to slander his reputation, so he sneered, "It seems that you don't cry when you see the coffin." Then he gave Chang Dadou and Li Shi a look.

Chang Dadou and Li Shi flinched, and finally Chang Dadou said, "On a rainy night 18 years ago, Cao Min and his wife went to the capital to seek refuge with relatives..."

These words brought Wei Shi back to the night of giving birth.

It was a rainy night, and with the assistance of several experienced midwives, she gave birth to her second child, a girl, but she passed out from exhaustion at that time.

When she woke up again, it was raining heavily, and she saw Nanny Tao holding a baby by her side. When she saw her wake up, she hurried forward to let her see the baby's appearance, "Look, ma'am, My sister really looks like Madam..."

How can you tell who the red newborn looks like?

But these words pleased her, she always wanted a soft little padded jacket, so she held the child in her arms and kissed and kissed, no matter how hard she looked at it, she couldn't get enough of it.

At this time, the maid came in and reported that Aunt Xin had also given birth to a baby girl, and because of dystocia, Aunt Xin fainted to death, and now she does not know whether she is alive or dead.

The news made her joy of giving birth to a daughter fade instantly. She never expected that bitch Aunt Xin to give birth to a daughter. She couldn't bear the thought that this daughter would compete with her own daughter for resources and favor. What's more, every time she saw her, She would think of her husband's betrayal of her, and she went crazy at that time, and said to Nanny Tao, "Mommy, you go and deal with that child, I don't want to see her."

"Ma'am?" Tao Nanny looked at her with wide eyes.

But she said word by word, "Kill, kill, her."

Tao Nanny exclaimed in a low voice, but she nodded quickly, "I'll do it now, old servant."

Later, when Aunt Xin saw the dead baby, she became half-crazed, and she never suspected that there was something hidden about what happened back then, and it was only now that she discovered that there were loopholes everywhere.

It seemed reasonable that Nanny Tao did something behind her back, so Nanny Tao saved the baby back then, and that baby was the child she gave birth to.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help clenching her fists under her sleeves. If she hadn't had reason to support her, she wished she could kill Nanny Tao right now to vent her anger.

"Why would I do this? It's unreasonable, it's slander, and what does that rough servant have to do with me..." Tao Nanny still argued.

Yuan Hao said coldly at this moment, "Mother Tao, you yourself are from Yiyang."

Nanny Tao's pupils widened in an instant, and she looked at Yuan Hao in disbelief. This man actually dug out all her past, no, she can't let people dig out this past.

"No, no, I'm from the capital..."

This excuse was weak and weak, and it was difficult to win people's trust, but Tao Nanny still clamored like this desperately.

When Yuan Hao was about to speak again, Mrs. Han and Mrs. Wei walked into the courtroom together. These two are the appointed wives of the older generation. Jing Zhaoyin hurriedly stood up to salute and personally showed the two elders their seats.

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