Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 157, the ancestral grave was dug

Chapter 157, the ancestral grave was dug

Ordinary ghosts are invisible to ordinary people.It belongs to blind beating and convulsions.

But the ghost king is powerful. This ghost king is red and full of karma.

Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick and smashed it on the head, bang bang!
There is no sound, it's this feeling, the ghost screaming, making the hotel shake.

"Stop!" the crowd yelled.

"How dare you!" The young man was crazy and fierce!The ghost king is his!

Ruan Lingwen missed, Jin Zhuan hit blingbling.

A few wicker whips hurriedly avoided.

There are still some people who want to come over, and they all avoid it.Seeing that the gold brick is back in the hands of the little fairy, do you want to grab it?If that one shows up again, it will be over.

There are people and gods behind the little fairy, and some people came because of this.

Although she is young, she has a nasty vibe about smashing ghosts with gold bricks.Isn't there a fairy behind it, does she dare?
Ruan Lingwen beat the Ghost King until he was covered in blood, and picked it up.

Everyone else had a good time.

Some people looking at it want to get a wicker whip to hold it.Put a wicker whip at home, you can have a convulsion if you have nothing to do, if there is a ghost, you can whip it, it is very courageous.

Willows are not afraid of breaking.Zheliu, who has been resting for so many years, can continue again.

In the past, the willows were folded to give goodbye, but now the willows are broken to fight ghosts.Or break a willow and give it away to fight ghosts?

The young man slowed down, stared at Ruan Lingwen, and said angrily, "Don't let him go?"

let go?Ruan Ling heard a brick.

The guy laughed and said: "The control is excellent, and one person can handle it all by himself."

Ruan Lingwen pointed at the group of gold bricks and asked, "Use ghosts to play that fairy dance?"

The old lady asked seriously: "Immortal dance?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked his big eyes, and said to his grandma fan, "It's about haunting ghosts and catching ghosts by yourself."

The old lady said: "That's not called fairy dance."

The young man was furious and shouted: "How dare you talk nonsense!"

Ruan Ling snorted, and said, "Do you want me to tell you one by one? Although I'm not good at times, I'm still very good at times."

The old lady held her forehead and said, "There is never a time when the child is not working properly."

The boy said: "Humble. Our baby Lingling is humble."

That group of people didn't dare to say anything to Ruan Lingwen.

Hahaha!Another young man came outside the door.

The young man was a bit stronger, but he was very easy-going, and said with a hearty smile: "Long Yao refused to study hard, so he pretended to be the ghost king of his family."

The group of people shouted: "Speak carefully!"

The young man was not afraid of them, and said, "Your Long family has become more and more limitless in order to make money. Not only are you playing tricks, but you are also digging people's ancestral graves."

An old man came over and said angrily, "Really?"

Ruan Lingwen looked at it and said, "Has your ancestor's grave been dug up? It's okay, just bury it back."

The old man was in his sixties, and he held hands with the little fairy and asked, "Is it really good to bury it back?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "It looks like this to me, there is no big problem. If you don't believe me, you can ask Daoist Xu to look it up for you."

The old man said: "No." But he was really angry at the Long family!
The strong guy is so courageous, he said: "Long Yao still wants to live broadcast to make money. I think Shi Lingling has so many fans, he looks more handsome, his Long family is a Taoist family, and he is definitely more powerful than Shi Lingling. So many people don't like Shi Lingling, and he is a man. It's a pity that he is a man, he can't get a certificate, and he won't be counted, so he can't live broadcast ghosts? Hahahaha!"

Many people were infected by his laughter.

Think about it too.The tricks can only be done behind the scenes.Although live broadcast can also be performed, it is much more difficult.

After all, Shi Lingling and Daoist Xu's good start was on the spot.

So, this is ignorant, thinking that being handsome is useful?
Those people are going to be pissed off.

The young man beat people angrily, and beat up the young man.

The strong boy grabbed his hand and punched him again.

That group of shots blocked.

More onlookers.

It didn't develop into a melee, the strong guy gave it a hammer and stopped.

The one who was hammered said viciously: "Liao Zhuang, you wait for me."

Ruan Lingwen said disgustedly: "There is smoke in the wicked belt. Lied to the girl. She was pregnant and abandoned again. Now the girl is going to die."

The young man who was hammered said angrily: "Fuck me."

Ruan Lingwen found a pen and paper, and drew symbols on the spot.

The strong guy came over, took the talisman she had drawn, and pasted it on Long Yao.

Long Yao said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Ruan Lingwen tidied up, humming: "Curse you for not//lifting for the rest of your life."

The strong boy was very excited and shouted: "It seems to have taken effect."

Ruan Lingwen asked him, "Do you want it?"

The boy said loudly: "In the future, when you see those dregs that are always in disarray, curse him."

The old lady is holding baby Lingling, so don't say such things again.

A lot of people reacted, happy!Is it more interesting than chemical (castration) castration?
A guy asked Shi Lingling: "Can the curse be broken?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

The group of people hurriedly said: "I will solve it immediately."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "You all want it?"

A group of people trembled angrily.

The others laughed wildly, hahahaha!

The strong guy smiled the most and said, "Try what level the Long family is now?"

The people of the Long family were really angry, and said angrily: "What level is your Liao family now?"

The strong boy replied: "Our Liao family is not like you."

The strong guy said with emotion: "Actually, how easy it is to make money now. Hasn't your Long family never seen money in eight lifetimes? Guo Jia should take care of you guys, it's so wicked!"

Someone asked Ruan Lingwen, "How is that girl now?"

The strong boy said: "That's the fault of the Long family. The Long family doesn't have this ability?"

Ruan Lingwen was about to leave.

The woman came over again and said, "How much does it cost?"

Ruan Lingwen left.

The woman chased after her and shouted, "I also do charity work."

Ruan Lingwen stopped, turned around and said, "It's not my way to count the time of caesarean section like yours. If it affects my way, even if you give 100 billion, I can earn it myself."


Others stopped the woman and looked at her, wouldn't it?

Having children seems to pay off.But you can't count everything, is it really a lot of money?

The old lady said: "Shi Lingling won't count the time of caesarean section for others, just let nature take its course and have God's blessing."

She left in a luxury car.

The young man said, "I counted my life as dead."

He drove away in a luxury car by himself.

A group of people without luxury cars dispersed.

The one whose ancestral grave was dug up asked Yang Xiaolong to make up for it.

Ning Xintong took the Ruan family's car and was about to be overloaded, and Yang Xiaolong fell behind.

Yang Xiaolong said to the old man, "No need."

The old man said: "I came to Gaoning just to invite the little fairy. This is what I should do." He said with emotion to everyone, "Shi Lingling is the best."

An old man said to him: "Since the little fairy said it's nothing serious, she should have seen it."

As for minor problems, they are common and can't be explained clearly.

Yang Xiaolong only charged 1000 yuan and left.

The old man thought about it and said, "If you need it next time, you should prepare something else."

Everyone understands.Like that gift box, you can give girls anything they like.

Someone said: "Lou Chao sent stocks."

The other laughed and said, "Little Fairy won't take it casually."

Wealthy and powerful, if she doesn't accept it, who will I give it to?

Everyone knows best about gift giving, and the person who has to give it is satisfied.Little Fairy doesn't accept nothing, the key is sincerity.

It's no big deal, everyone does.If three points are true and seven points are false, then the game is more 666.

(End of this chapter)

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