Chapter 150, Apparition

There is an open space at the gate of Star Moon City.

Now, it's really empty space.

At this time, no one should be there, and it is already midnight.

The moon was bright, and was covered by ghosts overwhelming the sky.

A large number of people came and surrounded Ruan Lingwen.

She has been unable to fly, and there is no way to go to the sky or to go to the earth.

Ruan Lingwen's hat flew off his head, and his short hair fluttered like chicken feathers.She was surrounded and almost suffocated, holding a small yin and yang mirror in her hand.

Several strong men rushed over frantically and snatched the small yin and yang mirror.

Ruan Lingwen is a little one, where is his opponent?She couldn't fly even if she stepped on the flying crane, and the flying crane was going to be crushed.

Ruan Lingwen was very distressed, and the third senior sister gave it to her.

That large group of ghosts robbed the small yin and yang mirror.

Weak ghosts can't take it, but there are many strong ghosts.

The strong man hurriedly snatched the small yin and yang mirror.

A small mirror, like Ruan Lingwen, was snatched from place to place.

Ruan Lingwen still has gold bricks in his hand, so he has to kill a bloody road!
A group of policemen came over to help Xiaoxian kill her!It is dangerous if trampled on!

Ruan Lingwen held the gold brick and was covered in blood!

A group of people and ghosts shouted frantically: "Grab the gold bricks!"

Someone got the gold brick.

The cops/sharks are crazy!At this time, it makes no sense.

Those human sharks/policemen are red-eyed!

Ruan Lingwen ran fast and finally reached the fountain.

A large group of people are chasing after them!
Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick, stepped on the flying crane, and flew into the sky!

There are a large group of ghosts over there, whoever snatched the little yin and yang mirror, and came to arrest Ruan Lingwen again!
"Kill her!" Someone yelled frantically, with deep hatred.

"Leave it to me!" Someone shouted excitedly, it's time to harvest the fruit.

"Burn her to death!" a group of crazy shouts, frenzy for burning!

"Thousands of people//riding!" I don't know if it is a person or a ghost.

The fountain spouted, and Ruan Lingwen threw out a handful of talismans.

Although there are more ghosts and fewer characters.The fountain can't deal with so many ghosts anymore.

Some ghosts prey on those around them.

Property management, security guards, homeowners, everyone gathered in one place, a large group and a small group, ready to fight in close quarters//!
A large group of soldiers came to reinforce!
They can't run fast, they can't catch up.But as long as people persist, persist!Even if you persist until dawn!

Although ghosts can also come out during the day, they are significantly weakened during the day.

Tonight, the ghosts seem to have been buffed, and the little ghost can also fight with people a few tricks.

Summer nights are short, but at this time they seem extraordinarily long.

A ghost has captured Ruan Lingwen, and it's over!

it's dark.

The powerful aura is accompanied by the stronger light of the small yin and yang mirror.

The moonlight forms a beam of light here, connecting the sky and the earth!
In the beam of light, a figure appeared.

He held Ruan Lingwen with one hand and stroked her head; he waved his hand casually, and there was a thunder.

A large group of ghost kings stared at the beam of light, and before they could figure it out, they disappeared.

Soul flies away.

Within a radius of ten miles, all the ghosts disappeared.

Yao Juan and Ruan Letian are two ghosts.

The beam of light disappeared, and the figure disappeared.

Ruan Lingwen, holding the small yin and yang mirror in his hand, stepped on the flying crane to the top of the building.

She doesn't care about things on the ground.She can no longer control Wangmu Village.Putting away the paper cranes, she sat on the roof and began to practice.

Yao Juan and Ruan Letian surrounded the eldest daughter, wondering if she was in a coma or practicing?Look at this pale face, the moonlight is also very white at this time.

It was still cold, and those who were scattered were still floating around.

Ruan Letian, Yao Juan, and Xuanmen, who were tired all night, all stepped up their practice.

A nun was so tired that she vomited blood.

