pawn wife

Chapter 296 094: I Almost Don't Know My Cousin (1 More)

Even Chang Xi, who had been away for several months, felt that the outskirts of the city leading to the two major workshops had become much more prosperous than a few months ago, let alone the brothers and sisters of the Wei family.

Wei Guangnan was taken aback for a moment, especially the voices of the common people bargaining for prices, they didn't seem too vulgar, and they were not inferior to the capital city, which was still under the feet of the emperor after all.

Because the curtains of the carriage were raised, some people saw Chang Xi through the curtains of the carriage at first, and immediately came forward to say hello.

"Ms. Chang, is that you? Are you back?"

"Yes, ma'am, have you bought a lot of things?"

Hearing Chang Xi's affirmative answer, the aunt became more and more happy. It was obvious that she was from a nearby village, and someone at home was working in the workshop, so she picked up the things in her basket and handed them to Chang Xi, "They are all Ordinary things are more blessed by Mrs. Chang."

Chang Xi was humble when she heard the words, and she didn't take credit for it. After all, they had worked hard and she had made a profit, so it was already settled. It would be shameless to insist on taking credit.

There were quite a few people like this aunt along the way, and some off-duty workers also cheered when they saw Chang Xi's return. In short, the voice of Mrs. Chang was endless.

Where have the brothers and sisters of the Wei family seen such a battle?
I always feel that when I arrive in Yiyang, Chang Xi's overall image is very different from that in the capital. Obviously, she is more comfortable here.

The servants who came to serve the brothers and sisters of the Wei family were as distraught as their own masters at the moment. They were quite proud at first, thinking that they were servants of the Duke's mansion, so they were superior to others. For a while, I didn't pay much attention to Hu Niu.

But here, not to mention that Chang Xi is popular, even Hu Niu is known by many people. Anyone who greets Chang Xi, six out of ten will also greet Hu Niu by the way. The smile on his face never stopped.

So, someone from the Wei family approached Hu Niu to listen to her. Hu Niu had a humble face, but her words were not polite.

The servants of the Wei family suddenly looked pale, they were clearly looking for an opportunity to come back.

Huniu finally felt proud and elated, it's better to go back to Yiyang, even the sky has turned a lot bluer.

Finally, the two workshops that were still under construction appeared in the eyes of this group of people, and everyone couldn't help being surprised. The workshops were much bigger than imagined.

"Are these two tea brick workshops?" Wei Jinfu asked Chang Xi.

Chang Xi smiled and said, "No, this one is a spinning workshop, and the one in the valley is a tea brick workshop, but the project has been expanded and expanded, and they are still under construction."

Wei Jinfu couldn't help being a little astonished. These two workshops occupy a larger area than the Wujin Mansion in the capital, and they are still under construction. Wouldn't they be even bigger in the future?
Wei Guangnan licked his somewhat dry lips, "Cousin, your career is much bigger than I imagined. Looking back now, you were a frog in a well before you came." The two workshops can make a lot of money every day, so can this model be replicated around the capital?

If this is the case, will Wei Guogong be able to make a lot of money by getting involved?
At this time, Chang Xi didn't know that Wei Guangnan had already begun to think in his heart. Of course, if he knew, it would only mean welcome. With more funds coming in, the plate could become bigger. She would wake up laughing when she fell asleep. .

The carriage drove into the tea brick workshop first according to Chang Xi's intention, and the news had already been received here, and Xie Ming and his wife brought the management of the two major workshops out to greet them.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Chang Xi did not need to be supported as usual, but jumped out of the carriage by herself, which scared the brothers and sisters of the Wei family. Heaving a sigh of relief, Wei Jinfu followed suit, refusing his brother's support and jumping off the carriage.

Seeing this, Wei Guangnan could only smile helplessly. He had a premonition that his sister would definitely change during this trip to Yiyang. It is estimated that when he returned to the capital, his grandmother and others would feel that they would no longer recognize her. .

As soon as Chang Xi took a few steps forward, Mrs. Bai rushed forward, "Miss Chang, you are finally back. All I've been looking forward to and looking forward to are turning into stone."

This made everyone laugh, only Xie Ming's face turned dark, what is this?She has become a stone, so what has he become?This woman, who used to overwhelm him, is even more extraordinary now, and she doesn't take him seriously.

"Okay, Mrs. Ba Shao, if you talk about it again, Master Xie will wish that I would not come back in the capital." Chang Xi joked.

Jieming hurriedly explained, "It's nothing, don't talk about me as a mother-in-law, even I hope you will come back soon, I don't want to deal with those foreign devils anymore, everyone wants to take advantage of it." The last sentence is not a complaint , but his true feelings.

Dongli and Xiaotao also stepped forward with red eyes. They haven't seen Chang Xi for several months, and they all miss it very much.

Zhang Lianzi was so excited that she burst into tears. Chang Xi hurriedly comforted her, and the little girl stopped crying. Then, afraid that others would misunderstand, she hurriedly said, "I'm crying, not because someone bullied me, but because I want to cry often. sister."

