Chapter 160, Ten Thousand Begging Pills

In the morning, Ruan Lingwen packed up, carried a big bag, and went downstairs.

Wei Zhou came to pick her up and sent her to Hukang Hospital.

Zhang Ying was waiting here, dragging Ruan Lingwen along while gossiping in a low voice: "Qin Yi has had a stroke."

Ruan Lingwen didn't respond at all.

Looking at her, Zhang Ying already knew about it.

Shen Jing and Ruan Lingwen said: "The Qin family asks for medicine." She also gossiped, "To be precise, it's Xiaosan's brother."

Ruan Lingwen said: "That's fine, a furnace of 3000 million pills."

Shen Jing blinked, it seems that it is not expensive?
Zhang Ying contacted someone.

People like Ruan Lingwen and Shen Jing practice alchemy with peace of mind and don't worry about anything else.If you think too much, you can't do it well.

Several people in Wende prepared the medicine well.

Ruan Lingwen did it quickly.After all, Jiedu Dan is like this, like an assembly line.It's a pity that it can't be assembled yet, it all depends on the small gossip furnace.This small stove produces magical pills.

The alarm blared.

Ruan Lingwen didn't move, and made alchemy with peace of mind.

Wen Dezhong stood up and sat down again.

The alarm just means that there is a situation, and it does not mean that you will be called to the front.There is the strongest power here, and those who dare to come are the ones who are miraculous.

Wei Zhou was outside, looking at the ghost kings trapped in the corner of the room, it was quite interesting.

A few Taoists also came over. Although they helped the little fairy set up the formation, they didn't expect the effect to be so good.

The little fairy has also done it in Wangmu Village, in short, the little fairy is amazing!
Everyone hit ghosts together.

The ghost king was trapped there like a tiger in a cage.

The tiger is powerful, but it's all in the cage. If everyone can't beat it, they will be ashamed as Qin Yi.

Everyone is still very careful, reinforce it first, don't let the ghost king escape.

Wei Zhou played with a big wicker whip.He never imagined that one day he would do this.

Those from the Taoist sect practice happily with the five thunder orders and the mahogany sword.

A group of onlookers did not get too close.Avoid suspicion, and also avoid falling into the trap.Everyone is probably familiar with the methods of the police.But everyone is still not familiar with Little Fairy's methods.

Then another ghost king came.

Another golden light flashed, and the ghost king was thrown into the air.

A few policemen go up and hold the ghost king down, police/sticks!
You have to be careful when beating people with police/sticks, but you have to let go when beating ghosts.Electric tube is enough!One has to be careful.

This ghost king is quite strong, and he was so sour by the electric shock that he threw away the police and wanted to run.

The gold brick flew over again and knocked it down!
The police rushed forward again and shocked him!
In the room, Wen Dezhong took a look and really wanted to go out for a while.

Shen Jing was speechless.Judging by Ruan Lingwen, alchemy and the control of gold bricks are very hard work.However, the little fairy who can make alchemy and fight, which one would dare to come?
This magic weapon is also very powerful, no matter how you hit it, it can come back obediently.

Jiang Shi looked at it, he was here to grab the magic weapon.Do you think that in what era, if you know that the little fairy has a magic weapon, you can come and grab it?

As long as it's not a special case, Guo Jia doesn't care.

Ruan Lingwen was not too tired after refining alchemy well.

Zhang Ying came to collect it.

Wen Dezhong ran out excitedly to have a look.

The previous group of ghosts had already been killed, and yet another large group came, in broad daylight.

Shen Jing asked curiously, "Why are there so many ghost kings?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "There are divisions among ghost kings. But the key point is that the underworld is full of ghosts."

Shen Jing seemed to understand but half understood.

That is to say, there are too many ghosts, and after a few years, he has become the king of ghosts?Do you come to reincarnate when you have nothing to do?
There are too many ghost kings, the police are struggling, and the support has not arrived yet.

Ruan Lingwen jumped upstairs and took out the small yin and yang mirror.

A group of ghost kings rushed over.