Ruan Lingwen was covered in blood, so he couldn't care less about changing now.

Day, it seems to be bright soon.

The city regained its calm.

The old lady went downstairs to look at the property and the owner was busy cleaning up.

Everyone joins in and tidies up their homes.

Gao Ning is fine elsewhere, although there are thieves who take advantage of the chaos, but they are basically caught.

The most chaotic ones are around Moon Lake and around Xingyue City.

Whether it is living nearby, working, or elsewhere, come to clean up.

Someone picked up the camera and handed it to the police.

The police already have a lot of various things, and they will be collected first, and they will be dealt with later.

Some are lost in confusion.Some came to make trouble and left behind.There are shoes and pants, and there are many dangerous goods.

Today's sky is fine, look at the sky, it seems that there is not much difference.

A young man was very curious and asked, "Who was that person yesterday?"

The beauty said: "Fairy?"

The young man said excitedly: "It is said that Shi Lingling is a god preaching, but I didn't expect that there are gods protecting her."

The beauty said proudly: "Of course. Let's see if there is anyone else who dares to offend Shi Lingling in the future?"

An elder sister said with a smile: "In the past, it was only my parents who protected me, but now there are still gods appearing."

Many people ran to Xingyue City to worship the gods.

There are many policemen downstairs in Ruan Lingwen's house.

Ruan Lingwen has been brought home by her mother and is sleeping on the bed.

Ruan Lingwen opened his eyes.

Yao Juan stood by and said to her, "You don't need to make alchemy anymore."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Some people were seriously injured."

Yao Juan said, "Then you won't be able to go today. They all have rescue efforts."

Ruan Lingwen thought about it and felt relieved.

Yao Juan kisses the big baby and sleeps at ease.As for more troublemakers, Guo Jia will deal with them.

The reason why they are so crazy is because the big baby is too restrained towards them.No matter what bad things they do, they will be counted out by the big baby, and they have nowhere to hide.Anger grew from the heart to the gallbladder, and that's what he did.

Yao Juan is not afraid, the bad guys should make them lose their living space.Although it is impossible to change everything for the better, but if it can be less, it will be less.

Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin were at home today and did not go out.There is still some mess outside and needs to be tidied up.

The third aunt went out to buy vegetables, and made delicious food for Wenwen when she came back.

Ruan Kailin also cooks.She is 12 years old, and she knows how to do a little bit before, and she can do things like peel garlic with her hands.

Ruan Haolin also came, actively expressing his love and support for the elder sister.

Yao Juan has been sitting by the bed, watching.The big baby slept well, so she felt relieved.

At the police station, Wu Kerang is so busy that he is really excited.

Too many were caught and there was no place to lock them up, and some were taken away and are not here yet.

Zhang Ying poured him a cup of tea.

Wu Kerang took a breath and asked, "How is Little Fairy?"

Zhang Ying responded, "I'm asleep at home."

Lao Lin said, "Everyone is asking, who was that yesterday?"

Wu Kerang said: "What does it have to do with them? If there is a god standing three feet above the head, isn't that right above the head?"

Looking at him, Lao Lin became more and more convinced.

Wu Ke convinced himself and continued to work.There is a bit too much in this pot, and the pot can't be fried.

It's like making a big pot of vegetables, which most people can't do.Big pots and small pots are done differently.

Old Lin was very happy.It will be much safer if these are cleaned up.

Zhang Ying got the news and said, "Changdu has also made moves."

Wu Kerang didn't care.But such a big event must have something to do with Changdu.

A policeman came over and said, "There are rumors outside, how many people died."

Wu Kerang asked, "Have you not given up yet?"

The policeman said, "Isn't this trying to pin the pot on Little Fairy's head?"

Lao Lin said, "Everyone, work harder."

A group of people looking for death, need to talk about it?Yesterday, several police officers died.There were also casualties in Wangmu Village.

Who else wants to die?
(End of this chapter)

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