Chapter 114, Family King

Ruan Lingwen had a good night's sleep at home.

Get up and comb your hair.It's almost an inch long, and it looks good after straightening it out.

Refining two furnaces of pills at a time is more difficult, especially if you refine it for a long time.So Ruan Lingwen decided to make two furnaces every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning.Let's talk if there are special circumstances.

In this way, the time is full.

Originally, there were five days of live broadcast, plus three and a half days, and other things.Ruan Lingwen didn't want to do more at all.

Yao Juan looked at the big baby, it's hard work, let's rest.

Ruan Lingwen sat on the sofa in the living room.

Yao Juan tidyed up the house.

The third aunt was relieved when she came back.

Yao Juan is like a full-time mother, and Ruan Letian sometimes goes out to accompany Ruan Haolin.

Ruan Haolin came back and looked for the elder sister.

Ruan Lingwen ate peaches and watched him learn chess.

The third aunt said happily: "The teacher said that he studied very well."

Ruan Haolin said modestly: "General."

Not as powerful as the eldest sister, she can calculate everything.

Ruan Lingwen comforted his younger brother: "Let's study hard."

Ruan Haolin was happy.

Yao Juan asked his father: "Is our family going to produce a world champion of Go?"

Ruan Letian took a look and asked, "Hao Lin's goal isn't Go?"

Go is just a hobby, although it may be excellent.Ruan Letian scratched his head, although he was a ghost, he could still scratch.It's just that the children are too good, which makes the father a little confused.

Yao Juan ignored it and prepared dinner.

Ruan Kailin came back, covered in sweat.She sat down to rest first, and called her sister: "Someone asked me to endorse girls' clothing."

Yao Juan asked: "Do you want to go?"

Ruan Kailin said: "I don't want to. The money my sister earns is enough to support the family. I want money, and I will earn it later."

Yao Juan asked: "Is it to let you make money as soon as possible?"

Ruan Kailin nodded and said, "What do I do with so much money?"

There is an older sister at home, and what the younger sister wants to do.She changed her clothes and came out of the bedroom, hugging her sister and acting like a baby.

Ruan Lingwen hugged her and asked, "Do you want to see an art exhibition?"

Ruan Kailin said happily: "Okay." But then said, "Luo Jiachen still wants to hold a concert here."

Gaoning is not a provincial/capital city, so the opportunities should always be less.

Ruan Kailin didn't like Luo Jiachen at all, and said in disgust, "Why is he still relying on Gao Ning?"

The third aunt said: "Do you want Wenwen to look good?"

Ruan Kailin laughed and said, "How does Luo Jiachen compare with sister now?"

The third aunt washed the clothes, came over and said: "Now some people think that Chen Yu has a perfect ending, and Wen Wen should be like this."

The third aunt sneered again: "Does the Luo family recognize it? Can the Luo family compare with the Chen family?"

Although the Chen family is a bought child, they have been well nurtured.If there is no word for buying, it would be perfect.

The Chen family was punctured, and they came to the door cleanly.

What about the Luo family?With luck, the Luo family can compare with the Chen family?

Ruan Lingwen said: "The family still wants to learn about Peach from the Luo family."

The third aunt said: "Probably someone from the Luo family who I knew before, from that circle."

Even if Aunt San didn't understand, didn't Yao Liting still have a circle of mistresses?A circle is like a village, and benefits can be obtained nearby.

Ruan Lingwen didn't care, everyone went to the table and prepared to have dinner.

The third aunt received Ruan Leping's message and told everyone, "Ruan Leping decided to return the house to Haolin."

Ruan Haolin said: "That means, neither the eldest sister nor the second sister has a share? He can want it, why doesn't the third aunt have a share?"

Ruan Lingwen called him: "Eat."

The third aunt stopped talking, it was off-putting.Shouldn't Ruan Leping return the house?He also put on a look of how generous he is.