Ruan Lingwen took everything.The small yin and yang mirror can be stored very much, and the surrounding areas are all collected.

The police hurriedly prepared.Find a suitable place first, it won't work here, the ground is messed up.

There is an open space by the lake, and all parties cooperate to clear the site urgently.

Here, there were some dancers and square dancers, but they all avoided or helped.

There are a lot of tourists, and those who saw ghosts, please avoid them.

All parties responded quickly and surrounded the surrounding area.

Ruan Lingwen stood in the middle, holding a small yin and yang mirror to release ghosts.

A group of policemen fight ghosts.

It's like drying grains on a threshing floor.This is the home of man.

The onlookers were all shocked!Kudos to the police!
There are also some Xuanmen, hack with the Five Thunder Talisman!Wu Lei's order, strike me!
In the little yin and yang mirror, some ghosts can't be locked away.Ruan Lingwen poured out some more.

Some ghosts took the opportunity to run away.

Some people waited with wicker whips, a wave of convulsions, and it was over.

The willow trees by the lake were bald.

Everyone excitedly said: "It should be more diverse. Don't throw the willow branches around, just stick them here."

"Nonsense, how messy is that?"

"It can be varied, but it is definitely not random."

"Use a willow tree to plant a gossip array to automatically trap these ghosts?"

I can really think about it.

The police are done.

Ruan Lingwen called it a day.

Zhang Ying looked at her, her face was pale and sweaty, she supported her and asked, "Are you still practicing alchemy?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "Have you paid?"

Zhang Ying said proudly: "Of course. Give the money first, then Dan."

Jiang Lingjie said from the side: "It's already in the account."

Ruan Lingwen said with emotion: "These people still have a lot of money."

Jiang Lingjie also sneered and said, "Missing Mr. Qin's property, can't his father live?"

Mr. Qin has about 80 billion, and he has two sons, which others can miss.

Perhaps, the illegitimate child is much worse than Mr. Qin, but is this Mr. Qin's fault?
No matter how his father supported the illegitimate child, it was useless. His father didn't blame the illegitimate child for not being able to support it, nor did he blame Xiao San for not being able to teach him.

Now that the money has arrived, Ruan Lingwen returns to the hospital.

One piece with Zhang Ying.It's no problem to use the medicinal materials in the hospital to make alchemy.

What's more, Ruan Lingwen's alchemy uses very precise medicinal materials, basically no waste.There is not much good medicine to treat stroke.

Zhang Ying felt that if anyone had special needs in the future, it would be fine to compare them with this.

Shen Jing asked curiously: "Are you really doing alchemy?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked.

When Shen Jing got it, she couldn't help but her pupils trembled!

Are you human?
Ruan Lingwen doesn't care, anyway, let her treat it, and she will treat it.As for what Wang Na will do, is that something she can manage?As for her figuring it out, that's two different things.

Shen Jing always felt that something was wrong.However, she will learn first if she can cure stroke.What else has it to do with her?
A man who doted on his concubine and killed his own son, still wants her to sympathize?Shen Jing's sympathy is not so overwhelming.

It's just a junior, even if there are some benefits, most people don't care too much about it.Perhaps there are too many to care about.

The point is, he is insatiable and greedy.

The police came over with a meal ready.

Ruan Lingwen ate first, and asked sister Zhang Ying, "What can I give you?"

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "Nothing is needed. You have to know that Gao Ning is getting better and better, and everyone is doing well in every way, so you really don't have to think about it."

Wen Dezhong echoed: "Gao Ning is really nice."

Ruan Lingwen said shyly, "I didn't do it."

It is the prosperity of so many people who work hard to move bricks, Guo Jia's prosperity.

Wen Dezhong said: "The credit is divided into ten parts, and you alone account for three parts."

Zhang Ying comforted the little girl: "You don't have to think about that."

Ruan Lingwen didn't want to.Wait until she is free, or when everyone needs it.

Shen Jing thought, she probably wanted to donate again.Donate it, it's her own money anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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