Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 109, thank you for not being sensitive

Chapter 109, thank you for not being sensitive (45)

On Sunday, the number of people in the Shiling Shibuling live broadcast room approached tens of millions!

Li Xuebin has many fans.This brings more people in.

Ruan Lingwen was steady.

Li Xu couldn't hold back any longer, and asked, "Dad, what did you say?"

Fans are also crazy.

[Is this trying to trick people out? 】

[Then what to do? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Take turns or something."

[Fuck! 】

[Can't bear it! 】

【what relationship? 】

【That woman is a ghost!Can a ghost take her away? 】

【The human world is not a place for her to stay. 】

[Go to the eighteenth floor of hell! 】

Yu Shan hugged her daughter, hit her again, and cried loudly!

Li Xuebin sat on the side, in a daze.

[The family is so miserable. 】

[Has been murdered to this point. 】

[Is the whole family being played around? 】

【That girl, I want to kill her! 】

[My grandma is such an elegant person, she scolded angrily. 】

[I saw the woman's mother. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I know, that fan is also watching the live broadcast. She has liked Teacher Li for ten years, and she must get him."

[This bitch is still watching the live broadcast? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's not only because of being favored, but also because of her family."

【Dare to do this, of course it was connivance by parents. 】

[Her father has a mistress and two illegitimate children. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Her mother is also a fan of Teacher Li. Because Teacher Li is excellent, her mother wants to marry. Moreover, she also mentioned to Teacher Li that she wants to be friends."

[Fuck! 】

[Package//raise? 】

[Our wife fans are just talking. 】

[Wanting to give birth to a monkey for Mr. Li is just talking. 】

【Is Li Xuebin disgusted? 】

[Why did the anchor say it? 】

[Of course after this incident, the mother will definitely contact her. 】

[It's better to understand better, don't be fooled again. 】

[Ms. Li is only good at acting at work, but some people are good at acting in life. 】

[I think Li Xu can't take it anymore. 】

[She thought her acting skills were good, but she was played around by others. 】

Li Xu was not reconciled, and shouted: "Dad!"

Ruan Lingwen interjected: "She monitored your family, and she knows when your father takes a shower."

Li Xuebin couldn't take it anymore.

Yu Shan couldn't take it anymore and screamed, "Where is the ghost?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Don't be nervous. Teacher Li and Teacher Yu are both good people with merit."

Yu Shan shouted: "I want to fight that bitch!"

Ruan Lingwen reassured: "Don't worry. She's not worth it."

Li Xuebin stood up and comforted his wife.

Yu Shan slapped him.

Li Xuebin accepted it honestly.

Ruan Lingwen watched calmly, and said calmly: "Because you have merit, that ghost is not very strong, and can't do too many things; so he tricked the child and let someone do it. If something happens to the child, Teacher Yu and Teacher Li will work hard."

【shudder! 】

【bristle! 】

[Is this asking Mr. Li and Mr. Yu to kill each other? 】

[Cannibalism is impossible. 】

[Could it be that Teacher Yu killed Teacher Li? 】

[Isn't there a ghost? 】

[Pretend that Teacher Li missed and killed Teacher Yu. 】

[If you miss something, you will not be sentenced to death/penalty. 】

[So, that bitch still has a chance? 】

Yu Shan looked at the barrage and became cold.It's useless to blame Li Xuebin when you've completely cooled down and met such a lunatic.

Ruan Lingwen said: "She wants a good man wholeheartedly, but if a man accepts her, she is not good. Therefore, she is unworthy!"

[Yes!Bitch/people don't deserve it! 】

[She is not worthy! 】

[Not worthy! 】

Li Xu looked at the barrage, a bit unacceptable, and wanted to cry: "I..."

[Crying, what a good child, he was almost ruined. 】

[Fortunately, fortunately!Teacher Li found Shi Lingling today. 】

[Ms. Li really loves children, maybe she will follow her tonight. 】

[Who would have expected the accident? 】

[Ms. Li loves children, Shi Lingling is the best! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "After Teacher Li divorced, that woman appeared in front of Teacher Li. But Teacher Li didn't even look at her."

[Not even a single look! 】

[Look at her dirty eyes! 】

[She really doesn't know how disgusting she is! 】

[Still monitoring Mr. Li's family, is this something a normal person can do? 】


[A pack of nonsense! 】

[Pretending to be a ghost! 】

[The dog barks again. 】

The doorbell of Yu Shan's house rang again.

Ruan Lingwen said, "I called the police."


【Shi Lingling: I'm going to call the police anyway. 】

[The dogs bark more cheerfully, the police have arrived. 】

[Oh, there is also a master of Xuanmen! 】

[Can I watch Ghost Catch live? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "The police are here to collect evidence."

Yu Shan immediately handed over her daughter's mobile phone. If she hadn't been a little rational, she would have smashed it.

Li Xu burst into tears, not because of the pain from being beaten by his mother, but because it hurt his self-esteem too much!

Li Xuebin stood aside with his daughter in his arms.If the child turns around and coaxes, this matter must be resolved first, and it must be resolved.

Yu Shan was also watching, her mind was in a mess and she couldn't care about her image.As for anyone saying that she is not good enough for Li Xuebin, that kind of stupid beeping is completely unreasonable.

The camera is facing, and the first floor is almost displayed in front of the audience.

【so big! 】

[This means that the first floor is almost opened, or it is not separated. 】

[Actually, it's not particularly big.But it's an interesting design. 】

Li Xuebin immediately said: "When I bought the house, I didn't have enough money. It's as simple as that."


[Anything that is high-end can't be associated with money. 】

[Hahaha it was arranged later. 】

[Teacher Yu is very good at making arrangements. 】

[Li Xuebin doesn't have enough money to buy a house? 】

[Mr. Li has few endorsements, and often donates money, so there is not much left. 】

[This layout is good, but not too high-end. 】

[Didn't everyone say that after Li Xuebin divorced, he moved out to rent a house? 】

The living room and dining room are connected, a piano is placed on one side of the living room, and the kitchen next to the dining room is also semi-open.

Connected together, it feels like a lot of space.

Several policemen are at the piano.

The Taoist masters took the lead.

A policeman immediately whipped out a wicker whip.

a scream!
[Ghost! 】

[I saw a ghost shadow! 】

A few policemen whipped bravely!

[It feels like a gust of wind. 】

[Is the boss of Xuanmen blocking? 】

[Smack me hard! 】

[Smash it to death! 】

[No, you can't die so easily, you have to go through the eighteenth floor of hell anyway! 】

[This is the first time I saw the police blowing/winding, and everyone was very involved in watching it. 】

[No, the ghost wants to make a bigger move! 】

Ruan Lingwen had no choice but to say, "I'll take it."


【So, what Shi Lingling practiced for them is also for us to see? 】

【No, it was Shi Lingling who could handle him well. 】

【Shi Lingling, don't be polite!Give him a set for Man Han Quan Banquet! 】

【This ghost is not strong, Shi Lingling doesn't even need to go out to fight. 】

The police calmly went to collect evidence.

The camera returns to Li Xuebin's family.

Li Xuebin thanked him very sincerely: "Thank you Shi Lingling. Among other things, my child is still young."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Don't worry. Also, although it shouldn't be said that way, that woman did suffer a bloody disaster. It's quite miserable."

Li Xuebin was very stable, and said seriously: "I am a very ordinary person. It is my honor to be liked by everyone. I hope everyone can have a beautiful life of their own."

(End of this chapter)

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