Chapter 134, Fly Talisman?

After refining the alchemy, Ruan Lingwen was ready to go home.

Kang Dongmei came over to look for her child, and saw her devouring a bowl of noodles.

Kang Dongmei's heart is in a mess, what kind of child does she want?There are so many lovely children.Is it so important to live by yourself?At the beginning, he was cheated and suffered for three years.

She has no children, and everyone will not ignore her.How much did it cost to have a baby?boring.

Kang Dongmei touched the child's hair, it was soft.She is not going to give birth, how hard is it to take care of the baby after she is born?Wouldn't it be nice to have a good time early?She should be retired at this age.If you don't have a grandson with you, you can help others to look after their grandchildren.

After Ruan Lingwen finished eating, he wiped his mouth.

Kang Dongmei took out the two jade charms and returned them to her, saying, "I don't need these."

Ruan Lingwen stuffed it to her again, and said, "I made this myself, with a little thought." She took out a few more purses, gave them to Mama Kang, and said, "I made this all by myself, Mama Kang, don't dislike it."

Kang Dongmei almost came to beg again, feeling very sorry, and said, "I'll be fine if I have this (purse)."

Ruan Lingwen said: "The jade talisman is stronger. I made the talisman, and it is not easy to break. Mother Kang just keeps it with you."

Zhang Ying persuaded: "Mother Kang, don't worry, the child likes mother the most."

Kang Dongmei looked at the child, took it away, hugged her and said, "Don't worry, you will always be my child."

Ruan Lingwen said happily: "I have another good mother."

Zhang Ying couldn't help but said again: "You are just a taunt."

Ruan Lingwen jumped up and said, "A child with a mother is like a treasure."

Zhang Ying said: "You are a living treasure."

Kang Dongmei said happily: "Baby is safe and sound." Seeing that the police came to pick him up, she urged, "Go back and rest."

Ruan Lingwen kissed Kang's mother in his arms, and said sweetly, "Goodbye, Kang's mother. If you have anything to do, just call me."

Kang Dongmei was very happy, and replied: "I will always watch you."

Ruan Lingwen followed Wei Zhou, and said cheerfully, "Isn't it fun for older brothers and sisters to become younger brothers and sisters?"

Wei Zhou saw that she would not grow up, and said, "Big brothers and sisters will always be brothers and sisters."

When Ruan Lingwen returned to Xingyue City, many people came to find him.

A woman followed her downstairs.

This woman is more than 40 years old, gentle and watery, like a girl.She has long hair with a little bit of wave, and a beautiful hairpin is pinned on the back. It is very gentle and girly, and there are some seemingly casual but delicate bangs.Wearing a blue dress, she is non-aggressive; the perfume smells good, full of feminine charm.

It's the kind that makes men like it and women accept it.

She is not too beautiful, but comfortable, just right.

Another woman came over and introduced to Ruan Lingwen, "She is Gang Lirou from the Gang family."

Ruan Lingwen stood at the door.

In the afternoon, when it is hot.

The old lady upstairs came down and watched.

There were also neighbors who came over and saw that the woman smiled very nicely, but she didn't try to trick the door, but deceived her ears.

The old lady looked at it, Ruan Lingwen should have seen through it by staring at her face, why pretend?
The woman wanted to go upstairs, she was sweating.

Yao Juan went downstairs to pick up the big baby.

Ruan Lingwen approached the old lady.

The old lady felt that Yao Juan was approaching, cool.This role of ghosts makes people dumbfounded.We all know that ghosts cannot bask in the sun, so don't be greedy for coolness.

Seeing that something was wrong, the other woman quietly backed away and signaled to Ruan Lingwen that she meant nothing malicious.

Ruan Lingwen didn't care, all kinds of relationships don't matter too much.

This woman faced Ruan Lingwen alone, don't be afraid, she handed over a gift bag.

Ruan Ling refused to answer, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The woman smiled very gently and said, "No, I just came to see you."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Are you okay? If you are sick, go to the hospital."

Yao Juan said, "I'm afraid there is no cure."

Ruan Lingwen said innocently: "I can't save it either."

The woman looks around.

There were some people around, but they didn't speak.

Those who are waiting to go upstairs, wait another 2 minutes; if Ruan Lingwen doesn't look like Moji, she will be killed within 3 minutes.

The woman could only say to herself: "You are the biological child of the Luo family."

Ruan Lingwen took out a talisman from the bag and threw it on her head.

The woman opened her mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

The old lady understood very well, and said, "It's like a ghost talking that people can't hear."

It's not difficult to understand, and it's not too strange or scary.

Ruan Lingwen groaned and said, "Forget it, she can still hear it."

The woman was in a hurry and hurriedly grabbed her.

Yao Juan stopped her.

The woman can't catch ghosts.

Ruan Lingwen took out a pen and paper from his bag, and leaned over the wall to draw symbols.

The old lady laughed, the child seemed to be sticking out his buttocks, what kind of amulet is that?

After Ruan Lingwen finished drawing, he put away the talisman brush and threw the talisman on the woman's head.

Boom, the woman seems to have been bombarded.

Yao Juan stopped.

The woman's eyes were dull, and she didn't know what she heard?
No one else can hear it.

Ruan Lingwen explained: "A swarm of flies, let her taste the buzzing of the flies."

The old lady laughed, flies are disgusting even if they are not noisy, right?

The woman regained her senses and opened her mouth to shout again, frantically trying to arrest someone.

Ruan Lingwen used sign language proficiently: Get out!
A woman can't understand, she doesn't read, she just wants to hear and talk!
Yao Juan and Da Baobao said: "You go home first."

She dragged the girl and threw her outside the community.

A few more people ran over.

The police sent Ruan Lingwen back and still haven't left, taking them away like garbage.

That Gang Lirou has a reputation, but these few are not.With these few, the police wanted to take Gang Lirou away.

Ruan Lingwen took the elevator home.

The old lady smiled and asked, "How long is the talisman valid for?"

Ruan Lingwen responded obediently: "Not necessarily. If she is sincere, she will be fine immediately. Otherwise, it may not be good for a year or two. It's not just a casual pretend."

No matter how good you can pretend, it’s not enough to pretend to be advanced.

The old lady was happy, and she touched her head, and it felt good.

The man in the elevator wanted to rua Ruan Wenwen, and this kid smiled sweeter.She has beautiful eyes, a sparkling smile and is very spiritual.Whether it's hot or irritable, watching her is healed.

No wonder Ruan Letian and Yao Juan adopted her as their own pet.Such a child, everyone really wants to take it home.

Ruan Lingwen entered the house.

Yao Juan floated back.I don't know how long it took, and someone hit her big baby again.

Ruan Lingwen took a shower and changed into a suit of white clothes that were very comfortable. Although he didn't have the right type, he wore them well.

Ruan Lingwen sat comfortably on the sofa.

Yao Juan went to prepare delicious food for her.

Ning Xintong sent another message: 【The dealer is still looking for you. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [I've been here. 】

Ning Xintong sent a message: [What do they want to do to you? 】

Ruan Ling heard back: [Cheat back to Zai. 】

Ning Xintong: [What is that Zhuang Jiajun?I thought I was awesome. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [Actually, it's quite strange, his wife likes him, and let his brother have a son. 】

Ning Xintong: [Or let him give birth?can you do it? 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [The difficulty is extremely high, not worth trying. 】

Ning Xintong sent another message: [My parents tell you to be careful during the Ghost Festival. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [I have already called the police. 】

The police are also busy.

(End of this chapter)

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