Ruan Kailin said: "It's not like learning from the Chen family. The Chen family has really raised it for more than ten years."

Ruan Leping robbed the house and ignored the children, he should have paid it back.

Yao Juan asked curiously, "Ruan Leping and Xu Fang lost their jobs, how will they live in the future?"

At this age, it is not easy to find a job again.By Ruan Huiling?Ruan Huiling is 15 years old and has to be raised for several years before she can be slaughtered.

Therefore, we still have to rely on Kailin and Haolin.He is dreaming!

Yao Juan sneered and said, "He hasn't got a brain yet."

Ruan Ledan called.

Third aunt connected.

Ruan Ledan said: "The family is finally asking me to come out. I have never lost face before."

Aunt San didn't know what to say.

Ruan Ledan said: "Those shameless people may want to pester Hao Lin wholeheartedly, so be careful."

The third aunt asked, "Hao Lin will inherit the throne of the Ruan family?"

Ruan Ledan said, "It's not like that."

The third aunt said: "I think too much."

hang up the phone.

Ruan Haolin said seriously: "I will be careful."

Ruan Letian said angrily, "I will look at Haolin."

He will tear whoever comes again.

The moonlight was good at night, and Ruan Letian and Yao Juan came to see Ruan Leping again.

Ruan Leping is miserable now, and he seems to be invincible.

Ruan Letian put him down.

Xu Fang screamed!

Yao Juan ignored her.Let's serve Ruan Leping in the future, there's no need for Kailin Haolin to serve her.

Ruan Leping has never raised Kailin Haolin for a day. Ruan Leping also has an elder nephew and a second nephew.

Ruan Hongjian was terrified when he saw Ruan Leping miserable!

Ruan Letian and Yao Juan returned home and continued to practice hard.Don't always take other people's ideas, you have to rely on yourself to be a human being or a ghost.

Xu Fang frantically called Third Aunt.

Third aunt ignored her.She used to be very tall, and she could rob other people's houses, shameless.

Third Aunt looked online, and some people used this to talk about Wenwen.

[Is it too much?That's my uncle! 】

[There are so many rubbish in the Ruan family and the Yao family, you are so filial, please go back and make offerings. 】

[Ruan Letian and Yao Juan's children, please don't meddle with others, it's purely cheap! 】

[There are parents, three aunts, and older sisters, you should be chopped off if you stretch your hands too far! 】

[I don't want a few children to have a better life. 】

[Anyone who comes out and says nothing! 】

There are many netizens, so I will finish scolding those.

The third aunt knew her role.Even if she is useless, she is still an elder in the eyes of others.

Third Aunt has to work hard, and she can't give anyone an excuse to meddle!As long as she is strong enough, everyone else will go away!

Aunt San fought hard!High school, college, she can learn it!Wenwen can make money to support the family, and the third aunt is not a waste!
People, isn't it just to fight for breath?

Ruan Lingwen slept comfortably.

Get up early and see Aunt San is reading again, Aunt San is so respectable!
Ruan Kailin also worked hard!

After all, the third aunt is not young anymore, Ruan Kailin is young, relying on herself!
Jiang Lingjie watched, he also had to work hard.It couldn't be done before because Feng Shanshan had to protect a family of girls now.

The neighbors next door looked terrible.

Ghosts are not scary, but people are the scariest.

The family on the eleventh floor went out with that momentum.As long as you don't die, you will die.Good day, summer is already hard.Look at these kids being forced.The old lady couldn't stand it.

Early in the morning, Xu Fang came to Xingyue City.

A group of old ladies did not dance in the square, but went to dance Xu Fang.

Xu Fang yelled wildly: "Fuck you!" and cried, "Do you know what they are doing? Aren't you afraid of ghosts?"

The old lady said: "People are scarier than ghosts! Think about what you have done!"

The old man said: "I'm busy all day, so I don't have time to talk to you at all."

(End of this chapter)

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