Xiao Tao spent the longest time with her. After all, this is her little apprentice, so she reached out and stroked her head. The little girl has made rapid progress, but is it not tempered by life?
After Chang Xi had finished talking with his confidant and beloved general, he naturally had a few conversations with other people in the management team, and of course there were strangers among them.

That manager Du was sent back to the capital by the enraged Princess Qianrong because Chang Xi gave him eye drops in front of Princess Qianrong. Now the newcomer has a goatee and is obviously an aide in the Palace of the Princess Qianrong. Such a background, no longer a servant and eunuch, looks very kind.

"My surname is Fang. I will ask Mrs. Chang to take care of her in the future."

Seeing the docile look of this steward Fang, the smile on Chang Xi's face was also a little more sincere. Seeing this, he should be easier to get along with than Steward Du, but you can't speak too early, you still have to observe more in the future OK.

The first meeting between the two had a good atmosphere.

When entering the tea brick workshop, Xie Ming said in a low voice, "This guy has been here for a while, he is not as smart as that Du Guanshi, no matter how he is, he is quite shrewd."

Just one sentence deepened Chang Xi's initial impression of Steward Fang, "It's fine if you're not a fool."

Hearing this, Xie Ming laughed. Yes, dealing with smart people is much easier than dealing with stupid people. If Manager Du is not transferred, he will be annoyed to death. No, everywhere wants to compete with Chang Xi, which makes people even more annoying.

After all, he explained that he had never been able to win over Chang Xi, and now he was willing to live under her, so naturally he couldn't understand someone who was incompetent and desperately jumping up and down.

Once inside the workshop, the brothers and sisters of the Wei family opened their eyes again. The inside of the workshop is not small, but quite spacious, and even faintly heard the sound of reading, which made the two brothers and sisters puzzled. Unexpectedly, Is there anyone reading in this workshop?This is strange.

As a result, when I asked, I found out that the workers in the workshop had the task of learning, and those who performed well could also participate in the workshop's talent selection exam, and after passing it, they could be promoted and their salaries increased. Therefore, for reading and writing, the workers It's pretty positive right now.

Dongli also said, "Not only the workers in the tea brick workshop are like this, but also the spinning workshop next door. We are now promoting talents internally. Mrs. Chang said that these saved talents will take on important responsibilities in the future, so study There are a lot of things, such as management, finance..."

Hearing this, Wei Guangnan was taken aback for a while. He thought that workers only need to work, but he didn't expect that they must be literate and educated. This is really strange, and he sighed immediately, "I don't even know my cousin anymore." .”

Xiaotao on the side said even more, "Our lady Chang said that one must read and write to be wise. I think Miss Chang put a lot of effort into it back then."

Wei Jinfu hurriedly asked, and only then did she realize that Chang Xi only started to learn to read after entering the home, and tears filled her eyes immediately. Her cousin had a hard life before, and those words that she used to listen to as stories can't be imagined now. It's a heart-wrenching pain. If it wasn't for being transferred, how could my cousin have to suffer?

Xiaotao saw that the noble girl from the capital was about to cry by herself, so she hurriedly remedied, "Fortunately, all the hardships are over now, and those past events are not worth mentioning." So don't cry, or you will be seen by others. Will think that I am bullying you.

Wei Jinfu took the opportunity to press her eyes when she heard the words, and she didn't shed tears in public. After all, she is the daughter of the Wei family, so she still has the ability to control her emotions.

Wei Guangnan was very interested in the workshop, Chang Xi arranged for someone to take him to visit, anyway, there is no shortage of eloquent people in the workshop.

As for Wei Jinfu, seeing that her face was a bit dull, she was clearly trying to hold on, so she asked Hu Niu to take her to the newly built back residence to settle down first, and of course the servants of the Wei family who came along were indispensable.

Wei Guogong's mansion was afraid that their baby lump would not be used to Yiyang cuisine, so even the cook arranged for two of them to come along. This was a meticulous arrangement. In fact, Chang Xi was also taken aback when he saw it, thinking that this feudal nobleman You can really enjoy it, and then you will be familiar with it.

And she wants to hold a meeting with the management of the two major workshops to review what happened in the workshops during the few months she was absent. Of course, various report data are indispensable. This is the most intuitive way to understand the period of time in the workshops. Evidence of how it works.

People in the management of these two workshops are no strangers to Chang Xi's style of work. They have been preparing for it since they received the news that she was going back to Yiyang, so after the meeting sat down, someone stood up immediately. report.

Chang Xi, who was sitting in the main seat, listened carefully, while flipping through the stack of materials handed to her by the secretary before collecting the wind to confirm each other. Although she is not suspicious of employing people, she is not suspicious of others, but human nature is the most unintuitive thing. It takes a lot of effort.

It's not that no one here has ever thought of fooling Chang Xi. After all, the interests of the workshop are too great. The eyes are too sharp.

In front of her, no one dared to make mistakes.

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