pawn wife

Chapter 288 086: I wanted to cheat others, but I cheated myself

Chang Xi walked slowly to Jie Jin's side and stood with him, but his eyes were watching the old emperor bend down from time to time to check and ask a few questions. He would answer one by one, and he couldn't see the other side of his paranoid character. Of course, Xie Yuxin was watching him nervously and carefully, fearing that he would explode, but fortunately, there was no danger.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry also interrupted to ask a few questions at the right time. Of course, they were all key questions, and Lin Yuqi could answer them very well.

Just as the old emperor nodded his head in satisfaction, the sixth prince Zhao Gong, who had been standing by the side without any sense of presence, said, "Does this machine have to burn charcoal?"

"It is also possible to burn the medium, but it must have heat to provide power, otherwise it will not discharge the toxic gas..." Lin Yuqi answered very conscientiously.

Zhao Gong frowned and said, "Such a big machine works day and night, how much coal does it need to burn? Father, I thought it was not worthwhile to consume a lot of resources. If I knew this thing was so Prodigal, my son will definitely oppose it to the end, but fortunately only a small amount of delivery is now, and there is still time to stop everything, please think twice, father." After finishing speaking, he bowed and cupped his hands.

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent.

The old emperor has always been an unpredictable and profound image, so he didn't say anything immediately.

The senile Master Feng, the chief shopkeeper, secretly took a look at the expression of the old emperor, and immediately understood, and lowered his eyelids in a half-deaf and half-mute gesture, as if he didn't hear Zhao Gong singing the opposite tune there.

Princess Qianrong was anxious, what is this sixth child doing?I didn't see him jumping out to object when there was a lot of quarrel in the court before, but now it suddenly happens. Could it be that this is aimed at Xie Jin?

She looked at Xie Jin, sending him a signal that Zhao Gong definitely wanted to make trouble.

Xie Jin still had an iceberg face, and he gave his aunt a calm look, and then looked at Chang Xi, whose eyes had become sharper. Obviously, for this change, the two women wanted to tear apart Zhao Gong, who was planning to do something bad. , but these two women are not ordinary people, so naturally they will not jump out to defend themselves at inappropriate times.

So Zhao Gong, who is not good for you to offend, why do you want to offend a woman who is scheming and tolerant?

He secretly picked Chang Xi's palm, and seeing her look softened, he knew that her mood had completely calmed down. After all, it was useless to be angry if things changed. He blinked at her and saw her Knowing this, he bent forward to the old emperor and said, "Your Majesty, what the sixth prince said is wrong."

"Oh, I don't know what Master Xie's opinion is?" Zhao Gong laughed.

For the remnants of the deposed prince who failed to kill him back then, he naturally hated his teeth itchingly, but the royal children are all people who have passed the acting skills, so he also showed the love of the elders to the younger generation at this time. color.

Xie Jinchao Zhao Gongyi cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness only saw the energy consumption of this machine, but failed to see the benefits of this machine for mining workers. The people are all His Majesty's people, if you can reduce the casualties of their mining, it is the love of His Majesty, the father, for the people..."

"According to what your lord said, this thing can completely prevent the death and injury of miners?" Zhao Gong raised his eyebrows.

Although he has never worked in the Ministry of Industry, he has a private mine under his name. Of course, it was mined privately without telling the old emperor. Almost every month, the manager will report the number of casualties. The number of people is quite a lot, and it is completely unavoidable. Even if this machine is used to reduce the flammable gas in the mine, he can guarantee that what should explode will still explode.

As soon as Xie Jin heard it, he knew what kind of hole the sixth emperor wanted to dig for him to jump in, so he asked, "Is there a perfect machine in the world?"

Zhao Gong replied, "Of course not."

If there is a perfect machine, why do we need to do it manually?
Xie Jin then said, "What Your Highness said is that there is no perfect machine in the world, and this machine is the same, but if it can be added to the mine, it can indeed reduce the number of casualties. Buddhists say that saving a life If Shengzao's seventh-level pagoda can reduce the number of casualties, then it will be worth the effort."

Without waiting for Zhao Gong to speak, he immediately turned to face the old emperor and said generously, "Your Majesty, although this item consumes a lot of energy, it can give more miners a chance to survive, so this energy consumption can be ignored. "

Zhao Gong wanted to cheat others and ended up cheating himself, his face was livid with anger, if he objected now, it would be a waste of human life, which is not good for him to fight for this position, of course, if he agrees, it would be self-defeating, no matter which two In either case, he is at a disadvantage.

For his nephew Xie Jin, he once again paid more attention to him. The deposed prince was not so difficult to deal with back then.

Seeing that the sixth prince was deflated, the seventh and eighth princes looked at each other, and they both saw the glee in each other's eyes. They originally wanted to find fault, but they were robbed by the sixth prince, so they could only stand still and watch the tiger Dou, and now seeing that Lao Liudou lost, they were glad that they had calmed down.

The Seventh Prince even stood directly on Xie Jin's side, "Father, my son thinks that Mr. Xie's words are beneficial to the country and the people, and our Dayu Kingdom will not give up any of its subjects."

"Yes, we attach great importance to the lives of all our subjects." The eighth prince was not far behind, and even turned his head to look at Zhao Gong, making up the knife on the spot, "Sixth brother, your thoughts are bad, you don't treat the subjects as human beings!" Look, you must know that water can carry a boat and it can capsize it."

Zhao Gong became anxious now, the old man opened his mouth so viciously, he wanted to put him on the pillar of shame for not loving the people, so he quickly clarified, "Father, my son has no such intentions, just thinking about it. When the Chinese treasury is empty, and this thing consumes energy, it can save some, and it is definitely not not to treat the people as human beings, and the world can learn from this." After finishing speaking, he knelt down directly to express his heart.

The performance of the few princes was not satisfactory, the old emperor saw all this in his eyes, compared with Xie Jin, he was more dead than others, and he had to throw away goods when he compared goods.

After all these years, it is no wonder that he no longer has a crown prince. There is really no one who is worthy of a big job.

Seeing this, Chang Xi was amazed at the behavior of these princes pulling each other's hind legs, but she was used to these things, so she was not surprised at all, and she was naturally more vigilant about the princes who didn't jump out.

Compared with these few small fish, those are the big fish. After all, in the case of abolishing the prince, those people played extremely disgraceful roles, and no one can stand up to scrutiny. They are all small characters playing drums on the sidelines.

Princess Qianrong let out a sigh of relief. Of course, she was smart enough not to step forward to make up for it. She still needs to maintain her good-natured image.

So she stepped forward and said softly, "Father, the sixth brother is just outspoken. I believe he definitely doesn't think so. Please don't blame the sixth brother."

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