Chapter 139, Expulsion

Luo Huiying is an official in Yunxi.Backed by Cao's family, it's not a small one.So it's been empty before.

Now, the Cao family is finished, and Luo Huiying and her husband have been fired/expelled.

So Luo Huiying is free.She still wanted to be bigger, so she just rolled back home, she was very angry.Coming to Gao Ning in person, she couldn't deal with Ruan Lingwen and the Ruan family, and she was even angrier.

She went back to the hotel and was so angry that she wanted to hit someone!

A girl touched her.

Luo Huiying slapped her across the face.

The girl didn't recover, her boyfriend called back first!
The girl immediately grabbed Luo Huiying's hair and beat her hard.

There seems to be a deep hatred between the two sides.

Luo Huiying was surrounded by drivers and bodyguards, who wanted to rape/kill the girl.

The girl's boyfriend is very tough, he is not afraid of a group of people alone, fight!
The manager and security guards of the hotel rushed over to stop them.

Luo Huiying was so angry that she jumped at the girl and wanted to beat her again!

The girl was even angrier and kicked Luo Huiying hard!
Luo Huiying is an official/prestige and angry, but her strength is mediocre, so she was kicked down.

She is more than 50 years old, she usually looks good, and she is also very expensive.But she was expelled, and there were various things about Luo's family. In short, she is not doing well now, and the scene is quite spectacular.

There are many people in the hotel, and there are many people in Gaoning. It is not very late, and there are many onlookers.

Knowing a lot, he said, "Isn't this Aunt Cao's aunt Luo Huiying?"

"It's messed up. It's not Aunt Cao's aunt, but Aunt Cao's nephew's aunt."

"What is my nephew's aunt doing like a mad dog?"

Both the girl and her boyfriend were beaten terribly, and said angrily, "Luo's trash!"

The boyfriend was bleeding in several places, and while wiping with a tissue, he said, "I just bit someone for no reason!"

The police arrive.

The girl and her boyfriend sued.

The police wanted to take Luo Huiying away.

Luo Huiying was furious and slapped the policeman.

The onlookers were in an uproar.

"How arrogant is this?"

"Obviously she hit someone first, and another bodyguard beat the guy, how can she be so arrogant?"

"Aunt Cao is used to being arrogant, right?"

"My nephew's aunt used to be quite arrogant!"

The police handcuffed/handcuffed and took them away.

The girl and her boyfriend couldn't have fun anymore, so they went together, and they had to strip the Luo family down.

Those who saw it all took notes and testified.

Those who didn't go shook their heads.

"What else is going on in the Luo family?"

"Of course it's making trouble with the little fairy."

"The more powerful the little fairy is, the more people will make trouble against the Luo family."

Some things I didn't know, I finally understood.Also know their purpose.

Understand that there are many people.

"It doesn't feel good for the Luo family to toss about, right?"

"That's what they like."

"It's still the bankers making trouble."

The dealer has tens of billions and can make a lot of trouble.Not to mention the Luo family, anyone would come here twice.

"Little Fairy completely disowns the Luo family?"

"Recognize what?"

The people in the hotel dispersed, but they were there again.

Gao Ning is hot and there are many people.

Gao Ning is not too hot, Gao Ning is beautiful.

Early in the morning, there were many people walking around the lake.

Gao Ning's Moon Lake is really beautiful to the extreme, comparable to the Moon Palace.There are some historic sites by the lake, as well as imitation buildings, which are very good overall.

Behind Moon Lake is Yunshan.This has the feeling of being in a mountain but not a mountain.

What you want to go into the mountains is that smell, but the city can't be too out of the world, it needs fireworks, so this has just the right beauty.

The contrast between prosperity and immortality.

There are many cities and mountains next to each other, but none of them taste like this.

A mountain is a mountain, and a city is a city. Just around Moon Lake, the transition and integration between the mountain and the city is handled smoothly.

