Chapter 101, go to the police (15)

Ruan Lingwen made purses.

Ning Xintong watched the live broadcast, and by the way watched it online.

#Shi Lingling jumps off the building#
Such a horrifying hot search made everyone sweat.

【The child jumped out of the window anxiously. 】

[Ghost King is very powerful! 】

[It is possible for a powerful ghost king to tear down a building. 】

【She's just a child! 】

[It's too unsafe to catch ghosts directly like this. 】

[The child overestimates himself. 】

[Don't worry, ghost kings are still rare. 】

[Xuanmen is also quite dangerous. 】

[Some metaphysics are pure deception, so don't talk about it here. 】

[Such a ghost king is by no means acceptable to ordinary people. 】

In the live broadcast room, Ruan Lingwen put down a purse.

Netizens seemed to be quiet and sat down.

Ruan Lingwen chose one.

A guy appeared, in his 20s, with long hair, half covering his face.

The guy faced the camera and said humblely: "Hello, anchor."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "What do you want to be?"

The guy said: "My parents got married, and then my mother gave birth to me, and died of illness three years later. My father remarried, and my stepmother had a son who was one year younger than me, and then gave birth to a daughter."

[Cheat in marriage? 】

[Little San is in the top position? 】

[I know this family, the family of four is right, the eldest son is redundant. 】

The guy said: "I graduated from university and joined the company, basically nothing happened. A few days ago, my dad said that he lost the documents, and it was found on me. A veteran of the company said, I want to set up another company."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "What do you mean?"

The young man's voice was very soft, as if it would break if touched: "I can leave this house, but I don't want to be charged with such a crime. I beg the anchor to help me figure it out. Where are the documents?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "I'll show you the way."

The guy said: "The anchor please tell me."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Call the police and ask the police to investigate. It is the police's job to investigate the case."

The boy's eyes lit up and he said, "I understand."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Go now."

The guy grabbed his phone and ran away immediately.

After going out, Sa Yazi ran to find the police.A boy like the wind has never run so fast in his life.

The phone was left on, and when he saw the police, the guy gasped and asked, "Is it okay now?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Call the police."

The live broadcast is over.

Ruan Lingwen went back to the bedroom first to tidy up.After changing clothes, I came out and sat on the sofa, feeling comfortable.

Ning Xintong sat beside her, looked at her expression, then looked at her phone, feeling crazy again.

Ning Xintong and Ruan Lingwen said: "That man's first wife, who made his fortune, killed his first wife, and now he wants to kill his son?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The original partner just lent him a sum of money."

It can't be counted as the original partner, and the mistress is also very powerful.

Ruan Lingwen said: "The man has always been fond of his son, and wants to give him a family fortune and let him get married."

Ning Xintong knew about it, and said, "Miss San is reluctant? This wronged him for stealing. If he succeeds, he will lose everything? Everyone thinks that he is in a hurry to run for his life."

Ruan Lingwen said, "It's not about running away, it's about Xiao San and the blame being placed on him."

Ning Xintong said: "That's almost like running for your life. Why is that woman so poisonous?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "What reason do you want? Said that the original spouse robbed her man?"

Ning Xintong was dumbfounded, and asked, "Who is robbing whose man?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Of course it was the mistress who met first, but there was no time. A man has no money to start a business, so the original partner happened to be connected."

Ning Xintong said angrily: "It was her fault, who is to blame? This man is nothing, the illegitimate child is one year younger than the legitimate child."

Yao Juan gossips: "Could it be that woman's plan? When the original partner dies, the two will get together."

Ning Xintong looked at the Internet, laughed and said, "The family is completely famous. The illegitimate child is quite outstanding, comparable to Luo Jiachen."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Luo Jiachen is not an illegitimate child."

Ning Xintong was unambiguous, and said: "The Luo family has two sons and one daughter, so does that family. There is an illegitimate child in that family, and Aunt Cao raised by the Luo family is an illegitimate daughter. The two families are even."

The account can still be calculated like this.

Ruan Lingwen ate the cake, it was delicious.

Ning Xintong picked up a small piece with a fork, ate it into her mouth, and continued to watch.

"Hahaha, Xiaosan's attitude towards his original wife's son-in-law has been revealed."

Ning Xintong was furious, and cursed: "There are still such poisonous women now! They forced people!"

Ruan Lingwen said, "What's so strange?"

Someone was calling her frantically, but Ruan Lingwen didn't care.

Aunt San and Jiang Lingjie accompanied Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin back.

After resting for a while, the siblings went into the study and continued to practice calligraphy.Their teacher said that before school starts, they must reach a certain level.

Ning Xintong and his younger brother went home to practice whatever they had to do.

The Ning family, dinner is ready.

Wei Ping felt that her son had changed a lot.No matter how I taught it before, it didn’t work.

Wei Ping discussed with Ning Kai: "Let's buy a house in Xingyue City? It's more convenient for them to play together."

The old lady supported: "In ancient times, Meng's mother moved three times."

Ning Xintong said: "Ruan Lingwen is going to build a villa in Yunshu Lake West."

Wei Ping said: "Then buy an apartment in Xingyue City, and Ning Xingyu will live there when he is in school."

The old lady supported: "It's not that we can't afford it."

Ning Kai nodded.Buy another suite.

Ning Kai said: "Why don't you put it under Ning Xintong's name and count it as a gift for you? When Ning Xingyu goes to college and you graduate, the house is easy to live in."

Ning Xintong is in a complicated mood, can she still get a flat?

Ning Xintong said: "There are three rooms and two halls in Xingyue City, five to six million."

Ning Kai asked happily: "You look at it yourself first? Anyway, you are idle. Buy it if you are satisfied with it."

The villa here is very good, I will leave it to my son.

Ning Xintong has three bedrooms and two living rooms, which is not too small.Smaller four-bedroom and two-living rooms are fine.

Ning Xintong told Ruan Lingwen the good news.

Ruan Lingwen is at home, send back a message of congratulations.

The third aunt sneered, "Yao Liting is looking for me."

Ruan Kailin asked curiously, "Don't everyone on the Internet know about her mistress?"

Aunt San said: "Missan is different from Xiaosan. She wants to be in the top position. We will all have a wealthy mistress in the future."

Yao Juan sneered and prepared dinner.

Ruan Haolin washed his hands and came to prepare for dinner.

The third aunt received the message again, but didn't read it carefully, guessing: "Her father is probably happy."

Ruan Kailin said: "Didn't the wealthy mistresses look down on us before? Her father still wants to get rich?"

Ruan Lingwen was eating fried shrimp with celery.

Yao Juan said, "I'll make a shrimp slide tomorrow."

The third aunt said: "Then buy some shrimp tomorrow."

Ruan Kailin eats stir-fried beef tenderloin and picks some for her sister.

Ruan Lingwen stuffed green peppers with meat for her, and said, "My cute and resistant sister should eat more."

Ruan Kailin rolled her eyes and smiled again: "Everyone thinks I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned."

The third aunt said: "If you fall every day, your skin will be rough."

But in good spirits.Children are young, they will be white after raising them, and they don't need to be white every day.

After dinner.

Yao Liting kept harassing her and didn't stop.

The third aunt became more and more imposing.I didn't take her seriously before, and I don't take her seriously now, but I have to come to her.

Ruan Lingwen said: "Yesterday they were too indifferent to answering, but today they can't afford it."

The third aunt nodded, busy taking care of the two little ones.How can I take care of those?

Yao Juan took a look at her mobile phone and said with a smile, "Yao Liting said that the boss has tens of billions."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Organize a group to grab money?"

(End of this chapter)

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