Chapter 116, find grandma

Ruan Lingwen took the ghost because it couldn't be dealt with there.

A group of people who eat melons is not enough.

【Brother Gua, sell your melons quickly! 】

【I'm not far from your place, I'll drive there on Saturday. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "I'll choose the next one."

【Class begins! 】

[I'll talk about Gua's matter later. 】

[This...sister? 】

A woman appeared on the screen, and there was a sense of chaos that went straight to people's hearts.

The woman is more than 30 years old, very imposing!But her hair was messed up, her face was messed up, and her clothes were not as neat as expected.

She shouted to the anchor: "Hello, my two children are missing."

Ruan Lingwen also said bluntly: "You work overtime every day, and you were busy until twelve o'clock last night to go home; your mother-in-law went on a trip, and your husband went on a business trip."

The woman is impatient to the extreme, and she still has the last bit of reason, so bear with it.

Ruan Lingwen said: "You didn't even look at it when you came back, and you were busy going to work again in the morning, and it was only when you got to the company that you realized that you didn't see the child."

The woman said fiercely: "You don't have to tell me this."

Ruan Lingwen said, "You two children, you don't even know when you're gone."

The woman said angrily: "I know, I still ask you?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Then you don't have to ask. Go to work with peace of mind, and you will feel more at ease when someone will call you later."

[Fuck! 】

[Is this a mother? 】

【Have you gotten used to the overlord? 】

[Even if the overlord is looking for a child, he is only a mother. 】

[She doesn't worry about the child at all, don't you understand? 】

【She is busy. 】

【I know. 】

[Why are you so busy having a baby? 】

[How much impact does a woman's childbirth have on her work?Two more? 】

[This family has problems.It doesn't matter if grandma can go on a trip. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Grandma thinks this way: the couple threw their two children to her and never cared about it; she worked hard for a semester at school, and this holiday, she went on a trip, right? The lady gave enough Money, Grandma thinks, she has a retirement salary, and she travels with her own money."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I don't know if the calculation is accurate. But, according to my calculation, the lady called grandma and asked grandma. Grandma said: You don't care about your child, and he disappeared in two days?"

【I understand. 】

[Grandma must have another sentence: I am your nanny? 】

[Women always say they are busy. 】

[Women are under a lot of pressure. 】

[But not this attitude.What's wrong with Heshi Lingling? 】

【The child is fine, so Shi Lingling is in no hurry. 】

[That's good luck.Which parent can rest assured when two children go out? 】

[Hahaha I think this is a mother, I am really waiting for the phone call. 】

【the phone is ringing. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "I'm busy with work."



[It's better not to have such a mother. 】

[If it were me, I would also run away from home. 】

【Shi Lingling, where did the child go? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Uncle called and the line was busy. He's used to it, so he stopped calling."

[The child went to find his uncle? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "I went to find grandma. Grandma took the two children when they were young."

[When I was young, my grandma took it, and when I grew up, my grandma took it. 】

【Mom: I have wasted two years giving birth to them. 】

[Time waits for no one, I have to make up for two years. 】

[Women are difficult, but this is not a reason to ignore children. 】

[There are queens and female presidents in foreign countries, and they still have to take care of their children. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Grandma loves grandson, and grandson misses grandma. My mother said for three years to take them back to see grandma, but she didn't go once. The two children felt that she had broken her promise. The children should not be dishonest. When they understood the trouble, they went there by themselves. .”

[I am uncle.A friend told me, so, thank you Shi Lingling. 】


[Haven't been home to see your parents for three years? 】

[What are you busy with? 】

[She is a CFO of the company. 】

[The company wants to go public. 】

[She may be able to get equity incentives. 】

【She really worked hard. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Uncle, take the child back quickly. Your grandmother is about to pass away, and the child can still see her."

【Shi Lingling means my grandmother? 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: "Yes, your mother also misses the children, and they also liked grandma when they were young."

[That's fine, I'll go back first. 】

[I suddenly feel! 】

[Did the two children think of something? 】

【Fortunately, I went decisively! 】

[Rush back to see grandma for a ride. 】

[Tears. 】

[The CFO, do you still remember grandma? 】

[My own mother doesn't remember, who remembers grandma? 】

【Her mother is indeed a very enthusiastic person and treats her grandma very well.Her grandma has been in bed/in bed for many years, and her mother has been taking care of her. 】

[The old man is not in the city, her aunt and aunt are all in the city, and her mother is in her hometown to take care of the old man. 】

[Her brother is also very good, filial to his mother and grandmother. 】

[I wish the elderly all the best, and wish the mother a long and healthy life! 】

[Mum looking for a child, still busy with work?Does she remember the two children? 】

[Forget it, stop talking. 】

[What about being a father? 】

[I'm Dad, I just started the live broadcast. 】

[I'm sorry everyone, and I'm sorry for the children. 】

[I'm not very busy at work, but I travel a lot. 】

[I'm going to ask for leave now, and go to my grandma's side. 】

[Thank you for your concern, I will spend more time with my children in the future. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Your two children are very good, and they are taught well at home. Everyone doesn't know much about the situation, and they hope that the children will grow up healthier."

【Thank you, Shi Lingling. 】

[Others may not know much about his family's situation. 】

[But being a mother is still busy at this time, I can't accept it. 】

[Obviously, when Dad is at home, he takes care of the children. 】

[I guess, this mother is very strong. 】

[It's not ordinary strength. 】

[A strong woman doesn't have to be strong all the time. 】

The woman finally went up and asked, "Why haven't you called yet?"

Ruan Lingwen replied, "I wish you all the best."

kick people.

【murderous look! 】

[Shi Lingling is angry! 】

【How much money did Shi Lingling take from her, why should she serve her? 】

[Obviously, grandma has been paralyzed for many years, and she doesn't care much. 】

[The money is in place, and there is a mother as a nanny. 】

[She is the only one in the whole family. 】

[Is the family short of her money? 】

[Her brother earns a lot. 】

[Old people, children, do you need money?need. 】

Ruan Lingwen drew a talisman with peace of mind.

Netizens left the CFO and simply discussed this issue.

【Our CFO was called back by the boss. 】

【The boss told her to go home! 】

[The CFO seems to have had an argument with the boss. 】

[You go to work, are you not afraid of being known by the boss? 】

[I know everything now. 】

[My classmate also contacted me.In other words, we're on fire. 】

[The boss is probably mad. 】

[I suddenly worried, will this CFO be angry with the child and make her years of hard work go to waste? 】

【Not that serious. 】

[Anger is definitely angry, but what's wrong with the child wanting to see grandma? 】

(End of this chapter)

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