Therefore, Moon Lake is the holy land of Gao Ning.In the morning, countless people were walking around.

The lakeside is big, and there are many places to go around. People don't gather in one place, but disperse.

Hukang Hospital is also considered to be by the lake.

Ruan Ling heard it, and began to make alchemy when he entered the house.

There was a group of people chasing after me, thinking about peach outside.

Zhang Ying told her, "Luo Huiying may have to be brought back to Yunxi for investigation."

Ruan Lingwen said, "She didn't wipe her ass/butt clean, and she's in a hurry?"

Zhang Ying nodded, probably like this: "Her husband had something to do with it, and she did it herself."

Ruan Lingwen didn't care.It's best to come and pack one.

Zhang Ying doesn't care, what the hell is Luo Huiying?

It's very interesting that Luo Huiying's daughter Zhang Jifei is looking for her.Does Zhang Ying seem to be quite free?
Although Luo Huiying's husband's surname is Zhang, there are too many people with the surname Zhang, and it has nothing to do with Zhang Ying's family.

Ruan Lingwen made alchemy with peace of mind.

Shen Jing looked at her repeated operations, and was so serious every time.

Jiang Shi can gain something every time. Although it is not big, it can add up to a lot.

Ruan Lingwen refined two furnaces of pills and began to clean the furnaces.

Wen Dezhong woke up and asked her, "Is there anything you can do?"

Ruan Lingwen looked at him and asked, "What?"

Wen Dezhong looked at her big watery eyes, they were so soft, and said, "It's what makes people enlightened."

Jiang Shi also watched.

Ruan Lingwen said speechlessly, "This is a fundamental difference."

She also accumulated it in 60 years, and she had no foundation at first, just like the one drawn directly on white paper.

Shen Jing, Jiang Shi and others all have foundations and will be affected to a certain extent.

However, to use this, you need a foundation.

If Ruan Lingwen heard it, she would have to learn another trick.There seems to be no need to learn this.What she does is the point.

Ruan Lingwen can learn it if she is free, but she is not available for now.After practicing Dan, go home and prepare for other things.

Wei Zhou watched the children work hard, but the police made a lot of preparations, but they were not sure.

Xuanmen is preparing, but I don't know how big the trouble will be when the gate of hell is opened?

It is unlikely to hit the city, but if you go to the mountains, it will be very troublesome to keep playing tricks in the future.

Ruan Lingwen was obediently at home.Anyone outside who wanted to harass her had no chance.

Yao Juan stays with her at home.

With a few bodyguards hired and three aunts, Yao Juan doesn't care about Ruan Kailin anymore.

Ruan Kailin came back and said to her mother, "The Luo family has a niece looking for me."

Yao Juan asked, "What are you looking for?"

Ruan Kailin said: "The outside world is very exciting, and Gao Ning's local beetle has never seen it."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Tell you to gain insight?"

Ruan Kailin said: "I'm afraid that she doesn't have much knowledge and will waste my feelings."

Ruan Lingwen put his arms around his younger sister and pulled his younger brother, and said, "Now is a bit special. We'll go on a trip again when it's almost done."

Ruan Haolin was very obedient and said, "Don't worry, big sister."

The third aunt said: "When I learn it, let's go traveling."

Ruan Lingwen laughed and said, "Third Aunt travels around the world alone."

The third aunt was startled and said, "That's too difficult."

Ruan Lingwen said: "What's the matter? If you have money and a mouth, don't go to the most dangerous places, then it's not a big problem."

The third aunt was a little eager to try.Do you want to practice?Forget it, she still needs to study again.

As for having a mouth, she can't reach it for the time being.When you go abroad, it is better to ask for directions in Mandarin than in dumb language.

Yao Juan was also interested, and said, "Yao Hua, you can go there by yourself, and it will be done when you come back!"

A complete Yao Hua!

Xie Hua urged: "Third Aunt, just choose one or two countries and make a strategy. In fact, you can do it now."

(End of this chapter)

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