pawn wife

Chapter 290 088: Like a Daughter, Like a Father

Chapter 290 088: Like a Daughter, Like a Father (One More)
This matter is still making a fuss in the court, but in the mighty Marquis Mansion, this matter left Mrs. Han, Wei Shi and others stunned by this matter, and Wei Shi glanced at the old god several times in disbelief. Chang Xi, how did her daughter, whom she recognized halfway through, manage to do this?

She couldn't understand it, and finally she didn't think about it. Although the official position granted to her looked like a mosquito's leg, it was a completely different system from Mrs. Gaoming, and it was something worth celebrating.

"How about we hold another banquet to congratulate you?"

The old lady Han who came back to her senses quickly echoed, "I think it's okay, I don't know what sister Xi thinks?" After finishing speaking, she looked at Chang Xi expectantly, her granddaughter still looks good to her.

It was the first time she was called Sister Xi, and Chang Xi expressed that she was not used to hearing it, so it would be better to call her by her name directly. It's better to be so high-profile, otherwise those stubborn elders will not live, it's not good." At this point, she shook her head violently and rejected the proposal of the Han family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Han and the Wei family looked at each other. Chang Xi's words were reasonable. If she really did this, the Han family would probably become the target of the censor's verbal criticism. It's better to keep a low profile.

Wei Shi said regretfully, "Then listen to you, this banquet will not be held."

Chang Xi nodded, and reached a consensus with the Han family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law on this issue. At this moment, Hu Niu came in to report, "Miss Chang, the things have been packed..."

"What is this going to do?" Wei asked nervously. She had long since realized that she had no control over this daughter. Go and never look back.

Mrs. Han glanced at her disappointing daughter-in-law, why are you so nervous?Could it be that Chang Xi can still fly?Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan is not a joke, how can you just run away?
Chang Xi still patiently gave them an explanation, "The steam exhaust machine will be installed in the first generation of Gyeonggi, and I can't ignore it. I have to go and see it myself to be at ease, or do you think my official position is for nothing?"

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. The old emperor agreed to grant this false title because of his considerations. Of course, it is true for the convenience of making money, but it is also true for her convenience.

"That's it," Wei said with a sigh of relief, not just wanting to fly, "There are a lot of things to pack when you go out, go and see if you need to add something for your mother, just rely on your maid to clean up. There is a flaw."

Finally, she found something she could do for this girl, and she happily went to check the things her daughter had brought on the trip, checking for omissions and filling in the gaps. She can do this very well.

Chang Xi looked at Wei Shi's brisk walking back, and had less prejudice against her.

Mrs. Han took the opportunity to tell one or two to express her concern about this matter, after all, she is an elder, unlike the Wei family, she always has to carry some.

Chang Xi listened with his left ear going in and out of his right ear, noncommittal.

Compared with the quarrel in the court over the matter of conferring officials to women, the princes were silent, obviously avoiding the limelight of the old emperor. After all, the lesson of the sixth prince Zhao Gong was still there, and no one thought about it. Follow in his footsteps.

However, Marquis Weiwu remained silent on this matter, but everyone could see the pride in the corners of his brows and eyes. After all, this was considered a great honor for a family, but in order not to irritate those old pedants, he kept a straight face.

But if someone congratulated him, he would also bow and accept, which made the people who wanted to choke him speechless. Like a daughter, like a father.

But these are not big problems for the proud Chang Xi, as long as she is thick-skinned, others will be the ones who are embarrassed, and she implements this very thoroughly.

After reconciling with Lin Yuqi and Xie Yuxin, she greeted Mr. Dong, the minister of the Ministry of Engineering with a sigh,
Mr. Dong looked at Chang Xi with a complicated face. It is undeniable that she is a rare talent, but she suddenly became a colleague of his Ministry of Industry. No matter how you think about it, it is so magical. In the end, he joked, "I can't do it well." In a few years, the old man will have to work under your command."

Chang Xi laughed and said, "Master Dong is trying to build up my ambition and destroy my prestige. This is not a good thing."

As for what will happen in the future, no one can guess. At this time, Mr. Dong was just joking, but it happened to be a prophecy. Of course, he didn't know it at this time.

Once the joke was made, the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

Xie Jin couldn't follow Chang Xi to install the machine near Gyeonggi, his time was taken away by the old emperor, so he could barely find time to see him off.

"I'll transfer Zhou Nan to you, and he will take care of the travel along the way..." Uneasy, he could only send his capable subordinates, so that he could feel a little more at ease.

Chang Xi frowned, "Give me all the people, what do you use?"

"It's just a mere Zhou Nan, and it's not irreplaceable." Xie Jin said indifferently. To him, she is the irreplaceable one. "You didn't bring many people to Beijing this time, so you can't refuse."

Looking at his rare domineering language, Chang Xi, who used to be the domineering boss, was instantly speechless, but he still missed the fact that he was one-sided in his previous life, and he still needs to work hard in this life.

"Okay." She didn't put on airs, and directly accepted the person he stuffed in. Indeed, it would be much more convenient to have someone to take care of everything, and she could also share the burden for Hu Niu.

She didn't bring the servants of the mighty Marquis Mansion with her on this trip, not because she couldn't believe it, but because she felt it was unnecessary. After all, a group of servants in the back house who haven't seen much of the world are of little help when traveling, but they have to worry about it , then it's not worth it.

When Marquis Wei Wu learned that the news that his daughter was going to travel was a little behind, he said dissatisfiedly to the Wei family, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I can arrange a few useful people for her, so that she won't even have to find someone on the way." less than..."

Wei's heart disdains this afterthought, but he said, "You haven't stayed with me these two days, where can I tell you?"

Now it's Marquis Wei Wu's turn to have nothing to say, he does spend most of his time at Wei's place, but these two days he was fascinated by the concubine who wanted to please him. Today, I missed the news of my daughter who I recognized halfway.

Seeing his choking stupidity, Wei Shi felt indescribably happy in his heart, how much he loved this man when he was young, and how much he hates him now, but her brain is not broken yet, it is a little bit more for her to fall out with this hypocritical scumbag There is no benefit, so I can only endure it first, and there will be a day when I have to settle the score with him.

Wei Wuhou didn't know anything about the darkness in his wife's heart, he only thought that the Wei family was jealous, while being amused in his heart, he carefully tried to please her for two days, and in his opinion, the matter was over.

The Gyeonggi generation is not a remote place, so Chang Xi's trip this time is not uncomfortable, and he arrived at the destination in two or three days.

(End of this chapter)

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